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The Young Kingdoms
Home Page

Campaign Information
Character Directory
Directory of Names
House Rules
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Campaign Links
Fortune and Glory

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"Adventurers are dangerous rabble, who can be counted upon to disrupt the peaceful order of civilized societies...   Thank the Gods we have them."

- King Pilheard of Calafia

The campaigns of Taranche are individually and independently run role-playing games that all occur in the same gameworld.  Crossovers between multiple campaigns are certainly possible and may occur.

Each campaign maintains certain restrictions in addition to the house rules.  Please make sure that you are familiar with the house rules before contacting a DM, however, because all Taranche campaigns are required to follow all house rules.

If you wish to join a campaign, please contact the specific DM regarding their preferences. 

The Campaigns

  • Dragons's Blood Trading Company: The campaign will follow the path of an adventuring group hired to do the more dangerous and long-range errands of one of Povero's largest stores, twice a year.  Seeing as how they are free to themselves for the rest of the time, there is much opportunity for trouble and entertainment.


  • Fortune and Glory:  The campaign will follow the path of a mercenary company that specializes in underground exploration, tunnel clearing and extermination, and the retrieval of rare antiquities. This group sells their services to city and town leaders to fulfill a variety of missions, sometimes in a quite legitimate fashion, and keeps their ears to the ground for discovery of new caves where old legends may rest, waiting to be reclaimed.


  • Escape from Wychcross: The characters are starting out as untried, nervous youths who really don't have any idea what they are about to get themselves into.  They are embarking on this adventure in order to avoid being trapped in their parent's lives.  The last thing they want to do is become loggers, or shopkeepers, or stablehands.

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.