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      Every three months each member of the Laffey's crew will receive an evaluation. Each player will receive both a IC(in character) and an OOC(out of character) evaluation. Below is a brief explanation of each.

IC Evaluation:

1. This will be done publicly via the yahoo groups. This will give you a chance to role play your characters emotions and actions leading up to and following the evaluation.

2. It should be understood that a negative evaluation or negative comments in the IC evaluation does not indicate any failure or shortcoming on the part of the player. In fact some very good role players may chose to play a rebellious or impulsive character that would receive a rebuke from the Captain. For example, a character that absolutely HATES the Cardassians might lose their temper and shoot one. Such actions would require that the Captain discipline the character. This is just good role-playing. Each IC review will be accessible to the crew from the character's bio section on the website as well.

OOC Evaluation:

1. This will be done in private. No one except the CO and XO will see these reviews.

2. Each player will be evaluated on the following grounds:
- Did he/she meet the minimum logging requirements?
- By how much did he/she exceed or fall short of these
   requirements? –15 or +15 max.
- Of what quality were the logs he/she made? +25
- How well did the player role-play the character that
    he/she created? +25
- Does he/she over step his/her bounds when recording
   the actions of other player characters? –5
- Does his/her character have a superman complex
   (solves complex problems and plots in a single bound    and with no help)? –10
- Does his/her character work as a team with the other
   players? +10
- Does the character have any OOC responsibilities that
   contribute to the game? (A negative answer here will
   not count against you, but a positive answer will count
   for you. 10pt. max)
3. There are 100 pts possible and another 10pts extra credit for
    OOC responsibilities.
4. A positive evaluation does not always mean a promotion. As a
    player progresses up the ranks the promotions take longer and
    require higher scores.
5. 70 pts and up is considered passing. Anything below that will
    put the player on probation. Don't worry though 75 is very
    easy to get if you try at all.
6. 80 is considered a good evaluation and is something to be
    proud of.
7. 90 and over is extremely high.
8. Each OOC Evaluation will be posted on the site, but will
    require a password to access. Only the CO, XO and player
    will have the password unless the player gives it out