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"What we were before matters nothing to what we"

The "new" Sanctum Sanctorum is here.  Save the applause, because we could not give a rat's arse what you or others think of us to begin with.

We have been around for many Eras on Seordcast-Lusion as a guild of Friendship, Roleplaying, Glory.....and most of all.....FUN !!!!   What other guilds think of us is not important, for we think enough of ourselves to overcome any muck thrown at our principles.  When it comes right down to it.....we pretty much just do what should be done across the gaming community --- we play a GAME.

For those who cannot grasp the concept of having fun playing a game....

Here's to ya !

       Since we in this guild feel strongly about friendship, no SINGLE member within the guild is held in a "brighter" light than the others....members are all equals and have the same vote as those who also hold titles within the guild.  Unlike some guilds that "command" their members to do things, Sanctum Sanctorum "asks" for a Vote Of Confidence to support important decision making.  We consider this to be only fair to those "new" to the game, and to those with limited gaming experience.  Why would you want to fight a War for another who only looks upon you like so much canon fodder ??

       Sanctum Sanctorum offers "free" advise to ANY player of the game.  Along these lines, we operate much the same as the Seordcast Main Forum, but we don't give you all the possible "flaming" you could get for asking a question.  Our Public Forum is open to ALL, and we frown upon "flaming" people for asking honest questions....and we do not tolerate "spamming" on the Sanctorum forums.

       The links to the left will guide you through our domain.  You are urged to READ our material BEFORE applying to join our guild.  If you cannot meet the criteria, then we suggest you find another guild more suitable to your style of play or interests, and apply to join with them.  If you are truly "new" to the game....get information on SEVERAL guilds before applying to any particular one.  Taking the step to join a guild should be done with wisdom and all times.

       Whether you decide to join ranks with the Sanctum Sanctorum or not....good luck to you in the game.  Hope you at least have fun.

Guild Founder/Guild Master

Copyright © 2004, Sanctum Sanctorum, All Rights Reserved.