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Major Super Abilities (part 2)

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Created by Kevin Siembieda

The character is completely invisible to all forms of mechnical detection, photographic devices and sensors including radar, motion detectors, heat sesnors and cameras (appears as a bit of data corruption in digitial media). This means he/she is invisible to robots and all mechanical sensors and optic systems, and can walk through electrical eyes, light/laser sensors, motion detectors, scanners, and cameras, and not activate them or be photographed. An alarm will be triggered only if a physical contact is broken. Even Positronic Robots and bionic sensors & optics are useless, they see only a slight blur that is hard to follow or target. Likewise, lie detectors, metal detectors, x-ray machines, EKGs, Cat-Scans, retinal scanners, bionic implacts, and any detection or scanning device directed at him/her will not work. Devices used by the character work perfectly.

1. Other Abilities & Bonuses

2. Disadvantages & Limitations

The power is always on.
Life-saving medical equipment (nano-tech included) is powerless to help this character, and even automatic doors and toys with sensor eyes do no respond to this character - of course, machines and devices that require manual command input still work.
The character can never be photographed.
Range Limitations of the Cloaking Power: Self and all possessions on his/her person. At third level the character can extend this aura of protection to include one additional person or large object (motorcycle, jet pack, cart, etc), provided that the individual or item remains within 1m of him/her.


Control Elemental Force: Air
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The power to manipulate and control aspects of air and atmospheric conditions.

1. Wind Rush:

Range: 100m
Damage: None
Penetration: None
Duration: Minimum of instantaneous (one attack) or can be maintained for a number of actions equal to double the characters level.
Bonus: +3 to strike
The air manipulator can create a short, powerful wind gusting to 100kmph, and can direct it at a specific target or area. The wind is so powerful that it will stagger or knock people down, and blow away all objects in its path weighing less than 15kg, as well as break ordinary window glass.
Directed at one specific target, the wind is a hard-hitting, focused blast that has a 01-70% likelihood of knocking down a person and items weighing up to 140kg. If a 6m wide gust of wind, the likelihood of being knocked down is marginally less; 01-60%. Everyone caught in the wind is staggered (if not sent sprawling), speed is reduced to 1/4, one action is lost, and all attemts to attack are -6 to strike. Items weighing 15kg or less, will be sent flying 1d6x10 meters away. Vehicles or characters weighing over 140kg have no fear of being knocked over, but speed is still reduced and combat penalties still apply. Vehicles are also forced to make a control check at -20% (add -5% to the penalty at levels three, five, eight, and ten).

2. Whirlwind:

The character can summon winds to create a rotating wind storm. Moving in and inward and upward spiral motion, the 120kmph winds will suck, hurl, and dash to the ground anyone or anything within 6m of it. Anyone caught in the wind cannot attack or speak for 14 seconds. They will be snatched up and hurled approximately 1d6x10 meters away, taking 4d6 points of damage. The wind will affect anything weighing less than 320kg.
It is never advisable to fly into or through a whirlwind, at any speed.
Range: The whirlwind has a 6m radius and can be created up to 100m away.
Duration: 90 seconds.

3. Ride the Wind

The ability to Glide on currents of air. Equivalent of the minor flight ability of Glide.

4. Change Wind Direction

The character can change the direction of the wind in a small area by manipulating air currents.
Range: 100m radius from the character.
Duration: Four minutes per level of experience.

5. Stop Wind/Control Wind Speed:

Again, by manipulating wind currents, the character can completely stop or merely slow down the wind in a small area.
Range: 50m radius from the character.
Duration: Four minutes per level of experience.

6. Create Air Bubble:

This character can create an maintain a a bubble or pocket of air. This can be done underwater or in a place where there is at least a minute quantity of oxygen. The bubble offers protection from gases, smoke, foul odors, etc. If moving from an area with atmosphere to an area with no atmosphere, the character can pull a bubble with them into the vacuum, however once the duration comes up the atmosphere will swiftly disperse, and most likely flash freeze any ambient moisture.
Range: Self, with a radius of 1m per level of experience.
Duration: 12 minutes per level of experience.
Speed: Limited to a Speed attribute of 10 (about 16kmph).

7. Call Lightning:

The character has incredible control over the chaotic forces that bring about lightning, and can summon it up to strike a specific target. All attempts to dodge are at -3.
Range: 60m+6m per level of experience.
Damage: 6d6+3 per level of experience
Penetration: 6. 3 against dense targets. Automatically damages Power Armours, Cybernetics, Robots, Vehicles, and APS: Metal mutants, dealing double damage.
Bonus: +2 to strike.

8. Atmospheric Manipulation:

This incredible power enables the character to alter atmospheric conditions.
Range: 150m+30m per level of experience radius from the character.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Each act of manipulation takes up two actions.
Altered Atmospheric Conditions: The character can create any one effect per minute, and maintain it or combine effects, adding one to another. Effects stay in play for the duration without any additional effort on the part of the character, and all effects can be dispelled in about 30 seconds.
1. Darken Sky: Heavy overcast, with black, ominous clouds.
2. Thunderclap: Will frighten animals (01-80% chance of panicking), and startle people (Save vs. Horror Factor 12).
3. Increase/Decrease Wind Speed: +/-10kmph every ten seconds, up to a maximum of +/-60kmph per level of experience.
4. Increase/Decrease Precipitation: +/-10% every ten seconds, up to +/-90%. Can create extremely humid conditions with a 01-45% chance of light fog, and a 01-25% chance of light rain.
5. Create/Dispel Fog: At a rate of 3 square meters every ten seconds.
6. Create Cloud Cover: Within 30 seconds, the skies fill with clouds, making seeing above the clouds impossible (will also hamper radar).

9. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Control Elemental Force: Earth
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The power to manipulate and control aspects of the earth. To use any of these powers there must be a nearby source of earth (stone, dirt, clay, sand, even concrete will work) within a 200m radius of the character. The earth is molded and manipulated, not created.

1. Wall of Earth:

The character can create a wall that is up to 6x4x1m in dimensions.
A dirt wall has an A.R. of 10 and 200 S.D.C.
A clay or sand wall has an A.R. of 11 and 300 S.D.C.
A stone or concrete wall has an A.R. of 15 and 400 S.D.C., and counts as a dense target.
All attacks that strike dirt, clay, or sand walls do full damage. An attack that is higher that penetrates the A.R. will go right through the wall and may hit someone or something on the other side. Shooters attempting to hit something on the other side of a wall are firing blind and thus is -6 to strike. Projectiles do half damage after penetrating the wall, energy attacks do 1/4 damage. Explosives lose all of their force upon impact, though their blast radius may overlap the width of the wall.
All attacks that strike stone or concrete walls have to roll over the A.R. in order to do damage (certain attacks also do half damage to dense targets when failing to penetrate, or simply penetrate most targets automatically). These attacks will rarely exit through the other side until the S.D.C. of the wall has been reduced to less than 200.
The wall can be molded into a circle, "L" or "V" shape, dome, or straight line. It rises from the ground.
Range: Can be created up to 40m away plus 3m per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent until knocked down, or destroyed (by attacks or its creator).
Attacks: Creating a wall takes one action!
Bonus: +1 to parry or initiative (as the case may be) to creat a wall or slab to block an incoming attack.

