~the dossier~

...and i shall sing from the rooftops of slapshot monkeys and asphalt dreams...

I see - dueling kandinskys flinging colors that make no sense at each other

I find - my soul trapped in a snow globe, the kind you buy at kmart for $9.99

I want - more manga

I have - an obscene amount of anime

I wish - that that the world would spin more quietly

I love - screwing with people's minds

I hate - stupid, ignorant gits who presume to know better than me

I miss - long Sunday drives down PCH with reggae playing in the background

I fear - dying in obscurity

I feel - like i'm on crack. always.

I hear - incubus trying to do a soul funk thing with scratching records and heavy bass riffs

I smell - the electronic sizzle of my brain on too much vader

I crave - double mocha almond fudge ice cream

I search - for sanctuary

I wonder - if entropy in inevitable

I regret - nothing (edith piaf)

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