Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.

Sonic Chalet
  • Monday, December 31
    keywords: Muttart Conservatory, botany
    I'm probably going to be recovering from my gathering on Monday, so I'll post the gallery early. It's about a trip to the Pyramids I took with Cherie recently. Have fun finding your way through. You might find a few tricks I'm working on for my new 2002 layout on these pages.

  • Sunday, December 30
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, Emo Adam, Aaron, Jebus, Drastics
    Anarchy Adam is no more. Long live Emo Adam.

  • Saturday, December 29
    keywords: Eric Ruppel, Greg St Onge, Malaysia
    Greg sent some pictures from Malaysia.

    This must be my day for posting other people's photos. I'm also putting up some pictures of Eric Ruppel, taken through the ages.

    I took Cherie to the Muttart Conservatory, so soon we'll have pictures of warm places.

    There's a Christmas rush over at the Mirror Project, where every single schmo who got a digital camera for Christmas is posting pictures. I am one of those schmoes.

    Never trust Mac computers. I thought I'd give one a second chance, just like Annan did at Taco Bell a couple weeks ago, and it almost ate my sidebar again.

  • Friday, December 28
    keywords: Nevertheless, Too Little Too Late, Cherie, Indecline
    I've been meaning to post these photos from the Indecline show for a while now.

    I finished my entry for the colouring contest on Here it is.

  • Thursday, December 27
    keywords: me, Bear
    I miss Bear. It seems like just yesterday we were getting it on.

    If you read See today, you may or may not have seen my Top Ten albums of 2001 list. It? pretty well hidden. So, Im posting it on here, as well as a couple other Top Ten lists.

  • Wednesday, December 26. Boxing Day
    keywords: Christmas, gifts, capitalism, commercialism
    I'm at CJSR right now. The Students' Union Building is closed, but the parking garage next to it is still running at full rates. Fucking university.

    I thought I'd post pictures of some of the things I got for Christmas.

    I just came from Whyte Knight, where I picked up Mega Man 3 from the Boxing Day sale. I was walking past a shelf of old Rifts books, and I discovered a Rifts: Canada sourcebook. I'm tempted to buy it, but that would probably involve starting up a Rifts game. If anyone is interested, give me an e-mail.

    On Christmas Day Night, we went to see Lord of the Rings, and Cherie lost Bear in the theatre. The theatre people can't find him, either. I'll miss that little sex machine. There's a memorial on Cherie's page.

  • Tuesday, December 25. Christmas Day
    keywords: Christmas, baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary
    Pictures? Yes.

    I'm in the process of formatting the rest of the Indecline pics, and while I was uploading the last of the Nevertheless photos, I ran across a few more party pictures. Patience, my pet, patience.

    For a special Christmas treat, I'm going to honour a request from street performer Danger Boy, forwarded to me by Powerman. Danger Boy says:

    I'm going to use this opportunity to clarify my unwritten rule about publishing pictures of people on my site. I'm an asshole, so I often do it without permission. If you ask nicely, I'll usually take your pictures down. If you ask in a way similar to Mr. Caps Lock here, I'll still take the pictures down, but not right away. And not pleasantly.

    In the case of Danger Boy, I saw him stick a drill up his nose. I saw him eat broken glass. Powerman stood on his chest, for crying out loud. But when it comes to having his picture on the Internet, he goes weak in the knees.

    Can anyone tell me why he thought he didn't give Powerman permission to put those photos on my website? Does that make sense?

    To refresh your memory, Danger Boy originally appeared in this gallery and this one.

  • Monday, December 24. Christmas Eve
    keywords: Greg, Eli, party, going away, farewell, bon voyage, arrivederci
    Anybody who was anybody was at Greg and Eli's going-away party. Okay, not everybody, but a hell of a lot of people.

    Oh crap, I said 'hell' on Christmas eve. Oh hell, I said 'crap.'

    Greg wanted me to give him this picture of Ginger.

  • Sunday, December 23
    keywords: Kate's Turn, Nevertheless, Cherie, Conrad, Mike, Luke, Eli, Scott, SiRON, Indecline
    Here are the photos from the Indecline show. Unfortunately, my camera has a bit of a y10k bug, and once I reached my 10 000th picture, the counter didn't know what to do. I know my Nevertheless pictures are in there somewhere, but it'll take time.

  • Saturday, December 22
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, Aaron, Jebus, Cherie, Parkallen Pizza, Tuesday, CJSR
    I'm trying to make all these pictures last. Today, watch as we dine at Parkallen Pizza. No, they didn't give me money.

    And check out Brad's Christmas surprise to me: To the Max!!! What a weird page.

    Dr Eric, I got the rest of the photos, and Powerman, I got your forward. What's with that guy? I thought he could take pain.

  • Friday, December 21
    keywords: Cherie, Robert, Sam Wok, Cafe on Whyte
    I just feel like putting up some pictures I took last Saturday. There aren't many, but I'm anticipating a rush soon. This place'll be crawling with emo kids after I shoot up the Indecline show.

    Oh, and Dr. Erick sent me a photo.

  • Thursday, December 20
    keywords: Indecline, Scott, Tuesday, Anarchy Adam, Aaron, Jebus
    If you tried to visit my site yesterday, you may have been surprised by Angelfire telling you it doesn't exist. For some reason they took it offline yesterday, and when I asked them why, they said there was a mistake and put it back up.

