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Minor Super Abilities (part 4)

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Ranged Attack: Substance
Created by Brett Hegr

Range: 20m
Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per level of experience
Penetration: Liquid: Automatic, Solid: 2+1 per level, divided in half against dense targets., Gaseous: None, and some gaseous do no affect non-biological targets.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one hand to hand attack.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed or +1 on a wild shot.

This power lets the character create one kind of damaging matter to attack with. Choose one kind of matter to project.
Liquid: Liquid substances will hang on a target for 1d4 actions and cause another 1d4 plus the level of experience in damage each action unless the victim takes two attacks to shake it off (no dodges, parries, or strikes during that time). Pick one of the following: acid, napalm (heat based attack), or cryogenic liquid (cold based attack).
Solid: The player could choose instead to project some form of solid matter. This could be a spray of bone shards, needles, razor blades, spines, or some other object(s). Instead of additional special effects increase the range to 300ft.
The third form of matter is that of a gas. The character is able to emit an intense burst of some form of damaging gas as his attack form. It might be a chlorine and ammonia combination (two key ingredients in toxic mustard gas), smoke and ashes (heat damage), a spray of chilling mist (cold attack), etc. The target must make some sort of save throw (varies according to the kind of attack), or suffer immediate loss of initiative and two attacks. This could be from a sneezing fit, searing pain in the eyes or lungs, momentary paralysis, etc. Each blast of gas is enough to fill up 1000 cubic feet, a 10x10x10 room.

Special: If the player desires, the matter creation could be non- damaging and instead have a 'trapping' effect. Liquid or solid matter can be used to 'gum up' a machine, bond someone's feet to the floor (breaking free requires chemical agents or a combined P.S. of at least 20, plus the level of the matter creator), repetively used to create a barrier (each use would add 20 to a barrier, +1 per level), hold doorways shut, create a slippery surface (a grease-like substance could also be lit on fire by a super ability or conventional means), etc. There are many useful effects possible for various substances.


Reactive Combat Reflexes
Created by the Cubist

A bizarre form of physical precognition/ mind bond of sorts, which gives the character the capacity to compensate for a target's combat style and reflexes. The target need not be sentient - mindless robots and horrendous other- dimensional animals can be affected as well as a 15th level ninja master.

At all times the character has the below bonuses and abilities:

Note: This power cannot be possesed if the Natural Combat Ability major super power is also possessed (could be unbalancing to the game).


Sense Super Powers
Created by Brett Hegr

Range: General - 20m + 3m per level of experience and specific - 70m + 6m per level of experience
Duration: Almost instantaneous for general sensing, and scanning for a specific being takes two actions.
In Rifts®: Double the ranges of both types of sensing and add a +10% bonus to the tracking skill.

The character has the unique ability to sense super powers in other beings. He automatically senses when a super being comes within a general range (see above), and can also scan a larger area for a specific super being. With this ability, it is also possible to determine some things about the beings. The character can sense the general power of the abilities (latent, low, equal to the character, high, mega), the general location of the being (near, 40ft away, just entered range, in that trash bin), the nature of the being's powers (mutant, alien, or experiment), and their general type (energy expulsion, heightened senses, control power, some sort of shapeshifting). Magical super abilities cannot be sensed or tracked, due to their non- biological nature.

To get an accurate sense of the being, it must be within the general range and visible or else the character suffers a -30% penalty. These are sensations like 'she's a shapeshifter,' or 'quick healing and he's strong too,' or even 'the alien in that armored car has a very powerful electrical blast.' He can sense accurately at a skill of 35% +5% per each additional level of experience. He can also track those with super powers at that same skill level. Roll once per 300m of ground covered. In either case, three failed rolls in a row means the character cannot sense the mutant's powers or track him at all and must try again at a later time (2d4+4 hours at a minimum).


