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 Here's How To Get Started!

The Best Opportunity I've Seen In A Long Time. Thanks for dropping by.

On the JOIN PAGE, you will find a toll free 800 number along with your sponsor's name and code number. Your sponsor is the person that mailed you the letter or sent you to this web site. You may or may not be able to contact your sponsor at first, it depends on if they asked us to list their number on the (Application) or not. If their number is not listed on the application, you will be able to speak with them once you've sent them their money and signed up. You will also be instructed to fill out the application.

When you join our program, you will send in a one time payment of $300, $600, $900, or $1,200 (which-ever level you decide to join at). Remember, you will be shipping 2 different packets, one to us and one to your sponsor. You will also be instructed to ship your funds and application ONLY by using a private courier (such as FedEx, UPS, or Airborne Express), and to ONLY mail Money Order, Cash, or Cashiers Check. No Personal Checks Will Be Accepted! Our customer service representative will then instruct you on filling out the correct amounts on the money orders or cashiers check, for the Commission you will be sending your sponsor and the monitor. At that time you will also receive addresses for both your sponsor and the monitor.

Once we receive your application and payment, we will contact your sponsor to make sure they have received their commission from you! If they have received their Commission, at that point we will ship you your Membership Kit along with "The Credit Secrets Package." Your membership kit will contain a step by step guide and instruction manual for getting started, camera ready copies of a 8 page letter with your name and ID number printed on the last page, ample referral companies who can provide you with Top Quality Mailing Lists of Opportunity Buyers and Printing and Mailing Companies, along with a sample Fax Blasting Flyer and companies that will Fax Blast Your Flyer!

Remember the monitor's fee covers the product, maintenance, and processing costs that are incurred! This gets you set up in our system and covers the ongoing costs of continuously monitoring your downline as people sign up in the program. Additionally the fees also go to pay for the ongoing overhead necessary to keep providing you service and to keep this program in the black. We maintain a lot of employees, need office space, computers, fax machines, phone lines that you will be able to access 24 hours a day, mail boxes, etc.. It also goes to pay for the membership kit, your product "The Credit Secrets Bible", utilities, paper, envelopes, shipping expenses, printing and lots more that's required to run a Private Program. You're probably wondering where and how we make our money with so much overhead expense. Well, here's the secret. We're making our money the same way you will be, by mailing out the 8 page flyer and signing up participants.


Eric Pantalone, from MA.... I made $20,000 in my first 3 weeks. Thanks for the money and for the program!

Joe Durst, from NY.... You created an absolute Power House of a program. I've only been in for 8 weeks and already made $47,000. $32,000 of that was straight Cash!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Gary Krau$$, from NY... I have been with the "Money Doctor Program" for LESS THAN 3 WEEKS and I Have Already Received OVER $10,000. The money comes directly to me and now I'm starting to get Residual Income Too!!! This is "THE BEST PROGRAM" I have ever seen, PERIOD!!! I love the "Money Doctor Program". It's Very Exciting! There has never been another program like it!!

Your Sponsor:
Joseph L. Herring
Sponsor ID#:


Cash Provides Freedom

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Here's How to Get Started

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9:30AM - 7PM EST, Mon-Fri.
Plus, 24 Hour 3 Minute Overview Hotline


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