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We're so sure you will make money within 5 to 6 weeks with this program, that if you honestly follow our instructions, and if after 6 weeks you haven't made money, we'll refund your complete membership fee, minus any commissions paid for you!! And you may keep the "Credit Secrets Bible As A Gift!" That's a $795 Value in itself. So there's ABSOLUTELY NO RISK INVOLVED!!

Excited Yet? Here's How To Join!

If you truly want to get involved with something brand new, cheat proof, can never be shut down, and can make you filthy stinkin' rich, then you need to be a part of this! We have purposely designed this program so that the average person could easily afford to participate in it. Certainly you must be tired of joining programs that are here today and gone tomorrow! Here's your chance to FINALLY receive the kind of Income You Deserve!! Your first step is to print out this application form, fill it out to it's entirety and then call our toll free 800 number!! Your second step is to sit back and wait to speak with a customer service representative, of if you get our voicemail, wait for us to contact you back! You'll either speak with us direct or you'll hear back from us immediately! We'll then give you the instructions for your third step! Remember we are getting hundreds of calls a day so please be patient! Out incredible Wealth Building Program will change your life forever!

Call Us Toll Free at 1-888-576-5503 Dial Ext. 1 for a brief overview, Dial Ext. 2 for Conference Call Times, Dial Ext. 3 For Product Description, and Dial Ext. 4 For a Live Customer Service Rep. To Get Started!


 Yes, Count me in. I want to get started right away, I wish to become a Member of the New "Money Doctor Program!" I'm Making a one time payment in the amount the customer service representative has instructed me to, for the Monitoring Fees and Product! YOU MAY INCLUDE $10 EXTRA FOR RUSH SHIPPING!

Name _____________________________________ Sponsor's Name Joseph L. Herring

Address ___________________________________ Sponsor's ID # JH-12553

City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________

Phone (_____)________________________ Fax (____)____________________

[ ] Important Note! Please Check Here if you want your personal phone number listed On Your Master Copies, So your potential prospects may call you!

Please Circle The Level You Are Joining At:

The $300 Level

The $600 Level

The $900 Level

The $1,200 Level

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