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The Night Sky


"History seems to us an arena of instincts and fashions, of appetite, avarice, and craving for power, of blood lust, violence, destruction, and wars, of ambitious ministers, venal generals, ravaged cities, and we too easily forget that this is only one of its many aspects.

"Above all we forget that we ourselves are a part of history, that we are the product of its growth and are condemned to perish if we lose the capacity for further growth and change. We are ourselves history and share the responsibility for world history and our position in it. But we gravely lack awareness of this responsibility."

-- Grendel the Wise, Keeper of the Library of Evermist

Every civilized species has used stars as a map to guide them across the seas and as a way of telling stories about their past. The stars are the gateway to a new world that serve as a outlet for one's imagination. Taranche has many that study astrology and the star's direction of fate. Stars are used for both science and folklore.

Listed below are a sampling of some of the stars, constellations, and other heavenly bodies that make up the crowded night sky of Taranchen. Somewhat complicating matters is the fact that each race, and often individual societies and groupings within those races, has their own names and myths associated with any given constellation. The most common names are given below, in alphabetical order.

BE = Before Empire  IR = Imperial Reckoning

1132 BE Varasninith, the last great Elven kingdom, collapses under the deadweight of its own noble class.  It becomes easy pickings for goblin and human raiders.
1 IR King Tanicio Longinus Kaeso, the ruler of Taora, a small city-state on the Sea of Horses, leads an army to conquer his neighbors. He declares himself Emperor, with his original city as his capital, thus centralizing the rule of all his conquered territory. Unsatisfied with local conquests, he begins a great outward expansion.
3 IR The Taoran army enters and assumes control of the Lost Coast cities without a fight, but are unable to expand through the Forest of Teeth.
9 IR Taoran forces conquer the Central Heartlands.
14 IR In the spring, Taoran ships begin attacking the port cities of the Tan Lemenar archipelago. By the end of the year, the entire island chain is under Imperial rule.
19 IR Taoran forces extend the rule of the Taors to the EasterSea Coast. Taoran ships begin attacking the Tan Aaten archipelago.
22 IR Chayk barbarians repulse the forces of the Taoric Empire. Emperor Longinus declares his expansion goals satisfied and settles down to unify his Empire.
1381 IR Emperor Sextilus begins expansion once again by sending his forces into the western reaches of the Sea of Horses. For the most part, the Jaris cities surrender without much resistance though one, Baz-al-Khmur, is burned to the ground before fighting ceases.
1386 IR General Fladio sends Emperor Sextilus the now legendary "This river and no further" declaration from the banks of the Fireserpent River, thus forever fixing the westward border of the Empire.
2218 IR The daughters of several Imperial Advisors and ministers go missing, suddenly.  The Emperor, suspecting dark plots and assassination attempts, calls for an immediate investigation.

Archpriest Pescenilla Bara Kaesippina assassinates Emperor Gaius Placidus Vero in front of the royal court. She makes no defense, does not resist her arrest, and is executed a week later at the order of Emperor Gaius Cassius Tessio, Placidus' nephew.

2219 IR Emperor Gaius orders the renovation of his personal bed chambers.  Two days into the job, workmen find the decomposing bodies of several young girls, hidden in a secret chamber behind the private bath.  Several bloodstained tunics recognized as belonging to Placidus Vero are also found.
4217 IR Rostok raiders begin incursions into the northern reaches of the Empire. In response, Emperor Decius IXX sends the Eighth and Fourteenth Imperial Legion to pacify the barbarians.
4218 IR The Eighth and Fourteenth Imperial Legion, under the command of General Hapidio Lucus Graco, reaches the gates of Blagoevgrad, a Silde city state on the shores of the Sea of Steam, and begins a siege.
4424 IR Koprivtitsa, the last of the "border kingdoms", as the great Silde city-states are coming to be called, is conquered and brought under Imperial rule. General Lucus sends the Fourteenth out on a "hunting expedition" to pacify the nomadic Rostok.

A month after Koprivtitsa is pacified, Enrikkarit Zambre, Bulyar of the Minyaki Rostok tribe, declares himself Khahan and gathers over nineteen Rostok tribes to his banner. Once gathered, he leads his horde against the Fourteenth Imperial Legion in the Valley of Yellow Horses, a hundred miles west of Bor Blagov (as Bagoevgrad has been renamed); the Rostok are slaughtered to a man. The Fourteenth suffers 80% casualties.

The last three survivors of the Fourteenth Legion stumble into Bor Blagov, telling a tale of constant harassment and night-time guerilla raids by Rostok horseman, and the privations brought on by the harsh winters of the Great Empty.

4367 IR Emperor Falero Lollus Barus is assassinated, along with his family, by his leading general, Cassius Tito. Tito takes up the crown and names himself Emperor.

General Flavius Oppus Tertio, Commander of the Fourth Imperial Legion, defeats Tito's loyalists and takes the capital city, naming himself Emperor.

An army of 15,000 Chayk warriors led by Hlald Stymundssen invades the Northern Marches, burning every Imperial town they find and taking everything not nailed down back to the northlands. Prince Lucius Poverus Scippio, governor of the Marches and cousin to Emperor Tertio, decides that the only thing they can do is evacuate as many people as possible to a single city and concentrate on that one area's defense. He chooses as his defensive base the port city of Silvertbay.

A Great Horde under the leadership of Gothrolhk, a half-orc, pours out of the Clawspires and invades the Heartlands as far as Bor Saminart. The Second Imperial Legion attempts to stop the Horde's advance and is slain to the man.

Duke Junius Placco of the Kellevian March declares himself an independent monarch of the Kingdom of Kellevernan, no longer accountable to the Empire. He shocks his local nobles by taking as his Duchess the wife of a local Aateni tribal chieftain, but given the personal loyalty the Eighteenth Imperial Legion (which has been nicknamed the "Fire of Kellevan" for close to a thousand years) feels for the Prince no trouble results.

Emperor Tertio is killed in his bedchamber. Witnesses suspect that the murderer was his latest "acquisition", a Vos girl torn from his family, but as the girl is never found no proof is ever shown.

The Empire descends into chaos as nearly every possible claimant to the throne goes to war with every other claimant.

4395 IR As trade in his Landsgrave begins to break down, Margrave Calaif Whitebrow of Bor Samneva, tiring of bandit activity in the area surrounding his town, summons the nobles of the surrounding towns to investigate possible solutions.
4402 IR Lucius Poverus Scippio dies. As his first act as prince, his son Lucillius declares Silvertbay renamed Povero in his father's honor.
4403 IR After eight years, troops under the Margrave of Bor Samneva succeed in hunting down and killing the so called Bandit-Lord Frygith the Black. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of a twenty year pacification campaign.
4413 IR The nobles of Bor Tyressul, Oxenfyrd, Waymoot, Bor Samneva, and Bor Celebora collectively crown Margrave Calaif Whitebrow, founding Calafia.
4501 IR Forces of the Witchking Leofgyf conquer the Eastern Heartlands. He declares his holdings to be the Soravia, named after his youngest daughter.
5125 IR Hlujirik Port is attacked by a band of giants. Most of the town is destroyed before the band is eliminated.
5149 IR The temple of Lampronus in Bor Berengal is burned to the ground. Priests of Valgilla claim responsibility.
5153 IR Current campaign year.

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.