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My 2nd Grade CCD, My First Reconciliation and My First Comunion!
at Saint Rose of Lima Parish

Jesus and ME

My All-time
Prayers and more...

Preparing for
My First Communion

My Time to
Learn and Play

 For the Learning Period: September 2003 to February 15, 2004
 Y  N
 My God's 1rst Commandment         
Do my daily actions show I love God?
Do I live "loving God with all my mind, all my heart and all my soul"?
(the practice the Great Commandment )
Do I choose to what God wants for me over what I want for myself?
(the practice the Great Commandment )
 My God's 2nd Commandment    
Do my words show I respect God, myself, and others?
Have I used God's Name when I was not really talking to Him or about him?
Do I use bad words?
My God's 3rd Commandment    
Do I listen and pay atention at Mass?
Have I misbehaved during Mass?
Have I tried to talk to Jesus often while praying?
Do I get to know the members of God's Family in my parish?
 My God's 4th Commandment    
Do I obey my parents?
Have I obeyed my parents even when they are not present?
Am I kind and helpful to all family members?
Do I follow the rules at home and in school?
 My God's 5th Commandment    

Do I take care of my health?
Have I been kind to others?
Do I try to avoid fighting or hurting others?
Have I fought with anyone?
Have I asked Jesus and my family for advice in handling my angry feelings?

 My God's 6th Commandment    

Have I shown respect for my body and the bodies of others?
Am I modest in the way I dress, speak, and act?

 My God's 7th Commandment    
Do I take care of my own property?
Have I shown respect for the things that belong to others?
Have I taken something which does not belong to me?
Do I avoid cheating in school?
 My God's 8th Commandment    
Do I try to tell the truth at all times?
Have I told things that wre only partly true?
Do I gossip about others or say bad things about them?
Do I tease people or call them names?
 My God's 9th Commandment    
Do I show love for all family members?
Am I jealous of my brothers and sisters or my friends?
Have I told, listened or watched things that I know I shouldn't?
Have I been virtuous (respectful) in the things I think, say and do?
 My God's 10th Commandment    
Am I satisfied with what I have or Am I feeling jealous of others?
Do I make sure that others have a fair share?
Do I take care and respect the other's resources?


Preparing for
My Examination
of Conscience

My Weekly

My CCD Weekly
Achievement Report

My key Words
for Reconciliation

My Prayers
for Reconciliation

My Examination
of Conscience

My 5 Goals
for Reconciliation