2. Tower of Earth

This power enables the character to call up a great mound of earth or stone to rise up out of the ground, carying anything that was standing where it formed skyward. Victims pushed skyward are temporarily knocked off balance, losing two actions, and are -5 to strike, parry, or dodge for the first combat round. After that, the victim can act as normal (of course extreme heights may affect certain victims differently). If the victims falls they take 1d4 damage for every 2m of height.
The S.D.C. of the tower is 120 for every 2m of height. The tower will collapse after about four minutes. The character can of course maintain the tower by force of will by using an action at the end of the duration.
Range: Can be made up to 30m away.
Height: 4m at level one, +2m per each additional level of experience. Width at the top of the tower is a diameter of 2m.
Duration: Four minutes, unless the character wills it to remain for another four minutes at the end of the duration.
Attacks: Creating a tower takes one action!
Saving Throw: Those attempting to dodge this unexpected attack do so at -10.

3. Hurl Earth

The character can cause chunks of earth to raise up, and then hurl them at a target at speeds of approximately 112-144kmph. Up to 25kg can be affected per action. This chunk of earth can be hurled as one large chunk or several small chunks. Note that earth that has already been formed and gathered up out of the ground (like clay/stone/concrete blocks used in building) can simply be hurled in one action per block/slab.
Range: Hurling range is 30m+3m per level of experience.
Duration: It takes time to gather up large amounts of earth (25kg can be gathered per action), but the act of hurtling only takes one action.

Penetration: The effective penetration of dirt/sand/clay is nil, and these kinds of earth are better at burying or hindering dense targets. However, it is said that only a rock can break a rock, and large amounts of stone are especially effective at damaging dense targets. Penetration rolls for amounts of rock weighing more than 10kg are made with no bonuses, but even when failing to penetrate they still inflict half damage, and enough rock can crush pretty much anything. Best beware when you you get a 1 tonne (which takes 40 actions/80 seconds to gather) boulder hucked at you.

4. Quicksand:

This power enables the character to transform normal earth, stone, or concrete into a pool of quicksand/gravel. Ideal for combat outdoors or in busy streets. Naturally this cannot be created in buildings above ground (unless they happened to be made entirely out of stone/earthen materials).
Range: The size of the circular quicksand pit is a maximum of 4m in diameter, and can be cast up to 20m away plus 2m per level of experience. Line of sight must be possible. The quicksand can be created directly beneath a target or set as a trap.
Depth: 2m+1m per level of experience. The character can regular the approximate depth in increments of 1/3 of a meter.
Duration: Three minutes per level of experience. At the end of the duration, victims (dead or alive) once trapped in the quick sand are brought up to the top as the destabilized earth reforms itself. The character can restore the ground to normal at will.
Damage: This trap doesn't inflict direct damage so much as it can leave a victim in a situation where they can suffocate. This is of course a matter of the character's alignment. Your average human suffocates in about three minutes.
Anyone entering into the quicksand sinks at about 2/3 of a meter every 10 seconds. Struggling (swimming, moving forward,) doubles the sinking rate! Those trapped in quicksand continually sink. If close to the edge (typically one falls and slides 1-2 meters away from the edge), one may be able to pull him/herself out, but best movement is 1/3 of a meter every 10 seconds. Victims can be pulled, flown, or levitated out by others, or when applicable, under their own power (quicksand has a bad habit of clogging jets though).
Debilitation: Those trapped in the pool are a -5 to strike, parry, and dodge. In most cases, victims can't even dodge with any effectiveness (trying to will simply make them sink faster), but those with flight powers or whatnot are still at a penalty when attemping to dodge and escape out of the quicksand. Attacks per round are reduced to half (accept in the case of psionics, since they can perform just about all of their abilities without moving), and acting to do anything else while in the quicksand causes the victim to sink at about 1.2 meters every ten seconds.

5. Rend Earth

The character can split the earth like a mini-earthquake, creating a 5m wide, 6m deep, and 12m long crevice. These are the maximum measurements and can be adjusted to the character's desire by increments of 1/3 of a meter. The character can rend the earth once every 10 seconds, and it is possible to add to the size of a crevice or make multiple ones.
This ability also enables the character to create openings in walls of concrete, brick, plaster or stone. Even after the character closes the wall, there will still be a noticeable compromise in the integrity and consistency of the material.
Range: Rends can be made up to 40m away plus 12m per level of experience.
Duration: Rends remain until closed by the character, or fixed by proper construction work.
Damage: Falling into a chasm does 1d4 damage for every 2m of depth. Vehicles, robots, power armours, and walking tanks falling into the chasm will suffer 1d4x10 damage if they weren't moving or were traveling under 16kmph. Otherwise, add 4d6 damage for each additional 16kmph.
Crushing Damage: The creator of the opening can also close it at any time. Only one rend can be closed at a time, and falls under the same time constraints as opening a rend (can only be performed once every 10 seconds). Rends close within 6 seconds after the character begins to close it, and those inside it when it closes are crushed, taking 2d4x10+40 damage (double damage to vehicles and large, crunchable objects). Dense, solid objects (like mutants with APS Crystal, Metal, or Stone, and some uber-robots) take half damage, but are still completely buried. Anything not killed by this is buried, and most organisms will suffocate within 3-4 minutes. There are many ways of course that one could dig or blast their way out, but care must be taken not to either deplete air, or simply dig themselves an even deeper grave. Also, chasms opened in urban areas will probably rend sewage and drain ways, which could provide the victim with an escape.
Attacks: Opening or closing a chasm takes two of the character's actions, and only one chasm can be opened/closed every ten seconds.

6. Sand/Dust Storm

Dust and/or sand particles can be manipulated to fill the air to create a sand/dust storm.
Range: Affects 10m radius, and can be created up to 60m away plus 3m per level of experience.
Duration: Four minutes.
Damage: Nothing but a minor annoyance at best, accept for the sheer blinding effect (-8 to all actions), all sense of direction is lost, radar and motion detectors are fouled beyond use, speed is reduced by half, and talking is impossible unless the mouth is covered by some sort of mask.
Attacks: Can only be performed once every ten seconds, but only uses an action, enabling the character to create a slowly growing sand storm.

7. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Control Elemental Force: Fire
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The power to manipulate and control fire. The character however cannot just conjure fire save for spontaneous combustion. All powers require line of sight, though the character can sense nearby fire. Small fires (lighters, cigarettes, etc.) within 5m are a challenging perception check (14+), controlled fires (fire places, camp fires) within 10m are a moderate perception check (8+), while wild fires within 30m are an easy perception check (4+).

1. Spontaneous Combustion:

The basic element of any good pyro, allowing one to ignite combustible materials. Spontaneous combustion creates only the spark to start a fire, not a roaring wall of flame (unless suitable fuel is present). It cannot be used to set a persons hair or clothes on fire.
Range: Line of sight.

2. Fuel Flame:

Make things hot, by quadrupling the size and intensity of an existing flame. This can make make smoldering embers into a nice roaring flame. Fire can be intensified again once every 10 seconds, to the effect of increasing the temperature by 15 degrees celsius. Size however cannot be increased any further (besides by the nature in which fire spreads).
Range: Line of sight. Must be able to view the heart of the flame.

