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Phantom Characters of the
Harry Potter Series

Ron's Cousin

Pre-HPGoF Rumor: We will meet Ron's cousin.

JK Rowling originally planned to include Ron's cousin in Goblet of Fire. When writing out the book, however, she felt there was a plot hole. It didn't quite seem to fit together. The result was that Rita Skeeter got a bigger part in the books. JK Rowling was able to develop her character better without Ron's cousin.

When asked about it, Rowling said:

It got pulled. Sorry about that. What happened on Book Four, and one of the reasons why it was easily the most difficult to write, which had absolutely nothing to do with Harry being famous or me being famous, was that for the first time my plan fell down. I got halfway through and realised there was a huge gaping plot hole. The two ends just didn't meet. It was entirely my own fault: I should have had the sense to go through it very carefully before I started writing. So I had to do an enormous amount of unpicking and in the process I'm afraid the Weasley cousin disappeared.

When asked if we would see her again, her response was:
Possibly. I really like her as a character but it's quite a complex plot I'm dealing with so I'm not sure that she'll fit anywhere else. She'll be the "character that might have been."

Voldemort's Heir

Rumor: We will meet the heir of Voldemort.

Many websites still post the above as a rumor. This started before Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released. The rumor was refering to Sirius Black. Of course, anyone who has read PoA knows that Sirius is not Voldemort's heir. Still, many people ignore this. Sheesh, it's right there on the cover:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (American version):
For twelve years, the dreaded fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, Black was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

That's all for now, if you have any other stories, please send them in to me. You will get credit, I promise (unless you send me very vague things or something anybody would know -- but I'll reply to your e-mail either way).

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Last updated: March 1, 2002