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The Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol
  A Redwall RPG based around a neutral mercenary group called The Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol
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Non-Member Pages:
For all you that haven't joined yet, but hopefully will!
Read this before applying
Join Become a soldier in the QMP!
Explanation of the Club We highly recommend you visit this page
Rules and Ranks Pretty self-explanatory
Members of the QMP Pretty self-explanatory
Hire us!!
We can fight a battle for you! Go here to sign up!
((Closed for now))
For those of you who have already joined
RPG Boards What the bulk of the club is focused on
Members' Extra Info See biographies, descriptions, and other info here
Chores, Missions, and Announcements Check here to see if you're scheduled to do a chore or a mission in the RPG and any announcements related to the RPG
E-mail Questions? Comments? E-mail the leaders at this address.
Awards We've Won View the awards we've recieved
Links Travel to other sites from the links page

Welcome to the QMP!

"By fur and blood,
by tooth and claw,
we abide by
our own law.
Friends of dark,
allies of night,
for our bread
we must all fight.
A tight-wrought pact,
a killing snare,
we are warriors,
we are Quanshaire!"

Kinnan Ulfe

     ((This is the original intro to the club. Though most of the leaders have moved on, it still gives you the taste and feel of the site.))

As you pad across the little-used path in the forest, you shiver slightly. It's not the temperature--shifting shadows lurk around the edge of your vision and the place has an uncanny feel. You quicken your pace, hoping to be able to get home before dark. Suddenly, something hits you and there is a quick scuffle, and the next thing you know, you're lying on your back, staring into the obsidian eyes of a jet black squirrel. His face is shadowed by a dark brown hood connected to a long, dark brown leather cape that falls over his shoulders. He appears unarmed, but even if he is, you wouldn't want to cross him. His jaw is set in a grim line as he speaks,
    "Well well, what do we have here..? A little spy, maybe?"
The squirrel drags you farther along the path, ignoring your protests. Suddenly, like a black wraith, a creature emerges from the undergrowth--blending and unblending into the shadows like a picture hard to focus on. Clothed in layer upon layer of long, loose black garments with black gloves and black boots, it lifts off the hood of a cloak to reveal a white-furred female mouse, stark in contrast to her clothes. The squirrel nods at her, she nods back, and silently, the procession continues onward into the woods--the squirrel holding one arm and the mouse holding the other. Soon, a break in the trees is in sight. Row upon row of triangle tents greet your eye, each with a small canvas awning in front and a small firepit. You see somebeasts tending to the fires, others padding down the aisles to do chores. A few beasts look up at you from their tents, smirking slightly or giving a wave. One of those beasts, a female otter with curly brown hair, jogs up to your escorts, smiling, and looks you over.
    "Ahhh, I see the fates have brought us another one! Friend or foe, d'ye think?"
The black squirrel narrows his eyes at you, hmming softly,
    "It's hard to say.."
The otter nods, adding another question,
    "Are ye taking it to see Astri?"
The mouse answers this time, a faint scowl crossing her face,
    "What do you think?"
The otter simply smiles, saying,
    "Well then, I think I'll join you."
The assembledge moves on. Walking through the camp, you come to a large tent, and the squirrel opens the flap for the group to enter through. Inside, sitting behind a collapsible wooden table and sorting through papers, is a young female squirrel. Standing by her, is a sturdy looking male fox. They seem to have been discussing the papers, but the fox stops when you enter with the squirrel, otter and mouse. The fox is quite tall, wearing pants and vest--both in camoflauge colors and both with many pockets. A green shirt is under the vest, and a bow and quiver are strapped to his back. His face is smiling, and creases around his mouth and by his eyes tell you that he does it often. The red female squirrel next to him is dwarfed by his size, but she doesn't seem to notice. Her charmingly open face is a relief from the weathered, rough look of some of the warriors you've seen around you, and she wears a pine-colored tunic and climbing gloves. A sling is at her waist and a sword is on her back. Both the squirrel and the fox look up.
    "Evyce! Fav! Let the poor beast sit!"