3. Fire Blast:

The character can expand just about any existing flame, from the minimum of a Zippo lighter or candle, and hurl a firey blast!
The fire blast is equal to the minor ability of Energy Expulsion: Fire. Also, the character automatically has the Advanced Energy Expulsion abilities of Continous and Explosive Effect. Remember that you cannot combine Advanced Energy Expulsion abilities.

4. Create a Wall or Circle of Flame:

With this ability, the character can manipulate an existing fire to make a wall or circle of flame to trap others, or to block passages. The walls are 1m thick per level of experience, and 7m+2m tall per level of experience, and can cover the circumference of a 6m+1m radius per level of experience. Usually the character will have to fuel a small flame in before it is big enough to utilize this ability.
Range: 30m+3m per level of experience
Duration: One minute per level of experience. The character must concentrate to maintain the wall, using up two actions every round.
Damage: 4d6 damage +2 per level of experience to anyone who passes through the flame.
Penetration: Hot stuff, automatic damage!
Bonus: +4 to hit a specific area (those wishing to avoid a flash fry may dodge)
Deadly Heat Effect from Wall or Circle of Flame: The character can increase the temperature by 15 degrees Celsius every ten seconds. Thus within a few minutes the character can generate heat so stifling that even entering the area causes pain and discomfort to normal people. The heat generated by the fire starts at 30 degrees Celsius, hot but tolerable.

60 degrees Celsius causes discomfort, shortness of breath and intense perspiration. People within the heat readius are likely to pass out. Roll percentile, 01-50% likelihood, roll for every eight minutes of exposure.
90 degrees Celsius causes extreme discomfort, blurs vision, causes great difficulty breathing, and 1d4 damage for every minute of exposure. 01-70% chance of passing out after every minute. Victims of the heat are -2 to stirke, parry, and dodge, and -25% on skill performance.
150 to 200 degrees Celsius is unbearable for most humans. Those caught in this environment will be unable to open their eyes for more than a second (effectively blind), and it is extremely difficult to breathe. More important, highly combustible materials will burst into flame and the searing heat inflicts 1d6 points of damage for every ten seconds of exposure. 01-80% chance of passing out every every thirty seconds and victims of the heat are -70% to perform skills. All they will want to do is get out. Prolonged exposure, more than three minutes without any sort of protectiong, will cause first and second degree burns on the skin (2d6 damage every ten seconds). Any longer than this and damage starts being applies directly to hit points!
260 degrees Celsius causes immediate pain, blindness, immediate and severe labored breathing, and does 4d6 points of damage every ten seconds! 01-90% chance of those exposed to the destructive heat to pass out every ten seconds. High combustible materials burst into flames upon contact. Other combustibles like paper, hair, and clothing will catch fire within 1-2 minutes.
350+ degrees Celsius creates unbearable pain, causes 6d6 points of damage every ten seconds (+1d6+5 damage for every additional 20 degrees Celsius), and breathing is impossible. Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, no initiative, and all they will want to do is flee. 01-95% chance of passing out every ten seconds. Combustible material will be set ablaze within thirty seconds. Those note killed by the heat will die within 60-90 seconds from suffocation, 2nd and 3rd degree burns result from short exposure to this heat.

5. Extinguish Fire

This ability permanently extinguishes any fires that they can see. This can be performed once every 10 seconds. The character can also bend this power to part or cut a swath through fire (up 3m wide and 100m long).
Range: An area up to 40m in radius can be affected and the power can be used on fires within line of sight.
Attacks: Each use of this power counts as two actions.

6. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Control Elemental Force: Water
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The power to manipulate and control aspects of water. To use any of these powers there must be a source of water within a 300m radius. Without an ample source of water, the character can not use the powers. The water source can be a sewer (brown water!), water pipeline, underground stream, pond, lake, ocean, or rain. However, underground water sources cannot be more than 300m underground.

1. Calm Water:

The ability to impose one's will over water turbulence. The size of waves, their speed and potential damage are reduced by half. Calming effect can be repeated in the same radius to maintain the effect, but only after the initial effect has run up the duration.
Range: 100m radius, up to 300m away.
Duration: 12 minutes
Attacks: Uses up four actions!

2. Create Waves:

The character is able to manipulate large sources of water to create a variety of waves in water or on land.
Range: 100m radius, up to 300m away.
Attacks: Uses up two actions.
Bonus: +4 to strike
Damage by Size of Waves: The size and speed of waves can be controlled by the character with the following effects.

Knockdown: Getting hit with a wave taller than you is very mean. Those hit by a wave, on land or deck top, are likely to be knocked down and carried away. Getting washed up in a wave causes the loss of 1d4+1 actions. Getting hit but not knocked down causes the loss of one action.

3. Water Slam:

Different from a wave. This is a towering wave that comes up and then smacks down on the target like a hand. At 5m tall and 2m wide, it's nothing to be ignored. Can also be used on land if sufficient nearby water is available; 750 liters or more.
Range: 40m+3m per level of experience.
Damage; 2d6 plus 1 per level of experience. Victims of the slam also lose initiative and one aciton.
Attacks: Uses up two actions.
Bonus: +3 to strike.

4. Water Spout:

This tricky technique summons up a spout-like wave that pushes its victim skyward, bouncing atop the water spout. A large body of water must be available.
Height of the Spout: 4m per level of experience.
Weight Limit: 250kg per level of experience.
Range: 20m+4m per level of experience.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Attacks: Creating a spout takes one action.
Damage: Being dropped from a spout into water does 1d4 damage for every 4m of height. Being dropped onto the ground does 1d4 damage for every 2m of height. Victims bobbing atop the spout are -6 to strike, parry, dodge, and initiative.

5. Wall of Water:

This power calls up a wave which will suspend itself to create a wall of water. This wall can be up to 2m thick, 10m tall and 10m long. The water can be molded into the shape of a long, straight wall, circle, dome, or "L" or "V" shape. Because of the vast amount of moving water, it is impossible to see beyond the wall. This ability requires a vast amount of water, like a very large swimming pool, lake, river, etc.
Range: 50m+3m per level.
Duration: Five minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Creating a wall of water takes 2 actions.
Damage: None. However, it will slow and deflect bullets. Also, those attemping to strike through the wall do so at half their usual bonuses. Also, water density can quickly disperse the effectiveness of most any attack.
Projectiles: Small arms and shotgun shell fire sees their range reduced to 1/10 when passing through water. Heavy cartridges and artillery (anti-material rounds, autocannon rounds, anti-material rounds, cannon fire) see their range reduced by 1/3 when passing through water. Solid projectiles do 25% less damage after passing through water (explosive rounds don't count, they deliver their damage through the explosive payload delivery, not kinetic energy). Make sure to account for distance traveled when apply for the water, because a wall of water could very well stop a bullet.
Ballistics: Missiles get fouled by the density of water, and detonate against the wall. A wall of water is easily blown apart. But, if the character is focusing on the wall, than any degree of explosive force can be applied to the wall, and it will reform itself within two actions. However if the character is using some other power, then a wall of water can only withstand 100 damage of explosive force before it falls apart. Any additional damage will pass onto the blast radius (so you subtract -100, then divide in half).
Lasers: Heat lasers (IR & UV) are lose a lot of energy boiling off the water. Range is reduced to 1/4, and damage is reduced by 50%. Photonic lasers lose no damage, because of how the photons disperse through the water, however range is severally reduced, to 1/10th!
Ion & Electrical Blasts: Unfortunately utterly disperse across a wall of water, with no effect.
Particle & Plasma Blasts: These attacks are very capable of blasting a wall of water apart. It only takes 100 damage worth of particle and/or plasma blasts to boil off a wall of water. However, all attacks are absorbed by the wall, and the remaining damage from the final attack does not pass over (due to the density of water).
The wall also possesses the force of moving water. It takes about 10 seconds to swim through through it with a Swimming skill check, and if the character can't swim, then they will simply be swept up by the moving water if they weigh less than 300kg. Those weighing more than 300kg who can't swim can walk through at 1/4 their usual Speed. Vehicles, or incredibly fast moving mutants find their speed reduced by 1/2. Impact is hard on superspeed mutants though, causing 1d6 damage for every 75kmph of speed.

