- = [Misc. Digi-Cam] = -

These are pics sent to me by other people who also had digi-cams. The reason why Abby has her own gallery is cuz she took ALOT of pics. This gallery is set up for for other people who-- Ah, I already said it but you get it.

Ahh, nice group shot :) From left to right; Merv, Pat, Erika holding Buu, Jon and Cindy. Not pictured is Abby and Drew.

Jon posing with Buu. IT'S SO CUTE!! This lil guy belongs to Albert. Dude, you're lucky! Wait, one more cute pic of...

* B U U *

On November 5th, we drove from Vegas to Cali to visit my granpa's grave. Clockwise from the left; Me, Dad, Mom, Auntie Auring, Auntie Tina, Grandma and Auntie Patchy. My dad has 6 sisters. Auntie Auring and Auntie Tina live in Cali while Auntie Patchy, Auntie Frances, Auntie Ampy and Auntie Tita live in Vegas. Damn, that's a mouhful!

Same pic, slightly different.

We ate at this fancy Filipino restaurant... forgot the name. I'm so happy to eat Pinoy food ^_^

We went back to Cali on November 25th to pick up our Camry, which was shipped from Guam the same time we left. Here we are at a seaside restaurant at Long Beach.

Same pic, new addition. This guy's Willie, Auntie Tina's boyfriend. He's a cool guy :) Plus, he has a kick-entertainment system and DVD collection, not to mention a better digi-cam! **eNVy**

Auntie Patchy, mom, me and Dad. I had to resize and crop a few of these pics cuz it's high-quality, therefore, a BIG-ASS file!

Us posing with the Titanic-like ship, St. Mary, in the background. It was hella cold and windy here!

Like I said, hella cold and windy. Willie took this candid shot of us walking. I'm clutching a Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban book :P

A much better view of the St. Mary ship. It's almost sunset here... nice colors.

Us posing near the numerous fishing boats, yachts and homes in a bay at Long Beach.

Whee, I'm a ballerina! Actually, I tripped here o_O

- = [Abby's Digi-Cam] = -

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