~the favorites~

"Why do you always wear black?"
"Because life without black makes no sense."
"You're obsessive."
"I prefer the word neurotic."

Because one of my multiple personalities - the practical one who pays the bills and shakes her finger at the slothful one who watches anime and ignores essays she has to grade - demands order amidst chaos, I decided to catalog and organize all the random pages of my site into one comprehensive list. I think this will make my site much easier to navigate, being that it no longer has the main focus of "fiction" and "Greenwood" that it had when it first started.

My, but time does fly! And when Keelan has much time on her hands, Keelan finds more things to fixate on. (I *love* talking in the third person!)

Anyhow, here are a few of my favorite things. (I toyed with the idea of linking my Greenwood page on here but that's just too much work and it *is* fiction after all, so I think it's fine where it is.) As my ADD self finds more things to obsess over, I'm sure this page will grow with more fun, random stuff, but for now, my current dabblings:

the anime

the manga

the bishies

the online comics

the webcomic

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