6. Whirlpool:

This ability creates a huge, spinning whirlpool in any body of water. Of course, it's only really effective in large bodies (pond, lake, river, sea, etc.). This watery funnel pulls and sucks all objects in or on the water into its whirling center, cruhsing and dragging them down into the depths. Objects caught in the outer edge will be snagged in the pull and drawn towards its center in a spiraling circle, at a rate of 3m every 30 seconds.
Range: 100m away plus 6m per level of experience.
Duration: Eight minutes. The creator of the whirlpool can cancel it any time and can create a new one every minute.
Attacks: Creating a whirlpool must be the first action of a round and uses up four attacks!
Damage: The whirlpool has a 10m radius and does 4d6 damage to everything in its grip every 20 seconds. Victims in the water will become dizzy and disoriented, with no initiative, and -4 to strike, parry, and dodge, and lose half of their melee actions (spend them trying to keep ones head above water). Plus there is a 01-33% chance of drowning. Victims can be pulled, flown or levitated to safety. Large boats or ships may be able to pull themselves away; 01-66% chance of boats pulling free, roll once each 20 seconds.

7. Create Underwater Air Bubble.

The character can create an underwater air bubble, affecting a maximum radius of 3m. The bubble can be created around oneself or to encircle as many as a dozen people at a distance. The bubble cannot be moved easily; normally floating along with the tide with a slight, upward drift (about 3m per minute). Through intense concentration the person who created the bubble can direct it, moving with a Speed attribute of 6. Controlling the bubble uses up all of the character's concentration.
The bubble can be punctured or destroyed by any type of attack. Those those inside cannot use any weapon or power that emits a projectile or force because it will pop the bubble. Photonic lasers can be used with no fear, though their range in the water is somewhat abysmal. Many psionic and magic abilities can also be used without fear.
Range: 40m+3m per level
Bubble S.D.C.: 50
Duration: Eight minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Creating a bubble uses up three acttacks. Can typically create one every 10 seconds, but can only move one at a time.

8. Walk on Water:

Exactly what it sounds like, the character is able to stand, walk, run or float atop the water (including atop a spout or wave without penalty), but speed is reduced by half.
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Activation of this power takes up one action and maintaining it takes 1 action every round.

9. Other Abilities & Bonuses:


Control Insects & Arachnids
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The superbeing can direct and control insects & arachnids. This is through pheremone control, and can also be used to control genetically engineered insects. The character can even bond with insects by feeding them bits of his/her DNA through his/her blood, and this bonding will cause them to grow to enormous proportions over time (imagine having a giant fire ant, or giant killer bee to work with you).

1. Communicate with and Understand All Insects

Insects understand the commands of their controller, but while the character is able to mentally direct the tiny buggers and comprehend basic insect instinct (hunger, confusion, fear, etc.), he/she cannot actually speak with them. So flies cannot spy on someone and report back what they heard. However it's very easy for insects to scout about and simply report back that they found someone or something unusual. Imagery can also be projected through the pseudo-psychic connection, though details are often hazy at best, since most insects have drastically different vision from what hominids are comfortable with.

2. Summon Insects

The character is typically able to summon up to 100 common insects or arachnids per level of experience, and as many as two different insect or arachnid classes. The number of common colony insects like ants can be far greater. Note that while under the character's control, even two insect/arachnid classes which are natural enemies, will work together in harmony. However, summoning colony insects away from their work tends to piss the queen off. In fact, if the character is not able to take control of the entire colony, it is more than likely that the insects still in the sway of the queen will attempt to kill the character and all of the insects under his/her command. Of course, the queen's armies may only follow so far before they will cease their pursuit.
Range: 1km radius.
Duration: Effectivelly indefinate; requires the character's concentration.

3. Mentally Control Insects:

The character can mentally control all the insects/arachnids he has summoned. If the controller is physically moved beyond his/her range of control or is rendered unconcious, his/her mental influence over the insects is broken and they will act on their own, or return to their queen.
Range: 120m plus 10m per level of experience.
Attacks: Each command takes an action. However, once the bugs are sent on their task, the character doesn't need to exercise any further influence over them until he/she wishes to issue a new command. While maintaining control and influence over the swarm, even if no new commands are issued, the character loses one action per round.
Damage by Types of Insect Attack:

1. Blinding Swarm: Can be flies, flying ants, moths, butterflies, gants, or anything else that flies. They create a living cloud and fly up the nose, into the eyes and mouth, collide with the face, and crawl on the body of everyone within the swarm cloud. Victims in the bug cloud are -5 to strike, and -9 to parry and dodge, as well as losing initiative, reduce speed by half, and lose one action. Swarms also have a Horror Factor of 11, and are often very good at frightening off women and children.
2. Itching Swarm: Works specifically with swarms that crawl instead of fly. Same penalties as the Blinding Swarm.
3. Biting Swarm: Can be biting flies, ants, beetles, spiders, or other insects or arachnids. Normally the bit is little more than an irritant, but the numbers are so great and the bites so numerous that they collectively inflict damage. Swarms of bigger bugs like this are ever scarrier, with a Horror Factor of 12.
Ants and flies typically inflict 1d4 damage every 10 seconds.
Beetles and large biting insects inflict 2d6 damage every 10 seconds.
Nonpoisonous spiders inflict 3d6 damage every 10 seconds.
4. Stinging Swarm: BEES! WASPS! HORNETS! Or other similiar insects or arachnids. Normally, the sting hurts but is not deadly unless the vicitm is allergic, but the numbers are so great and the stings so numerous that it can inflict serious damage.
Stinging insects like bees and hornets typically inflict 3d6 damage every 10 seconds and the victims are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge. Swarms of stinging insects are especially scary, with a Horror Factor of 14.
5. Swarms of Poisonous Arachnids: These include poisonous spiders, like the black widow and scorpions. Even though the sting from just one of these critters is dangerous, the numbers are so great and the stings so numerous that they can be lethal.
Poisonous arachnids typically inflict 3d6 from a single sting. A group of 10-40 will inflict 2d6x10 damage every 10 seconds, unless a save vs. lethal poison is made, in which case half damage is inflicted. Even if the victim makes the saving throw he/she suffers from dizziness and nuasea and is -4 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge. Swarms of these critters are rightfully frightening, with a Horror Factor of 16.

