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Character Names
This page was not created to be complete, but to complete others.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by
any other name would smell as sweet."

—William Shakespeare

....Nuh uh!

Black, Sirius - Godfather to Harry Potter, escaped convicted murderer (innocent), Animagus, Padfoot
Sirius: dog star; a constellation in the sky.
Black: 1. the darkest color 2. the absence of light/color
"Sirius Black" is an oxymoron. Sirius Black the person is a sort of oxymoron as well; he is a caring, sensible, godfather to Harry and a vengeful, homicidal psychopath to Peter Pettigrew.

Dumbledore, Albus - Current Headmaster of Hogwarts

Albus, Latin: White
Dumbledore, Old English: Bumblebee
JK Rowling was asked why she called him this, she said that since Dumbledore likes chamber music, she could imagine him humming tunes like a bee.

Thanks to Kara for this information:
Albus is a name for a figure used in Geomancy. In this divination form it means illumination, wisdom and good results.

Filch, Argus - Caretaker at Hogwarts
Argus: A Greek monster with a thousand eyes.
Filch: to steal.

Granger, Hermione - Friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, head of her class
Hermione: name meaning 'messenger'
Hermes: Messenger of the gods (in Greek mythology) — also happens to be the name of Percy's owl...

Hermione is also a character in Shakespeare's The Winter Tale; she's the queen.

The Grey Lady - Ravenclaw resident ghost
1. Chillingham Castle in Alnwick, Northumberland, is said to be haunted by many ghosts that died in the castle's torture chamber (many still hear the screams of the prisoners to this day) A famous ghost of the castle is the spirit of Lady Grey. Grey is said to haunt a picture and a hallway. You can hear her moaning at the picture of herself. Her footsteps are also heard around the castle. She usually doesn't make an appearance but always casts a shadow of herself.

The filming of the Harry Potter movie is taking place at Alnwick Castle (around a cathedral), in Alnwick, Northumberland

2. According to The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames by Carl Sifakis, Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554) was "pushed onto the British throne" by the duke of Northumberland, who convinced King Edward VI to leave her the crown. Lady Jane did not have much interest in ruling, though, and was overthrown by Mary, Edward's sister, after only nine days. Lady Jane was arrested and beheaded. If you hear anybody refer to "The Queen of Nine Days," this is who they mean.

Gryffindor, Godric - Founder of Gryffindor, one of the Hogwarts Founders, Sorting Hat's First Owner
Godric: Godric, Saint (Note: I'm not saying Godric means 'saint,' I'm saying he was a saint).

"Gryffindor" is a name that came from the mythical beast that's half lion and half eagle — the griffin. 'D'or' means 'made of gold' in French, hence the house symbol: the golden lion.


GODRIC, m English
Means "power of god", derived from Old English god combined with ric "power, rule". This name became rarely used after the Norman conquest.

Hagrid, Rubeus - Game keeper at Hogwarts, Care of Magical Creatures Professor
Hagrid means 'Giant' in one language, 'Drunk' in another.

Rubeus Hagrid is based on Hagrid Rubeus, one of the early Greek gods, The Giant of Jewels. Hagrid means 'giant' (as I pointed out above) and 'Rubeus' means 'rubul' — meaning jewel.

This god was said to be the kindest of the gods, but Hades (Lord of The Dead/Underworld) framed him for the death of Perseus's son (he was the guy who killed Medusa). He was banned from Olympus after that. Zeus, God of the Gods, took pity on poor Hagrid and gave him a job as the keeper of the godly beasts on Olympus.

Hedwig - Harry's Snowy Owl
HEDWIG, f German: Derived from the Germanic elements hadu "contention" and wig "war".

Hufflepuff, Helga - Founder of Hufflepuff, one of the Hogwarts Founders
Helga is a Scandinavian name meaning holy and faithful.

Lupin, Remus - The DADA Professor in book 3, werewolf, friend of James Potter, one of the makers of the Marauders Map
Lupine (adj):
1. relating to a wolf: relating to wolves, or resembling a wolf
2. ravenous: wildly hungry
Lupine also happens to be the name of a fragrant flower, already defying the associations of the word 'Lupine' with 'dangerous' before Professor Lupin.

And then there's the tale about the brothers: Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome. They were raised by wolves. They founded a city and had a fight over who it would be named after. Romulus killed Remus, thereby becoming the founder of Rome.

