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Pictures from the Launch at the Tin Shed in Belgrave 19th December 1999


The production of the CD

'Down the Mother's Track'

February 2000

Your new CD was two years in the making. Was it an obsession for that time?

When you add it up from start to finish, it was over two years and yes it was an obsession, in fact it has been a life long dream of mine to release a solo CD.

Can you tell us a little about the making of the CD.

I started out with just a basic Awe 32 sound card, my computer and a PZM microphone. I recorded 8 or so songs over the period of about a year and I had planned to take them into a studio to mix because the software that I was using at the time had no provision for EQ or effects.

It came time to mix and I got cold feet. What if I got into the studio and the songs didn't polish up the way Iwanted them to? So with the money I saved up to mix the CD, I brought a wiz bang soundcard.

This is 3 of the 4 members of the support act - African Drum Group

Well I was right. I started to mix the CD and the songs didn't come up the way I wanted them to. In fact, a few of them had the gizzards taken out of them from the inside out and rebuilt. Iwas pretty determined to have the CD sound the way I wanted it to.

It took another year of redoing and producing until I felt I was happy with it.

It sounds like it was a full time situation, but it wasn't. i was still teaching singing and going to uni part time (Business Degree - Music Industry), so it was a matter of one or two days a week and when I got super busy, I might not have had time to look at it at all.

What about the artwork?

I would have loved someone else to do the artwork on a superficial level, but on deeper levels this CD meant so much to me I felt it was important for me to produce the artwork as well.

I managed to get a hold of a manual focus SLR camera, which means it's an old fashioned professional camera, which means if you don't know what your doing you end up with fuzzy colored paper.

This is Rob, the 4th member of the African Drumming group and also Cres Crisp (right), who accompanied me on piano for the song 'Prayer for a Fragile Heart'

Pictures from the launch

Sally Jeffries and Kylie Lennox dance behind the shear curtain.

I asked my partener, Cres Crisp to take a few shots of me and that first film was so out of focus and jittery that the shots are ghostlike. The assistant at the camera store said it was a very nice effect. Unfortunately, it wasn't what I was after.

Amaizingly, there was one shot in focus that was a ripper. I based the artword on that shot. I had moons and planets integrated into the design and I was just about happy with that outcome when I had another bunch of shots developed that were taken by friends Jacqui and Annie.

Well, the cover shot on the CD today is a shot taken by jacqui and the minute I saw it I thought 'This is the one!' So the previous concept flew out the window and I started again from scratch. The CD artwork you see today is very much based on photo's rather than graphic design.

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Vocal Technique Songwriting
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