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B r e a t h  o f  F i r e
D r a g o n  Q u a r t e r

This is a tiny tale of time concerning war between friends.
Destiny decided to challenge us,
and so we chose to end the world in order to meet our mortality.
There was nothing to regret.

Battle System


NOTE: Due to the lack of story information revealed by Capcom, not very much is known about the story behind Breath of Fire V, but here is what is known.

This is a tiny tale of time concerning war between friends.
Destiny decided to challenge us,
and so we chose to end the world in order to meet our mortality.
There was nothing to regret.

After a devastating natural disaster that took place on the surface of the planet, the inhabitants of the world have fled underground and created an underground world for themselves. 

The game supposedly takes place in one particular city, which is divided into three sections, as far as the information goes.  The first of the three sections is known as the "Shelter", which is the living quarters.  The second is known as the "Life Port", which is supposed to be some sort of transportation sector.  The third and final section is the "Lower Zone", which is a labyrinth of dungeons under the city.

A young and strong-willed "Ranger", who are a government-sponsored organization that serve as a security group, is sent on an assignment concerning a possible attack by the opposing force known as the "Trinity".  While on this particular mission, Ryu comes across a mysterious winged girl named "Nina", who is pestered by an unidentified monster...