Malfoy, Draco - Harry Potter's mortal enemy/rival, Slytherin student
Draco: that means dragon in Latin
In Old Latin legends, it also refered to snake-like dragons beasts.
Mal: that's 'bad' in Latin (and Spanish) (in certain cases, it also means 'ill' or 'evil')
Foy: that means 'faith' in Latin
Thus, Malfoy means 'bad faith'

Malfoy, Lucius - Draco Malfoy's father, Death Eater, part of Voldemort's inner circle

Lucius is a derivative of Lucifer.
Lucifer (n.): The devil; Satan.
Also, see Draco Malfoy for surname study. brings a contrary idea:

LUCIUS, m Ancient Roman, English
Pronounced: LOO-shus
Roman praenomen, or given name, which was derived from Latin lux "light". Two Etruscan kings of early Rome had this name as well as several prominent later Romans, including Lucius Annaeus Seneca (known simply as Seneca), a famous statesman, philosopher, orator and tragedian. Also, three popes have borne this name.

Well, there seems to be an agreement that people with the name Lucius are important people in society.

Malfoy, Narcissa - Draco Malfoy's mother
She's named after the Greek mythological figure who was incapable of loving anybody until he saw his own reflection in the lake.

McGonagall, Minerva - Deputy Headmisstress, Head of Gryffindor, an Animagus, and Professor of Transfigurations.
Minerva: Roman goddess of wisdom and patron of arts, trade, and the art of war, who was born fully armed from the head of Jupiter.

McGonagall: A Scottish-Irish name meaning valor and bravery.

Mrs. Norris - Filch's cat
Mrs. Norris: A character from a Jane Austen book ("Mansfield Park").
She was a nosy preacher's wife.

Patil, Parvati - Gryffindor girl in Harry's year
Parvati: derived from the Sanskrit expression for "daughter of the mountain."

Potter, Harry -
Harry is a derivative of Harold which means "army ruler."
JK Rowling picked "Harry" because it was her favorite boy name, though. She picked "Potter" after a childhood friend of hers.

Ravenclaw, Rowena - Founder of Ravenclaw, one of the Hogwarts Founders
The raven is recognized as the most clever bird alive today.
And "claw"? Well...claws are sharp. ^_~

Riddle, Tom [Lord Voldemort] - Harry Potter's enemy, "a wizard that went bad", evil character
Voldemortist: 'Lord of Evil' in another language.
Vol de mort: "Flight from death" or "Flight of Death" (French)

Slytherin, Salazar - Founder of Slytherin, one of the Hogwarts Founders
Salazar, António de Oliveira: Portuguese economist who ruled Portugal as dictator.

Salazar started as a professor of economics (around 1918). In 1926, Salazar was offered the post of finance minister to reshape Portugal's chaotic economy. He turned down the post when his demands for extraordinary powers were refused (he was ambitious, wouldn't you say?). Later, after being promised extra powers, he accepted the appointment.

Snape, Severus - Head of Slytherin, Potions Professor
Now come on people, Severus as in Severe:
Severe (adj):
1. harsh: very harsh or strict
2. dangerous
3. extremely unpleasant: causing great discomfort by being extreme
4. difficult to endure
5. exacting: having standards or other criteria that are difficult to meet
6. stern: looking stern or serious
7. plain: plain or austere in style, with little or no decoration

(Definition from ENCARTA World English Dictionary, © 1999 by Microsoft)

And Snape as in Snake as in Slytherin. Or perhaps Snape as in Snap ("to utter sharp or angry words")?

Weasley, Ron - Friend of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter

Ron Weasley can be translated to "Running Weasel" in another language. Running Weasel was a warlock in the Sixth Dynasty — he was utterly brilliant when it came to strategies and never lost a game of chess.
He died when a rat that had been dyed yellow by his soldiers, for fun, earlier that day, knocked over a lamp in his palace — which of course chared it to the ground and resulted in the death of Running Weasel.

According to, Ron means "advisor to the king."

Wood, Oliver - Gryffindor Quidditch captain until Harry's third year.
According to The Herbal Arts by Patricia Telesco, the olive tree is nicknamed "Minerva's Tree."
In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena gave humanity the olive tree. The goddess Minerva is Athena's Roman equivalent.
Why does this matter? Oliver Wood is a Quidditch fanatic and Professor Minerva McGonagall only slightly less so. Quidditch!

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If you want websites all about Harry Potter etymology, I recommend What's In a Name? and Encyclopaedia Potterica Name & Word Origins