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My Family!

Mark and Sian are proud to announce their new arrival - Christopher Haydn.
Christopher weighed in at 10lb 2oz (ouch!) in May 2004.

Here are the boys with Santa Claus!

The Boys with Santa!

June 2002
Some new pix from Sian:

Here's David in his new glasses and in his new sunglasses.

David's New Glasses

David's New Sunglasses

Here are David and friends, at David's birthday party at "Chuckie Cheese".

("Chuckie Cheese" - I think this is a terrible name for a restuarant, it always makes me feel faintly nauseous.)

David's Birthday Party

March 2002
Sian has recently sent me some new pictures of Gareth, so here they are!

Sian says "It's amazing what you can buy online these days!"

Special Delivery -- Gareth!

Special Delivery -- Gareth!

This one is a hoot! At home, Sian keeps the toilet locked so Gareth can't go fishing! He's fascinated with the toilet. At a friend's house the toilet wasn't locked and Gareth was able to indulge his fascination, to the general amusement of everyone! Apparently he's crying because he couldn't get any further into the toilet. This is a picture to keep and produce on graduation day, I feel!!

Bog Boy!

November 2000
I went out to the US to visit my brother and his family ... here are some of the pics.

This is Sian and David

Sian & David


My youngest nephew! Isn't he cute?! Pic by Sian!

Here's my brother with David and Gareth. Sian also took this picture.

Mark, David & Gareth

Paul & David

Here's one I took at Almaden Park. Paul and David playing on the swings. I went on the swings too, it was great fun!


Here's Helen (little sis!). Helen prefers this pic to the one in the Rogues Gallery. I prefer the Rogues Gallery one. What do you think?

Here is Nikki, my cousin, with her new baby, Morgan, born 30 October 2001. Congratulations to Nikki and Ian!!!

Nikki and Morgan

And here's Morgan!


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