The squirrel motions to a chair in front of her desk, glancing reprovingly at both the beasts. You smile with relief at the order--somewhat warily, though. You still don't know who these creatures are or why they snatched you. As your two captors let you go, the mouse mutters something,
    "Nothing funny, I know 26 ways to kill you with my bare hands."
    "Oh Evyce, you're going to scare it to death!"
the female squirrel protests.
Evyce ignores the reprimand, cocking her head and turning back to you with her icy stare.
    "Make that 27."
The fox chuckles softly, and winks at Evyce. Suddenly, the door to the tent sweeps open. In strides a huge wolf in tight black leather. His eyes scan the tent, landing on the otter.
    "Casey--I've been waiting for your report on squad 3, how are they doing?"
The otter walks to the wolf's side, passing him some papers. "There you go Kinnan, they're doing quite well. The wolf looks them over, nods aprovingly, and hands them to the red squirrel behind the desk. Tucking the documents into a box filled with similar reports, the female squirrel glances over at the black squirrel, who must be Favre, and she asks,
    "So who -is- this beast you brought me?"
The wolf called Kinnan moves to her side, pulling up his own chair and leaning back. He adds his own questions and comments,
    "An intruder? I just sent out a scouting patrol--if he was with an army, we'd know about it.."
Favre speaks to the two as if you didn't exist,
    "Well, we found it walking on the North path near the camp's border, but it probably doesn't mean us harm, because it's unarmed and was walking towards the Streamlily settlement. If it does mean us harm...."
he trails off menacingly. The fox nods, he's been looking intently at you for the whole time,
    "Aye, it seems like a likely-lookin' recruit....maybe."
    "If we were meant to meet it, then we were meant to meet it. Y'can't change what's going to happen, but we could always invite it to join,"
the otter adds. The squirrel dips her head in agreement, glancing over at Kinnan for approval. The wolf takes his time, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow as he looks you over. He seems to be the main leader around here, and he has an air of confidence about him that commands respect.
    "I say...we should risk it. We could always use another capable soldier, and if it betrays us..."
He grins malaciously, showing some dangerous looking teeth. "...Well, we all know what to do if it is a double-crosser."
The red squirrel nods.
    "In that case.." she says and extends a paw over her desk, smiling a friendly smile but a guarded one, "..welcome to the Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol. My name is Astriana, but call me Astri. This is Kinnan Ulfe, Casey, Favre Pinesword, Evyce, and that's Tatanshan. We all share the responsibilities of leadership in this camp, so you'll see us around often. Kinnan is our main commander, though--our gaurdian, you might say, so I'm sure that he wouldn't mind showing you the ropes here. I'm sorry if Evyce and Favre scared you--they tend to have that effect on most beasts."
Astri grins, winking.
    "We'd love to have you join our camp--if you'd like to fill out the application, just exit this tent and go to your left."
Kinnan takes over the introduction,
    "If you need any help with directions or anything at all, we all wouldn't mind lending a paw."
His voice hardens, "Right, everyone?"
A grunt comes from Favre--his paws are folded over his chest--and Evyce is silent. You notice her hood is back up. Casey blinks, squinting at Tatan. Tatanshan says nothing, he still has his gaze levelled on you, checking you out. He doesn't seem to have heard the question.. Maybe he's thinking..? Kinnan starts to grumble about lazy officers, and everyone seems to flinch as they hear each of their names mentioned in his rants.
Astriana sighs, shaking her head, and turns back to you,
    "Anyway, I train all the new recruits here, so if you need help, I will grant you that service. Feel free to wander around--just try to not get into too much trouble."
You turn to go around Favre and Evyce to get to the door, only to find that both the beasts are gone. Looking back at the fox and squirrel, they seem to have resumed their conversation, with the otter leaning on the table and adding tidbits of advice. The wolf leaves through the back door and pads towards some soldiers who are practice fighting. You can faintly hear him yelling,
    "No, no! All wrong!! Your stance is terrible! That's not how you hold a sword, that's how you hold a teacup!!" This whole camp is certainly very....unique.

Template © 2000 Little Unicorn Productions, Logo © 2000 Evyce, Picture and Animated Gif © 2000 XOOM, Wepage maintained by and Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol © 2000-2004 The QMP Leaders