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The House of Theories


Ron's Death?

Ron will be killed by Pettigrew. Ron might be named after the mythological character, Ronald, who was killed by a yellow rat. JK Rowling gives her characters names that have something to do with, well, their character. Remember how Ron was trying to turn Scabbers (Pettigrew) yellow on the train to Hogwarts in their first year?

Dumbledore's Future

One rumor is that Dumbledore will lose his job as headmaster because he went against Fudge's orders — an event that wouldn't be looked on to kindly by the rest of the magical community, I'm sure. *wink*

Another rumor is that Fudge will lose his job for taking no action against voldemort.

It's also heard that there will be riots at the Ministry and many people will quit their jobs because of Fudge's blindness.

What happens to the Marauders Map?

It's mentioned by Crouch Jr. near the end, but other than that we don't know what happened to it. There's nothing in the book saying Harry got it back.
Will it be used as some sort of Hogwarts protection thing? Will Harry get it back?
We don't even know who has it now; it could be that Crouch Jr. send it to Voldemort just before he was caught. The Marauders Map could very well be one of the major objects that determine who will win the battle against Voldemort.

Snape's Mission

In the end of the Goblet, Dumbledore mentions something to Snape about his mission. He doesn't specify what it is, however. It could be that he's a spy for Dumbledore and is going undercover as a Death Eater (which is what most people think). This theory is supported by the fact that he was a spy before.

  • Being a spy is not a good idea...

    The popular theory is that Snape goes back to spying for the good guys. Well, that's all right and good, BUT (and it's a big 'but'), you must also remember what Voldemort said when looking at the missing Death Eaters (end of GoF) :

    "And here we have six missing Death Eaters... three dead in my service. One to cowardly to return...he will pay. One who I believe has left me forever...he will be killed, of course..."

    I'd be a little suspicious if Snape just – reappeared.
    He could actually be killed like that...

  • Polyjuice again.

    Another theory is that he'll be using Polyjuice Potion. I'm sure Snape knows that going back to Voldemort would be like asking to be killed. Snape could go as Barty Crouch Jr. — Voldemort doesn't know he's been killed. The books have not told us he knows, but he could find out in the fifth book.

  • Polyjuice? Puh-lease!

    The polyjuice idea seems to be a J.K. classic, but fans disagree with the "Snape will use polyjuice" theory.

    "Snape is no fool. I do not think that he would attempt to fool Voldemort with any disguise or weak story of 'playing spy for him for twelve years, rather than looking for him to help him.'" said Doreen in a Yahoo! Harry Potter discussion group.

    I agree with this because I don't think that Snape's mission would be so predictable as more Polyjuice Potion. Plus, the whole "Voldemort can tell when you're lying" thing is creepy! No... we are probably not even close to guessing what will happen with JK Rowling as the author.

  • The Dark Mark

    I think the dark mark is used for more than just a way for Voldemort to call for his servants. It might be some sort of lifeline Voldemort has used to stay alive.

    Draco and Harry Fighting Evil

    There's been a rumor circulating around that some time in the later books Draco and Harry would team up (more like a truce it sounds like to me...) to fight evil. This rumor was backed up with the fact that JK Rowling's books are adapting more 'moral value lessons' now that Harry's getting older and Voldemort is back. It was also thought that JKR would use that to show that we should not be prejudice against people (in this case: we shouldn't think that a person is bad to the bone just because they're placed in Slytherin). Well, when Rowling was asked...

    Is it true that Harry and Draco will have to get together and fight evil?

    The answer was...

    Don't believe everything you read on the Net! I saw that rumor too, but it is just a rumor.


    Voldemort's Army

    "I shall have all my devoted servants returned to me, and an army of creatures whom all fear..." -Voldemort (GoF)

    "An army of creatures," is what he said. That sounds like a lot of creatures. The dementors and giants can't be the only ones. Those are just the only ones we've heard of. I think JK Rowling will be introducing new creatures. Some we've never dreamed of.

    But hold on, what if the key Voldermort will use to lock the wizard world is right under our noses? What about the goblins?

    The goblins control all the wizard community's gold and could easily cause havoc by closing down Gringotts. It could be, "we won't give you access to the bank unless you join the dark side." Imagine it, just imagine that situation.

    Voldemort's Downfall

    How could Voldemort's downfall possibly come? Everyone immediately thinks of wonder wizard, Harry Potter, our hero. No one, however, agrees on much more than that. Will he do it alone? Will he organize a Voldemort-Destruction-Army? Hmmm...

    Disclaimers: All quotes from the Harry Potter books are JK Rowling's materials. I do not claim them as my own, nor am pirating the books. All quotes used are used as support, because they are related to what I say, and so forth.

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