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- Webmaster: Artemis
- GM: Ed3

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Copyright © 2002
Matthew J. Daye


Here is where you will find info on the quirks of the game, some specific game information, like where the group has been, what the vehicles stats are, etc. as well as little out of game things like Ed's Campaign Sims edition. Choose your area of interest from the choices below as usual.


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Art at his finest(or fastest)- Flip

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Final Fantasy?

I noticed after playing a few of the games that Many of the PCs and a few of the NPCs follow the character types from final fantasy, almost so closely that they even have the same weapon prefences. The following shows the character's parts in certain games (Note: I only started playing Final Fantasy a few Years ago so I can only compare with a few games. I'll add to this as I play more games)

Final Fantasy

Aerith - Uniqua
. Similar appearance and attitude, carries a staff and is strong in the ways of magic.
Cloud - Artemis. Attitudes are similar, and share the same preference for Swords. As the center of a similar love triangle.
Tifa - Jenna. While not as loud, personality is very much the same, and she enjoys using her claws.
Barret - Miguel. Loud, somewhat crude and more then a little fixated on guns, and while can use magic now little about it.
Nanaki - Red. Very much the same type of beast(ie: not a beast at all), talks like him too, although only art knows that.
Yuffie - Calli. Hyperactive prankster who keeps getting into trouble. Also I'm sure calli would love Yuffie's weapon.
Vincint - Kineko. Okay, so they're not the same gender, but they both have their own agenda and could care less what the group does.
Cid - Flip. Obsessed with flying and always seen smoking. And the base ball bats sorta like the spear...
Zell - Mordred.
A little cocky and way to willing to fight
Steiner - Joshua(i'm getting hurt for this one) Strong, brave, and propper to a fault
Flamming Amarent - Rider. Difficult, needlessly phyisophical,understands nothing and you never see his face.
Lulu - Trisha. Well, personality isn't so much the same, except maybe the introverted behavoir, but they have the same body type.

Character Arch Types

The Mentor(Someone who is there soley to teach, and leaves the dirty work to the pupil..mostly)- Ichiro
The Threshold Guardian(someone who is first a test for the characters but then becomes part of the group)- Sen(sorta)
The Herald(someone who informs the group of their quest or something that they must do.)- Jezebel
The Shapeshifter(someone who is one archtype but either becomes or is secretly another archtype)- Kineko
The Trickster(a playful character that is not ment to get in the way, but teaches humility to the main characters)- Calli
The Comrade(a combative type that doesn't change much and is there to assist the group when nessecary)- Kai
The Sidekick(someone who occasionaly will get themselves into trouble, but is mainly supportive to help the group)- Mike
The Detestable Villain(A bad guy with no redeeming qualities)- Nos'Gna and Tsi'Gneel
The Sympathetic Villain(a bad guy that you can identify with and atleast understand what made them that way, or a likable bad guy.)- Ku'Gnel
The Casualty
(someone who is abused or killed just to show how bad the bad guy actually is.)- Beatrice, the gypsies, and the indian tribe
The Initiate(a beginner and someone who is with the group to learn)- Rider
The Seer(someone who can see things the others cannot)- Cailet
The Outsider(someone who is good but because of some dark side or past cannot fully get along with the group)- Jenna
The Commander(the person who leads the group as a whole)- Uniqua
The Rogue(someone who plays outside the rules and does not work well with others but is generally working towards the same goals)- Kineko
The Rascal(the playful person who is well meaning and fun loving, usually serves as comic relef)- Flip
The Egghead(self explanatory)- Artemis
The Adventurer(someone ready for action and willing to do just about anything)- Miguel
The Champion(ther character always ready for a fight and is unparrelled)- Joshua
The Temptation(the distractions for the characters, weither it be monatary, physical or a love interest)- Different for different characters
The Spunky Kid(self explanitory)- Calli
The Damsel in Distress(someone put in danger for the hereos to save)- Take your pick...
The Sanctuary(someone who serves as a rallying point for the group where they can prepare for the fight ahead)- Hoi Wan M

Game Quirks

• Polygamy is as common than monogamy.
• Magic CAN do anything.
• Creative descriptors next to one's name make the game more fun.
• Both DigiChat and Volano are terrible chat services in their own special way.
• The NPC with the most absurd bonuses will invariably botch in face of the leader of the group, thus ensuring her eternal dominance.
• Wives and girlfriends tend to get copied or cloned somehow...(and is usually the reason for polygamy)
• Most of the actual action in the game takes place away from the terrible chat services. This is great because it means they're not over a terrible system. Bad because you wish you could see the cool role-playing that nets Artemis near 1000xp per session.
• Uniqua appears to suffer from narcolepsy
(due to her players sometimes sporadic schedual)
Art avoids kineko's ship because it causes his face to hurt...
• If a new player joins the group care of plot hole™ they will be instantly accepted, if they just walk up they will be viewed with suspicion and sometimes hate.
• Not having a sense of humor can get you killed, or atleast bored...
• Any vehicle that doesn't hover or is small enough to be stored is a paper weight
• Technology is not weak or unwanted, just overlooked.

Miguel's Paintings

Miguel has recently been making paintings of various scenes of the group. this is the list of paintings and where they are currently located.

• Uniqua and a pile of treasure - Uniqua's room in the mash
• Sue and Dunni - sue and Dunni's room
• Flip standing over Nos'Gna dressed as the stay puff marsh mellow man
• Uniqua and Calli standing like flamingos on a visit Florida post card - the pool door in the bringer
• Jenna on a beach towel sunbathing under a mango tree - the library in the bringer
• Jenna pushing Uniqua into the pool - on the outside of the sauna
• Art in panther form begging to be let in. on the other side of the door is a bowl next to a bag of meow mix - Calli's room
• Cute kitty art for Jenna (painting)
• Joshua and Alexandra in classical pose (painting)
• Calli on red lone ranger style (painting)
• Several nude and semi nudes of Trisha and Tori (sketches) – put up in Mig’s room
• Flip asleep with his goofy grin and Jezabel snuggled up to him (sketch) – given to Jezabel
• Trisha the nun – Mig’s room
• Tori as a Picasso – Mig’s room
• Many faces of Jenna (a picture of Jenna in 8 different forms) - The bringers master bedroom
• Flip as shaggy and Jezabel as Daphne
• Trisha as an angel in a translucent gown with small wings standing on an emerald fields with vibrant yellow wildflowers
• Family portrait of John, Fee, Vicky, and their daughters

Updated last May 27