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Your source for all that is Squaresoft.

Squareality Home

Site Help

Use the menu bar on the left of the screen to navigate to the different pages. To return to the start page, click either the logo at the top of the screen or the animated logo on the menu.

Special extras
The Bimini font is used for the menu and makes it stand out. It is not required to view the site, but helps the experience. Click here to download it in .zip format. Be sure to follow the directions for installing it included in the .zip file.

Japanese games?
Squareality only contains information about games made by Squaresoft that were released in North America. Since Japanese games are hard to come by, and no one on the staff here can read Japanese, it is very hard to play them. Some new games that have been released in Japan, and are on their way to the US may be posted in the News section, but if they are not to be released in the US, they will not be part of the site.

If you have any more questions, comments, or suggestions, please email Squareality and we will respond as quickly as possible.