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+Helic Republic
+Guylos Empire


+Helic Republic
+Guylos Empire


+Helic Republic
+Guylos Empire


Zoids: Chaotic Century RPG

Welcome to Zoids RPG, the only freeform Chaotic Century RPG on EsperNet.

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Rules & Join

The story begins three years after the end of Zoids: Chaotic Century Guardian Force.  Both the Helic Republic and Guylos Empire are at peace and have split the western continent they once warred over into two halves.  On the land-bridge between the two halves of the continent, a small city has been built by merchants, simply called the 'Trade City'.  It draws in merchants from all over Zi to sell and trade there in this safe city that is owned by neither the Republic or the Empire, but is equally protected by both under the name of the Guardian Force.

With its own shops and bars, the Trade City has begun to draw in pilots and travelers as well.  However, there has been a new influx of travelers with the announcement of a Zoid tournament.  The prize is a heavily modified, powerful new Command Wolf, and a bucket load of prize money.


12/10/2002, 5:45pm - Added some more characters to the site, and the story here on the front page has been updated.  Sight -MAY- receive a new image scheme in the new year, I don't know yet.  All characters with a Zoid are invited to join the Zoid Battle Tournament, and we're still searching to fill out our character lists... There are a lot of folks still marked NPCs, guys!  And only Van, Emperor Rudolph, and President Camford have excuses for it.

11/22/2002, 11:18am - The role-play has begun!  ...Only three players with approved characters so far... But proof the RPG is actually going to go somewhere!  Character applications will still be accepted and I don't see them shutting down any time in the foreseeable future (unless we start getting WAYYY too many character forms, which I seriously doubt).  So, go get mIRC, check out the channel, and sign up!

11/21/2002, 5:45am - Well most of the important parts of the site are up and running, as well as rules and the form.  Though if you spot any mention of vehicles or Mobile Suits in the form, PLEASE tell me... it's actually a modified take on a form I used for a Gundam Wing RPG site I built, and sadly I wasn't able to catch all of the changes to be made.  We're ready to start the RPG any day now, and even though you can still join after we've started, we'd love to get as many people in the RPG at the opening as possible.  Remember to check the characters sections, too... There are still lots of TV series characters open for role-play.

11/17/2002 - First update!  Some areas of the site have yet to be completed (expect plenty of 'coming soon' pages), but I'm working on that to get content up.   

Copyrights & Credits

Zoids are ©1983-2002 Tomy.  Used without permission... but at least we don't lie about it.





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