Spontaneous Mutation
Created by Brett Hegr (based on the Cubist's idea)

The character can mutate his body in limited ways, to give him a greater advantage in combat and various environments. Mutating in some way is dependent on the kind of mutation - easy ones are fast, while a tough one could take a couple melees. Lastly, the character is still restricted to the natural form. A normal looking human couldn't change his body to have wings, extra arms, a tail, tentacles, thick armored shells, or other non-human traits. Sharpened teeth, color changes, thickened skin, sharp claws, and gills are more this character's speed. For many more mutations, check out this file. The mutations last until the player decides to change them. Any mutations will revert to normal if the character becomes unconcious.

If the character also has the Alter Physical Body minor power, then he is well equipped to physically mimic humanoid aliens.

The possible changes are broken up into three categories - easy, moderate, and hard. Easy changes take only one melee action to perform, about five seconds. Moderate ones take a full melee. The hard ones take two melees, and sometimes even more. However, mutations can be combined, so that an easy change takes place at the same time as a hard one. Undoing a mutation takes just as long as making it. One moderate mutation is the equivalent of two easy ones, while one hard mutation is the equivalent of three easy ones. Another use of this power is to make the character look more human, if his natural form is inhuman or highly mutated.

A character can perform three easy mutations at level one, plus one more for each additional level of experience. So, at level five a character could create two hard mutations and one easy one, or three moderate mutations and one easy one, or two moderate and one hard, or seven easy, etc. Here are some examples of common mutations:


Stealth Ability
Created by Brett Hegr

The character has several small abilities that comprise his unnatural stealth. Note that none of these abilities work in combat (to much adrenaline and such).


Superhuman Strength
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The character posses superhuman strength a notch below supernatural.

Superhuman P.S. Damage Table: Standard P.S. damage bonus still applies.


Supervision: Advanced Sight
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This power gives the character supersharap, crystal clear vision. Distancing vision is not unlike that of an eagle's. Although no telescopic, the vision is so sharp that the person can read a small sign or recognize a face/costume up to 3km away.
Range: 3km+1km per level of experience


Super Vision: Electromagnetic Sight
Created by Brett Hegr

The character's range is much less than that of the other vision powers, but far more comprehensive. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the character and the character can 'tune' his vision to interpret the various ranges of the energy. He can see radio waves (which includes AM, FM, and TV frequencies), radar, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, power waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and even cosmic rays.

This allows the character to see the energy flowing through power lines and technological objects (can tell if they are on or not). He can tell if a radio transmitter is 'on' and if it is sending signals. He can see the energy radiated by bugs, micro- cameras, and other spy devices with 60% +3% per level accuracy (roll once per minute of searching until a suspected device is found - then it is clearly visible). He also has a limited nightvision range of 100m and a limited thermovision range of 20m.

Range: 300m + 80m per level of experience.


Supervision: Infrared & Ultraviolet
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This power enables the character to see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light radiation. Both types of light are clearly visible to this person, including infrared and ultraviolet light beams like those emitted by old-style nightsights. Infrared also provides a limited type of nightvision allowing the character to see clearly in the dark up to about 200m.


Supervision: Nightvision
Created by Kevin Siembieda

The ability to see clearly in darkness. Includes total darkness. Range is equal to normal vision.


Super Vision: Paranormal
Created by Brett Hegr

The character's special visual abilities lie in perceiving the strange and unusual nature of the Megaverse®. He is able to see all astral entities, all spirits, all beings of energy, all kinds of portals (astral, dimensional, magical, etc.) and all invisible creatures (no matter the type of invisibility). He is able to see through all illusions and is impervious to them. Lastly, the character has the constant ability to see auras and read them just like the psionic power of the same range.

Range: Paranormal vision range is equal to the character's range of normal vision, while seeing auras has a range of 20m


Super Vision: Thermal
Created by Brett Hegr

Just like the alien in the Predator movies, the character has the ability to see the heat energy emitted from living creatures and warm technology. The character must focus only on heat vision, and so no other visual powers can be used in conjunction with this.

The benefit of this ability is that the character can see through one normal wall and pick up the traces of heat beyond. Smoke and complete darkness do not restrict the character's vision in any way. He can also see invisible beings, even by magical and technological invisibility, since they most likely produce body heat. Though Super Vision: Infrared & Ultraviolet may cover this in part (heat is emitted as infrared energy), the mutant with Super Vision: Thermal has great expertise in the interpretation of the IR band. He can pick out people, objects, pipes and cords, etc. Plus, his ability is powerful enough to be used as a form of nightvision.