Note: Also see specific damage and attacks described under the specific insect descriptions. Swarms also really aren't effective against dense targets, vehicles, or other things that tiny insects are insignificant against. However, they are tiny enough that they could eventually swarm their way inside vehicles that aren't sealed.

4. Bond with Insects & Arachnids

The character can find a particular bug and 'bond' with it. This bonding occurs when the character feeds the bug a small amount of their blood. Cells in the characters blood will infuse the bug, and begin making the changes to cause it to grow. The bug will grow two times in size every day, and will require proper consistent nourishment to fuel the change. A common bug can grow up to 60 times it's normal size, and is completely obedient to the mutant who they are bonded with, to the point of giving it's life to save its master. For some reason, this growth bonding does not affect genetically engineered insects, however they remain obedient and mentally connected to the mutant. The mutant can have three bonded bugs per level of experience. However, their death will cause a good deal of feedback into the character, requiring a save vs. insanity every time on of the critters is lost. If the character fails the test, then they are racked with the death of their companion, and -2 to all actions for five minutes (this penelty is not cumulative in sheer effect, but duration can be stacked).

5. Other Abilities & Bonuses:


Control Radiation
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This impressive power enables the character to control the dangerous properties of nuclear and other deadly types of radiation as well as heat generated by nuclear reaction. Effectively this is the influence of both weak and strong nuclear forces.

1. Generate Radiation:

The character can cause themselves to emit extreme levels of nuclear radiation which is deadly to most organic life. A radiation suit, environmental body armour, power armour, or similiar shielding is needed to avoid damage. The area where the radiation was emitted will remain irradiated and dangerous for 4d6 minutes if it was exposed to more than five minutes of radiation.
Range: Effects up to a 15m radius and can be created to affect an area up to 60m away from the character.
Damage: 3d6 for every 10 seconds of exposure and any fraction thereof. Everybody exposed to the radiation must roll percentile dice, with a 30% chance of contracting radiation sickness. Of course, there are medications which can be taken before or after contracting radiation sickness.
Duration: A ten-second radiation wave can be performed at the cost of two of the characters actions. Alternatively, it can be maintained indefinately, but the character is incapable of performing other attacks or actions.
Radiation Sickness: Victims of radiation sickness have the following symptoms; physical nausea, headache, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Left untreated, the victim will take 3d6 points of damage daily (does not recover, not through Healing Factor, nor through the effects of Alter Physical Structure abilities or Heightened Damage capacity, until proper treatment is recieved) and suffer from hair loss, ulceration of the skin, bone marrow depression, bloody diarrhea, lung fibrosis, premature thickening and hardening of the artery walls, and the possible development of malignancy and death. In the Mutare system of course, medicine has evolved to the point where radiation sickness can be treated without a lengthy hospital visit. Combat Penalties: Reduce all bonuses and P.E. attribute by half, reduce speed and skill proficiencies by 10%, and reduce the number of attacks by one.

2. Use Self as a Radioactive Dampener:

The character's body becomes a sponge that absorbs all nuclear radiation in the immediate area, making it safe for others. The radiation dampening aura radiates around the character and moves with him/her. Comes in handy when dealing with radiation leaks or irradiated areas. That character cannot prevent a nuclear meltdown or fusion bomb, but can reduce the level of radiation that these detonations release by 5% per level of experience, and damage by 1% per level of experience.
Range: 30m radius from the character plus 3m per level of experience.
Duration: As long as the character concentrates, but no offensive actions can be undertaken.

3. Detect Radioactivity:

The character can sense the presence and general location of hidden or buried uranium, plutonium, radium, thorium, polonium, and any other radioactive elements, isotopes, or sources. The character is unable to determine the exact amount, again only getting general impressions. He can also sense the presence of nuclear power sources.
Range: 60m+20m per level of experience.

4. Generate Intense Light:

The character can cause his/her body to glow, enabling them to generate a superbright light that makes it impossible for normal humans to look at him. All attacks directed against him are -5 to strike, and other combat in the brightly lit area is done at -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. Can be used to easily light a large area. Of course, looking at the character with Infrared, Ultraviolet, or Thermal Imaging will nullify out the visible light radiation.
Range: 150m diameter. Past this diameter there are no penalties unless attemping to look directly at the character.
Damage: None, but those within 30m of the character have a 10% chance of contracting radiation sickness.
Duration: 10 seconds for every two actions spent radiating light.

5. X-Ray Vision:

Same as the minor Supervision ability.

6. Hurl Nuclear Fire:

Mean stuff, just about as wicked as plasma. Damage can be controlled in increments of 1d6. Unlike normal fire, this stuff usually burns things up so fast that the fire does not spread.
Range: 30m+3m per level of experience
Damage: 3d6+1d6 per level of experience
Penetration: Automatic!
Bonuses: +3 to strike on an aimed shot.

7. Generate Heat:

The character can generate intense nuclear heat from his/her body or throw it. Can radiate heat at a rate of 20 degrees Celsius every 10 seconds up to 740 degrees Celsius; starts at 40 degrees. See Control Elemental Force: Fire for the effects of extreme heat.
The intense heat field can also serve as a protective field that can stop bullets, arrows, and other small projectiles by melting them before they reach the character (even railgun slugs don't always move fast enough). Roll as if it were a parry. A successful parry means the projectiles were vaporized before they reach the character. Entire bursts can be destroyed in his fashion. A failed parry means they hit to do full damage.
Range: 6m radius around the superbeing.
A directed blast of heat from the hands at a specific target has a range of 30m+1m per level of experience.
Area of Effect & Damage: See Control Elemental Force: Fire. Note that fires started as a result of the heat only burn at half the intensity of what the aura is currently producing. This heat also produces radioactivity, and those exposed have a 30% chance of contracting radiation sickness.
Duration: Radiating heat from the body lasts 10 seconds for every two actions spent.

