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How to Join
KoS List
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Quest Items

Welcome to the Shadows of the Flame Clan Webpage.

- Website News -       

Well all the maps in my directory were overflowing it and making it super jumbled and confusing so I had to move them all to a maps subdirectory. The maps page has been moved Here Too lazy to change the link on the sides of all the pages, deal with it.

- Aramoug


Div Guide was up a while ago, I just didnt link to it. Also going to host some new skins for RoK now that Beta is out. Will make a page for that umm later. Right, it's later now....Skins!

- Aramoug


Stats Guide is up and I put the staffers list into html format instead of just a notepad file (I changed the link below).

- Aramoug


Event Items, Events, Brewing Guide, and Staffers List are all up but not linked to. I'm going to make a new page without any of the clan affiliated stuff so I figured I shouldn't waste my time connecting the links right now.

- Aramoug


Got tired of all the crap we were getting so I kicked out everyone except for the original members for 6 or so months ago. SotF is now just a little group of friends, no longer a powerhouse clan....even though we could still take down pretty much any clan in the game at anything.

- Aramoug


Updated members page, updated oneadays page, fixed some more errors I found, and made an Event Items Page but too lazy to add the link to the left side. Blah.

- Aramoug


I completely updated the Quest Items Page so its pretty accurate now (unlike before...) and I actually made the spells page and put in all the info for it. Updated some descriptions of items on One-A-Day, Weapons, Armor, and Helms/Shields pages. Looks like only maps and Items are left to do....and maybe monsters if I ever get really bored.

- Aramoug


I did stuff in the past 3 months, really I swear! You just didn't notice! I can't even keep track of our memebrs now so the members page is quite outdated. Oh well, I'll get over it.

- Aramoug


I updated all of the old item pages that had wrong numbers and that didn't include more recent items. Fixed some grammatical errors, updated Rules and How to Join, also Updated Leaders and Members pages. Basically just making this page accurate again. I'll start adding new stuff and finishing the stuff I never did umm later. =)

- Aramoug


(sarcasm)Wow Nexus, thanks for the updates and boost in traffic!(/sarcasm)
Well I was bored today and I came across this page and well....I decided its really sweet and maybe I'll update it or something...hehe...I updated members and leaders sections today and also updated the best oneadays for each class on the individual pages...go me.

- Aramoug


Hello all, new WebMaster/QuestMaster/Recruiter NexusGuru here, those who actually look at this page will be in for alot of updates...that is until i burn out and push the responsibility to someone else...just like someone I know ::cough::aramoug::cough:: I'm also gonna boost the freakin traffic around here. More to come...

- NexusG


I added the Thanks link to the left side and also the Quest Items and One-a-days... I also did the one-a-days page... Updated KoS list... Added a "Back" link on all the class info pages... I still need some people to help me out with some stuff! Come on I know you guys want to!

- Aramoug


Yeah, yeah, I know...I've been slacking... I've been a little caught up with the tournament and leveling and ...the tournament. =) I'm gonna try to do a little more work on it now that weve got a handle on the tourney, but I can't promise anything...we'll see...

- Aramoug


I created a "Thanks" page but I havent added the link to the left yet, check it out here. As always, keep the suggestions coming!

- Aramoug


Lan stole my idea for the clash of the clans thing! BOO!!! Oh well, at least its happening which makes it cool. We're gonna try to get a team together for the tourney =)

- Aramoug


Argento got us a new message board so I had to change all the links...ugh... The class page got too big so I had to split it up into 10 seperate pages, I got all the comments put in also. Links page added, looking for suggestions on links to add.

- Aramoug


Did a bunch more updates, and I made the HTML coding more user-friendly and easier to understand for editing purposes. I also posted a brief summary of my idea for the Clash of the Clans. Check it out if you get a chance and tell me what you think, whats good and bad and etc. Hopefully I can talk to Lan by tomorrow and get this all worked out. I'm going to try and get either Chimera or Marduk to sponsor the CotC since they are the quest masters. Wish me luck! (and bug Argento till he gets a working MB!)

- Aramoug


OOOOOOOOOH, it looks nice doesn't it? We did a lot of work on the page today and finished up quite a few little things. If you saw it yesterday, its quite a bit different.

- Aramoug


Today we began creating the SotF webpage. Yeah, yeah, laugh now but you just wait it WILL be cool!

- Aramoug

- RoK News -        

Got tired of all the crap we were getting so I kicked out everyone except for the original members for 6 or so months ago. SotF is now just a little group of friends, no longer a powerhouse clan....even though we could still take down pretty much any clan in the game at anything.

- Aramoug


March Clan Wars: We were winning with 50 renown and 2nd place with 20....but Gavad quit. =( No idea what the deal is with Clan Wars now, it might be cancelled forever. (yet another event cancelled that we were winning! argh!)

- Aramoug


February Clan Wars: 1st Place: Shadows of the Flame 115 renown, 2nd Place: Shadow Society 60 renown, 3rd Place: Forgotten 50 renown. We had more than 2nd and 3rd place combined....

- Aramoug


January Clan Wars: 1st Place: Shadows of the Flame 105 renown, 2nd Place: Spine 85 renown, 3rd Place: The Last Outlaws 50 renown. I think we won again.

- Aramoug


Don't really feel like participating in Clan Wars this month....Husker joined the first mosh by himself and got 3rd place....that was the only event we did all month. Go us.

- Aramoug


First Round of Clan Wars: 1st Place: Shadows of the Flame 174 renown, 2nd Place: Scythe 94 renown, 3rd Place: Spine 90 renown. I think we won...

- Aramoug


Gee they decided to cancel the Team Tournament...I wonder why....maybe because SotF was winning and Lan just hates us? Yeah, actually I'd put money on it...

- Aramoug


Well, after 2 weeks of the tournament we remain the ONLY undefeated team. Things are looking good right now, really good actually.... Kill to Death Ratio: 17:1, thats most kills and least deaths of any team in the tourney. I'd say we're winning =)

- Aramoug


Akhlat has (finally) dethroned Nemow as the toughest guy in the realms. Nemow held it for 3 weeks, which is tied (with Kambei) for the longest streak.

- Aramoug


I am going to make a separate page to cover the Team Tournament, but so far our kill to death ratio is 10:1 and we seem to be one of the (if not the) best teams in the tourney. Go team go!

- Aramoug


*Sigh*  Nemow wins again.....congrats...

- Aramoug


We're registered for the Team Tournament thingy and I think we've got a good chance at kicking some major ass. Stan, Opal, Nemow, Helix, Zildjian, Gnoll, and Drexel are our representatives. Wish us luck...

- Aramoug


Nemow retains his title as "Toughest Guy in the Realms" for the second week in a row. He defeated Psi in the final match by doing over 500 damage to her in the third round of the fight. Go Nemow!

- Aramoug


Nemow is the new toughest guy in the realms! He defeated Konn in the final round of the TGC today. He is a 20/19/22/17/20/15 dark elf storm elder druid. Nice, isn't it?

- Aramoug

Created April 2001 by Aramoug.
Thanks to Zildjian, Kiro, Mortis, Opal, and Sertzer for all their help with this page.

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