Limitations: Making out physical details like color and texture is not possible with thermo- vision. Any cold- blooded life forms (which includes APS: Plant beings) can't be seen very well and so a -6 strike, parry, and dodge penalty is applied when dealing with them on a strictly thermal level. Further, bursts of heat can blind the character as a flash of bright light would blind a normal human! Use the same penalties (-10 to strike, parry, and dodge). Switching to normal sight will allow the character to see, though his heat vision will be blinded for the normal duration. Heated smoke/ gas, APS: Fire beings that are radiating heat, and radioactive heat can disrupt the thermo- vision.

Range: 1000m + 150m per level of experience.


Supervision: X-Ray
Created by Kevin Siembieda

A power than enables the character to see through most substances. Dense materials, such as lead and gold will block x-ray vision. It requires a few moments of concetration to see through various substances.


Underwater Abilities
Created by Kevin Siembieda

This power enables the character to function with incredible prowess underwater. Like a fish, he/she can breath underwater, swim, and so on. This character can breathe and function on dry land like a normal person for an indefinate period of time. However, he/she feels most comfortable, as well as most powerful, in water.

Bonuses Underwater

Bonuses on Dryland


Created by Andrew Darling

This is another pseudopsi power that makes a person inconspicuous. There is no bonus to prowl or hide, but a person who fails a save of 15, M.E. bonuses applying, will be hard-pressed to remember anything at all about the character even if the character talked with them, saved them from a dragon, or ate their children. The description will be on the tip of their tongue, but they just won't quite remember what he looked like or what he did. This power tends to result in descriptions like "average height, average build, wearing ... something beige. I think." Anyone who uses Total Recall or has a combined I.Q. and M.E. of 30 or more will be able to remember normal details about the unnoteworthy character, but not an extraordinary amount of detail.


Vacuum Resistance
Created by Brett Hegr

This is only truly useful in an outer space environment, so it might not be appropriate for all campaigns. The character is able to survive not only in the pressureless environment of outer space, but also in an underwater or other high- pressure areas. He does not have to breathe - that is under concious control. However, halve his melee attacks and effective speed when he is not breathing since he gets no oxygen to work with. This could allow an alien from a toxic environment to survive, but not thrive, without a native air supply. The character is +4 to save vs toxic gases. Also add 4d6+10


Weapons Master
Created by Jr. Davedog and Rockness, and expanded on by ol' Brett Hegr

Range: Touch
Duration: As long as the weapon is held
Limitation: The character cannot learn any weapon proficiencies. He does not feel that he needs to - and he is right!

This is the power to pick up and almost instantly master any weapon. This includes bows, guns, knives, swords, staves, whips, axes, rocket launchers, rail guns, etc. When mastering a weapon, the character must concentrate for a melee action to gain full bonuses. While concentrating, the character can only defend himself via parries and normal dodges (bonuses are halved for the instant of concentration). If a mastered weapon is dropped or knocked away, the character has one minute per level of experience to get the weapon back before requring re-mastery.

The person with the power has 12th level experience with melee weapons and 7th level with firearms and modern weapons. Add one more level of experience to both at character experience levels three, six, and ten. The character gets all bonuses associated with the related weapon proficiency. Rate of fire, when applicable to weapons like a bow, is equal to the character's number of attacks per melee round plus one more.

Lastly, the character can dodge (normal) and immediately strike. Normally a wild shot with -6 penalty, the character strikes with no bonuses or penalties on a straight roll of the dice (i.e. gets bonuses to dodge and none to strike, but does both within one melee action). This is a Normal Dodge, in which he moves out of the way completely (not an Automatic Dodge which is just a twisting or bending the body).

Special Bonuses:

Note: If the character has powers like Natural Combat Ability or Mechano- Link, he gets a few weapons bonuses. Apply these bonuses only to non- mastered weapons! Do not add them when this power is in use - this power overrides those bonuses. Also, these bonuses can be applied to Personal Weapons without requiring the melee action to master it - mastery is inherent with the weapon.

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