Melting Point Temperatures/Damage:
100-200 Degrees Celsius:
Instantly ignites gasoline, kerosene, lamp oil, all falmmable gases, and all highly flammable fabrics and materials. Will ignite wood and melt asphalt, plastic, rubber, platinum, tin, gunpowder, explosives, and products made from sulfur, sodium, or phosphorus. Can also cause water to boil to scalding temperatures. Damage: 1d6 damage from stepting on melted asphalt with your usual tennis shoes (6d6 for those walking barefoot!), plus initiative, speed, and the number of attacks are reduced by half while walking/running over the boiling surface. If flammable materials are present, fires will start, refer to Control Elemental Force: Fire.
201-370 Degrees Celsius: Can melt lead, aluminium, magnesium, and zinc, but heat must be sustained for 16 seconds. Concrete and brick can be made extremely brittle but won't melt at this level. Damage: Walking through molted substances causes 1d6x10 damage plus initiative, speed, and the number of attacks are reduced by half while walking/running over the boiling surface; damage to dense targets is half (it's still hot, but the heat is more effective against flesh bags). Damage to concrete and brick; reduce the affected area's A.R. and S.D.C. by half.
371-650 Degrees Celsius: Can melt calcium (that includes bones!), gold, copper, silver. The heat must be sustained for 40 seconds before the materials become liquid. Damage: Walking through the molten substan causes 2d4x10 damage; damage to dense targets is half (it's still hot, but the heat is more effective against flesh bags), plus initiative and all but two actions are lost, and speed is half while walking/running over the molten surface.
651-815 Degrees Celsius: Can melt iron, nickel, manganese, silicon, and potassium! At this level the character can melt a lot of rocks to create a large amount of molten love, and can turn entire cars and small trucks into molten slag. The heat must be sustained for 90 seconds. Damage: Walking through the molten substance causes 2d6x10 damage; damage to dense targets is half (it's still hot, but the heat is more effective against flesh bags), plus initiative and all actions are lost, and speed is reduced by 70% while running over the boiling surface.
816-1000 Degress Celsius: Can melt concrete, brick, and rock! Damage: Walking through the molten substance causes 3d6x10 damage; damage to dense targets is half (it's still hot, but the heat is more effective against flesh bags), plus initiative and all actions are lost. Speed is reduced by 80% while walking running over the boiling surface.
Note: Having one's body armour or vehicle melted atop them causes 2d6x10+40 damage, the victim loses all attacks for one minute, and will need medical treatment for second and third degree burns on 2d4x10% of his body. Reduce physical beauty by half from permanent scarring.

Substances & Metals that are NOT dramatically affected: Several substances and metals are not affected by this heat and melting power due to their high melting points or ability to quickly dispel heat.
Carbon and carbon based objects: Such as carbon fiber body armours, diamonds, etc. However, the heat will cause damage and touching boiling substances causes severe damage.
The metals Titanium, Chromium, Tungsten, and Vanadium all have melting points well beyond the character's capabilities. These metals will still conduct the heat burning skin or igniting any flammable touching them.

8. Other Abilities & Bonuses:

9. Disadvantages


Control Static Electricity
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This major power sounds a bit lightweight but, in the right hands it can be quite formidable.

1. Joy Buzzer Shock

A simple but startling jolt of electricity. Good for getting the drop on a foe.
Range: Touch
Damage: Inflicts one point of damage to S.D.C. (will never reduce hit points), but is startling. The shocked person loses initiative and there is a 50% chance the victim will drop anything he/she is holding, or release and opponent that is being physically restrained, entangled, pinned, or otherwise held. Also, a Joy Buzzer Shock when applied to electronic appliances (surveillance or digital cameras, domestic computer systems, commerical registers) will short the device out,
Note: This ability has no effect against those with Alter Physical Structure Stone or Crystal, but will do not just one but TWO points of damage to those with Alter Physical Structure Metal, as well as robots, cyborgs, and power armours, and it causes them to be shocked and drop things just as well (works more like a power surge).

2. Static Cling:

On the amusing end, this static charge can cause hair to stand on end, dresses to ride up, and clothing to cling and crinkle, making them look messy and uncomfortable.
On the more menacing end of the spectrum, static cling can be used to manipulate clothing, like capes, jackets, scarves, ties, shoelaces, hats, to cover, untie, and/or enwrap a person's bead or wave in his/her face, temporarily blinding and/or distracting the victim. Likewise, the clothing and shoelaces can encircle the legs, causing the person to stumble (reduce speed by 25%) or around the arms, impairing movement.
Range: Can be cast up to 12m+3m away per level of experience.
Area of Effect: 6m+1m diameter per level of experience.
Duration: 5 minutes+2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Creating the initial static effect uses up one action, plus an action for each static burst/manipulation.
Damage: None, other than combat penalties. Entanglement causes the victim to lose an action and initiative. If the head is completely covered, the character is blinded (-8 to all combat moves) until the article is removed. Victims require 1d4 actions to completely remove/unravel the article of clothing.

3. Static Charge:

Charges the air with static electricity, causing hair to stand on end and bristle, paper to rustle and fly into the air, and clothing to cling and undulate. The charge creates a very uncomfortable, chaotic, and distracting environment, where things are moving into the air, across the floor, and along one's body. It can also do all the things that can be done with Static Cling, only on a larger scale.
Range: Can be cast up to 20m+3m away per level of experience.
Area of Effect: 8m+2m diameter per level of experience.
Damage: None, other than combat penalties. All those in the area of effect lose initiative and two attacks every round that the charge is in force.
Duration: 3 minutes+1 minute per level of experience.
Attacks: Two actions to create the initial charge. Each static burst/manipulation takes up an action.

4. Static Ion Bolt:

Alters atmospheric conditions to create a static bolt with properties similiar to lightning. Damage is low, but as the character gains experience, it's ability to effect electronics becomes unquestionable.
Range: 6m+3m per level of experience.
Damage: 1d6 damage + 3 per level of experience. Also disrupts electrical equipment. A static energy bolt will erase unshielded computer disks, cause distortion or erase audio tapes, and can otherwise disable most domestic and commerical electronics for 1d6 minutes+2 per level of experience. When attempting to stun shielded electronics, robots, cyborgs, or power armours, there is a 20%+10% chance per level of experience of stunning them for 1d4 minutes+1 per level of experience.
Penetration: 3. 1 against dense targets. Automatically damages Power Armours, Cybernetics, Robots, Vehicles, and APS: Metal mutants, dealing double damage.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed, +1 wild.

5. Static Electrical Field:

The ability to create a field of crackling electricity and sparks. The field can be centered around the character or projected at a distance. Centered around the character the field appears to be protective or that the individual is supercharged with energy. The spectacle is impressive and frightening, scaring away the average citizen, Horror Factor 14; H.F. 9 to superbeings over 2nd level, who often know better. The crackling field makes an impressive light show but offers no defense.
Range: Can be cast up to 10m+1m away per level of experience, or centered around the character.
Area of Effect: 2m+1m diameter per level of experience.
Damage: Anyone entering the field takes 1d4 damage+2 per level of experience and there is a 50% chance of being knocked off ones feet (lose initiative and one attack). If a mutant with Alter Physical Structure Metal, or a power armour, cyborg, robot, or vehicle makes contact with the field, they take double damage, with a 40%+10% chance per level of experience of being stunned for 2d4 minutes+2 per level of experience.
Penetration: Nifty thing about fields is that their concentration damages most targets automatically. Only mutants with Alter Physical Structure Crystal or Stone, and those normally immune to electricity are immune to this attack.
Duration: 5 minutes+2 minutes per level of experience.
Attacks: Creating the field consumes two actions.

6. Static Dust Cloud:

A sphere of static electricity collects particles of dust and lint into a large cloud. The movement of the cloud can be directed by its creator and used to obscure vision.
Only shadowy forms can be seen of the people inside the cloud or on the other side of the cloud (-4 to strike the shadowy image). Entering the cloud causes one's hair to stand on end and lind and dust cover the body and get into the eyes, causing blindness (-8 to strike, parry, and dodge while in the cloud).
It takes 10 seconds to become unblinded once having exited the cloud. Even after emerging from the cloud, the lint and dust will cover the body like a dusting of powder. Mutants or animals with fur will find this particularly annoying and will have to bathe to get clean. This power can also be used to cover glass and plastic like computer and TV screens, camera lesnses, eye glasses, windows, etc.
Range: The cloud can be created up to 12m+3m away per level of experience.
Area of Effect: The cloud can cover a 6m+1m diameter per level of experience.
Damage: 1d4 from the static shocks in the cloud. The static disruption effect of the cloud has the same potency as an Static Ion Bolt against commerical and domestic appliances, but has no effect against shielded electronics, power armours, cyborgs, or robots.
Duration: 30 seconds per level of experience.
Attacks: Creating a static cloud takes two actions. Maintaining it takes up one action for every round it is in effect.

7. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Create Force Field
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The formidable pseudo-psychic power to generate a semi-transparent field of force. The force field can be mentally shapped as a wall, circle, dome, box, or bubble. It can also be created around the character like a protective aura.

1. Force Fields:

The character can create multiple force fields, as long their combined S.D.C. does not exceed the character's maximum. Once all the available S.D.C. has been used in the creation of one or more force fields, no others can be created, unless one of the current fields is dispelled.
Range: Self or up to 12m away per level of experience.
Duration: 10 minutes + 2 minutes per level of experience if the character wishes to form and forget. Constant concentration enables the field to stay up almost indefinately, unless the S.D.C. is depleted, or the character is knocked out.
Attacks: Creating a force field counts as two actions.
Bonus: +2 to create a force-field as a parry.
Maximum Size: Approximately 12 square meters plus 3 square meters per level of experience.
Maximum S.D.C.: The average of the character's P.E. & M.E. times 100. So that's [(P.E.+M.E.)/2]*100
Recovery of S.D.C.: The character has a well of S.D.C. with which to make force fields, when this S.D.C. is all tapped out no more force fields can be made until their well is recovered, which does so at 3 per minute or 200 an hour.
Resistances & Vulnerabilities: Force fields are the opposite of energy fields. They take half damage from kinetic attacks & solid projectiles. Full damage from explosives. Double damage from energy attacks.

2. Personal Force Aura:

Identical to the minor ability Personal Force Field, with the following additions. Note: The S.D.C. for the Force Aura is not seperate from the character's regular well of S.D.C.

3. Bolts of Force

The character can shape bolts or points of force. These have especially effective penetration and decent damage, but the characters offensive use of their force fields is limited.
Range: 12m+3m per level of experience.
Damage: 2d6 per level of experience.
Penetration: 4+2 per level of experience, unaffacted by dense targets.
Bonuses: +2 to strike aimed. Hard to see, so opponents are -4 to parry or dodge.
S.D.C. Cost: Consumes 5 S.D.C. from the character's well.

4. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Darkness Control
Created by Kevin Siembieda

A bizarre ability that does not occur amongst Neo Terran mutants. Enables the character to create and manipulate darkness.

1. Create Darkness:

The character can create an area of total darkness that is so black, normal vision, nightvision and light amplification optic systems are ineffective. Those trapped in the darkness are blind and -8 to strike, parry, and dodge. Using long range attacks counts as shooting wild and is likely to hit an innocent bystander or comrade. Infrared and ultraviolet optics, thermo-imaging, exceptional hearing, and the moving blind skill can be effective in the darkness (optics and moving blind nullify penalties, while exceptional hearing reduces penalties by half).
The creator of the unnatural darkness can expand, contract, and move the adrkness (speed of 6) at will.
Range: Can create the darkness up to 40m+3m away per level of experience.
Area of Affect: Up to a 10m diameter+3m per level of experience.
Attacks: Each act of creating darkness counts as one action.
Horror Factor: 13. Sudden unnatural darkness can be quite unsettling.

2. Shadow Meld:

The ability to become invisible in the shadows or darkness. The only requirement is that the shadow or area of darkness must be man-sized or bigger. Exposure to light will dispel the adrkness and reveal the character. Ideal for hiding. Even scanning the shadow with nightvision, looking in non-visible spectrums, or scanning with radar will not reveal the character. They absorb all light that hits them and blend in.

3. Nightvision

True nightsight, enabling the character to see in total darkness, up to 300m.

4. Dark Bolt

Identical to the minor ability Energy Expulsion: Dark Bolt.

5. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Disruptive Touch
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This lethal power disrupts the nervous system of living creatures that fall victim to it. Physical contact is required to have any effect. The touch will induce its effect on bare skin/natural armour (such as chitin) and through fabrics (includes fabric body armours) but will not effect those in full body exoskeletons, environmental body armour, or those protected by force fields. It will however effect those who have transformed into inorganic substances (they still have a nervous system and an organic core).
Saving Throw: 15 or higher on a natural d20 roll. A successful save means the victim suffers 1d6 damage but is otherwise unharmed.

Damage & Penalties by Type of Disruption

1. Disrupt Optic Nerves: Temporarily blinds the victim; putting them at -8 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge. Skills requiring sight are -90% to perform. Duration: 3d4 minutes.
2. Disrupt Nervous System: Immobilizes the motor functions of the brain causing temporary paralysis. Victims are completely incapacitated. This includes abilities such as energy expulsion, or any power that exerts physical effort on the character's part. However, manipulative abilities and psychic powers can still be fully utilized. Duration: 3d4 minutes.
3. Touch of Pain: A brutal assault on the nervous system that inflicts 3d6 damage +3 per level of experience.
4. Touch of Death: The most dangerous touch. Does 6d6 damage +2 damage per level of experience, direct to hit points! It also shocks the nervous system so severely, that if the saving throw is not made, it plunges the victim into a coma. If the saving throw is made, then the damage done is only to S.D.C.
Those who fall into a coma are subject to the normal rules of surviving coma/death, but the side-effects from physical damage are not applicable. Those who fail to save vs. coma/death DIE. However, because this is an unnatural inducement, the victim is slightly more resilient, providing a bonus of +10% to save vs. coma/death. Duration: 1d6 minutes before recovery can be attempted.
Note: The Touch of Death also takes its toll on the user. The character is drained each time they use the touch. Side effects include: Reduce speed by half, -2 to strike, parry, dodge, and -2 for all saving throws. Duration of the drain is 2d6x15 seconds. Side effects from multiple or continous use of the Touch of Death are cumulative.

Other Abilities & Bonuses


Divine Aura
Created by Kevin Siembieda

Another bizarre ability not occuring in the Neo Terran gene pool. This provides the character with the aura of divinity, like that of the mythical Greek gods. The character carries him/herself with an air of superiority, charisma, and of being larger than life. The average person will feel intimidated and may actually believe the character is some sort of divine being.

1. Awe & Horror Factor:

Equal to 14. A failed save means those meeting the character lose initiative and one attack.


Whether they like it or not, the character will gather followers, one per level of experience. Each follower is so awestruck and impressed by the character that he/she will devote their life to them. Such followers are constantly under the influences of the Divine Aura, will follow their exploits, support and defend their positions and actions, never doubt him, and will do whatever they can to help. These devotees believe whatever the divine character tells them regardless of contrary opinions or evidence, and will do anything asked of them without question or hesitation, even sacrificing their own lives for them or their cause. Devoted followers are always those with low self esteem and generally low intelligence (I.Q., M.A., and M.E. of 8 or lower), so they tend to be low level minions, thugs, and fanatics. If one dies, a new one will take their place. In addition, the character is likely to have a clique, a less fanatical fan following, and unless they do something terrible they are likely to have popular favor.

3. Power of Command:

As often as once every 30 seconds, the character can issue a simple, attention drawing command. Not a complex set of instructions or plans, but something like "stop", "look", "listen", "no", "duck/look out", "unhand her", "hand it over", and so on. Everyone hearing the command is likely to pause and/or obey, at least for an instant. Roll to save vs. psionics. Failure means the victims are foced to obey and lose one action in the process. Followers devoted to the character will get bonuses from such commands ("get him", "kill", etc.) and are +1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge, and get one additional attack. A command counts as an action.

4. Power of Voice Amplification:

The character's voice is deep and booming, as if spoken on a loudspeaker, and is clearly heard for up to 500m - desired volume and range can be controlled and done at will. Can be used simultaneously with other powers.

5. Power of Illusion:

The character can create a simple illusion that they are twice as big; +2 to Awe/Horror factor. Those attemping to disbelieve the illusion do so with a standard save vs. illusion (12 or higher with M.E. bonuses).

6. Other Abilities & Bonuses:


Divine Healing
Created by Aaron Oliver

This power gives the character amazing abilities for healing both themselves and others.

1. Enhanced Healing:

2. Regeneration:

The character can regenerate lost limbs (except their head of course). This process requires the character remain still and calm, and the wounded area will heal over in 2d8 minutes. After the exposed area has healed over, the character can go about their (almost) normal life, the new limb with finish growing in about 3d6 days.

3. Longevity

Identical to the minor ability Longevity, only without the bonuses.

4. Healing Trance

When the character suffers from extreme damage, he can enter a deep, coma-like sleep to super enhance his/her healing abilities. In this state, all the characters wounds are healed and they are brought back to perfect health, even if he/she was teetering on the edge of death. The character must remain in the trance for 1d4 days and cannot be woken up until he/she is completely healed.

5. Healing Touch

Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Uses per Day: 5+1 per level of experience.
Recovery: 3d8 plus 3 points per level of experience.
The character's abilitiy is so potent, that it can be actually transferred to another by touch. Through a touch, the character can heal others.
They are also able to nullify poisons in another by absorbing it into their body. They must make their own save vs. poison though (lethal or non-lethal depending on what is afflicting them).

6. Restore the Dead

Range: Touch
Duration: The healer must enter a 1 hour trance in order to use this ability.
Uses per Day: 1
This is by far the most impressive ability that the character possesses, but it is also dangerous. Any person who is recently dead (death occuring within the last 8 hours) may be brought back to life. The character must concentrate for 1 hour straight while in physical contact with the deceased. The body will then be restored to life with 3 Hit Points. The hero will in turn take 2d6x10 damage, as their life essence transfers into the body. There is also a 35% chance of permanently losing 1 P.E. point.

7. Other Abilities & Bonuses


Energy Absorption
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The character is a living energy sponge that can soak up, store, and harmlessly convert and release energy. This means the character is impervious to heat, fire, lasers, electricity & ion blasts, particle beams, plasma, etc. However, physical attacks and explosives still do full damage.

1. Draining Touch

The character can drain the energy out of an item, like a car battery or e-clip, by touching it. Maximum absorbtion capacity is 1 Gigawatt per level of experience. That's the rough equivalent of 10,000 car batteries or 1,000kg worth of e-clips. This can also be applied to draining the power out of robots, cyborgs, power armours, other vehicles, and even walking tanks! Fully draining a Fuel Rod power source equates to 100MW for every Fuel Rod. Draining the battery on liquid fuel power sources will often require a jump start in order to get the vehicle moving again. Draining even a Micro-Fusion reactor however can't be done until level 5, taking up all 5 Gigawatts of the character's capacity. Anything larger than a Micro-Fusion reactor is to much for the character to manage, however they can attempt to draw a serious amount of juice from the power source, causing all other systems to dim and perhaps even causing a temporary shutdown.

2. Energy Discharge

The character can touch an electrical/energy conductor and send a power surge into the system, at least temporarily short-circuiting the system (3d4x15 seconds), if not frying it completely (30% chance+10% for every additional 10KW pumped into the discharge). Maximum discharge is 10KW per level of experience.

3. Energy Blast

The character is able to release what energy they've gathered into a blast of pure energy. The amount of energy used is a matter of what the character has available, and their experience. The more experienced the character has, the more energy that they focus out.
Range: 10m+3m per level of experience. Damage can be regulated in increments of d6.
Damage: 3d6+1d6 per level of experience.
Penetration: 3+1 per level of experience. Unaffected by dense targets.
Attacks: Counts as only one action, but can only be performed once every combat round.
Drainage: Every d6 of damage drains 1KW (1/1,000,00 of a Gigawatt) from the character's absorbed reserve.

4. Energy Flash

A less directed form of release, but the character is able to pour out larger amounts of energy in this fashion. The character cannot control or direct the energy to strike a specific target though. Damage can be regulated in increments of 2d6, while blast radius can be regulated in increments of 1m.
Blast Radius: Maximum of 3m from the character per level of experience.
Damage: 2d6 per level of experience.
Penetration: Automatic.
Attacks: Counts as only one action, but cna only be performed once every combat round.
Drainage: Every d6 of damage drains 1KW, every 1m of blast radius drains 1KW. So for example, a full strength flash from a level 5 character would inflict 1d6x10 damage, and have a blast radius of 30m, draining 40KW.

5. Glow

The storage of energy can be released as light. This character can glow with up to 500 watts of light. The light can be restricted to a specific part of the body, like a hand or arm, or the entire body. If the latter, looking directly at the character is difficult and attackers are -1 to strike, parry, and dodge when fighting them up close. Glowing is also an involuntary way that the body sheds excess energy, such as after absorbing a particularly powerful energy attack (200 damage or more). This can prove to be a disadvantage, because the character ends up glowing like a beacon, which might just attract the attention and fire of more lethal opponents.
Drainage: Glowing at maximum strength drains .5KW from the character's reserve every minute. Glowing after absorbing a large attack does not drain from the reserve, and lasts for 2 minutes for every 200 damage absorbed.

6. Shoot Light Beam

The character is able to emit a harmless light beam. However, it is very bright, able to temporarily blind an opponent (for 1d4+1x15 seconds) if shot at the face. Blinded opponents are -8 on all melee actions for the first ten seconds, and -6 to strike, parry and dodge for the remaining duration (spots in the eyes and blurred vision).
The beam can also be used as a beacon or searchlight. Maximum width of the beam is 1m.
Range: 600m
Drainage: The beam can be sustained, a single blinding beam only sucks up .1KW, and drains a whole Kilowatt for every minute it is sustained.

7. Other Abilities & Bonuses

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