    Anyway, I have more pictures. Watch Aaron battle an air mattress.

    I got an e-mail from Dr. Erick, and he sent me some old pictures of him, but I haven't been able to read the file format yet.

    Oh, and See didn't print my Indecline article because I forgot to mention where the show was. That's sort of a flimsy excuse, but it's too late now. We'll run it next time Indecline puts on a show. In the meantime, here's a rough copy of the article I submitted.

  • Wednesday, December 19
    keywords: Legislature, Christmas, X-Mas, Cherie
    Here's a Christmas treat for you.

    I just stopped by Whyte Knight, intent on buying some old Nintendo games as previously reported. Ninja Turtles IV was there, but I forgot my list, so I didn't remember what else I was going to get. But they had the original Ninja Turtles for eight bucks. I've got so much Ninja Turtles stuff right now.

    Last night, I watched Episode 1 of Astroboy at Greg's place. We downloaded it off the Internet. You know how some shows you loved as a kid, when you watch them again, turn out to suck? Like Alf, or Thundercats? Well, not Astroboy. I think it's even better now. Just the first episode is one of the greatest Anime stories I've ever seen. And the music, wow. I found an online petition to bring back Astroboy.

    And I got some good news about my courses. I haven't gotten a mark back on the weblog paper yet, but I got a 9 on my other paper, for SOC 332, and a 4 for my Math 347 Set Theory course. That may not be a high grade, but it means I passed, and thus completed a minor in math.

  • Tuesday, December 18
    keywords: Drastics, Neckers, Michelle, the Skinny, James, Elly

    It's been a while, so here are some band photos.

  • Monday, December 17
    keywords: Scott, SiRON, Indecline
    I'm doing an article on Indecline, and I interviewed Scott, AKA SiRON and took his picture. You'll like today's gallery if you want to see what the guy who made Indecline looks like.

    And I've got tons of photo stuff coming up soon, so keep checking in.

  • Sunday, December 16
    keywords: Greg, Michelle, Skinny, birthday
    I haven't really sorted it out yet, but today's entry is sort of timely. The birthday gallery for December 16 goes out to both Greg and Michelle, who have to my knowledge never met each other. I'm going to see Godard's Band of Outsiders tonight at the Metro with Greg.

    I was working on my website in the Fine Arts computer lab, and when I loaded the page to update it, the server conveniently chopped off most of the sidebar and the counter at the bottom. Goddamn, that's the second time it's happened. And I spent two hours yesterday updating that fucking sidebar.

  • Saturday, December 15
    keywords: Cherie, Adam, Aaron, bear, face-rape
    I started my own little flame war on Indecline! It even dragged in one of the moderators, who called me a fucking jerkoff and said Less than Jake is part of the "punk rock community." Adam stepped in, pointing out that nobody questions my absolute knowledge of ska music.

    Tomorrow, I'm interviewing Scott (SiRON) from Indecline, so I'll take pictures and show you all what he looks like.

    Anyway, today's wussy gallery of sissy pictures is a bunch more Cherie-Adam-Aaron photos. I took these a few Tuesdays ago, but they got lost in a separate folder and I didn't find them until yesterday.

  • Friday, December 14
    keywords: Cherie, late night photography
    I had trouble sleeping last night, so I did some good old night-time photography. I love taking pictures at night, because if you get the shutter speed right, you find some really weird colours.

    My sister got food poisoning. Serves her right for eating at Taco Bell.

  • Thursday, December 13
    keywords: Which James Bond Actor are you? James Bond actor personality test
    I've seen a lot of those online quizzes going around lately. Over at Indecline, everyone's raving about the James Bond Villain Personality Test. I'm Blofeld; no big surprise. But the best Blofeld actor was Telly Savalas, not Donald Pleasance.

    Have you seen the James Bond Actor Personality Test? I made it myself. Bad news, Angelfire won't let you post my pictures with a direct link on another server.

    I recently signed up for something called the Blogger Insider, where someone asks me nosy questions and I post the responses on my site. That's for anyone who wants to learn really personal things about me. The interviewer was Elle at LadyJestr.

    And I'm linked on!

  • Wednesday, December 12
    keywords: Cherie, bear, Super Mario 2
    The good news is, I have a photo gallery today. The bad news is, it's mostly pictures of Cherie's bear again. This is a lazy-day kind of gallery, and I've been having the first of many lazy days today.

    Last night, Adam and Aaron stayed over. At 4:00am, Adam had a hankering for some curly fries, so we stopped by at Keegan's for take-out. We were all feeling a little malicious, so we put two bucks in the jukebox before we left and programmed in: Queen-- Bicycle RaceX3, Fat-Bottomed GirlsX1, and something godawful I forgot.

  • Tuesday, December 11
    I just handed in my last term paper and finished my Math 347 exam; no more school for me.

    Since my term paper is about the Internet, I decided I'd put it online and riddle it with links. Everything you ever wanted to know about weblogs, but were afraid to ask. Warning: It's long. And academic. No crazy clowns here.

    Yeah, yeah, no pictures again today. But now that I'm out of school, I'll have a chance to take more pictures. In the meantime, my best friend Greg posted some insane skateboarding photos on his site.

    Hey, it's Greg's birthday in 5 days. What the hell am I gonna get him?

    I know! HTML advice. Greg:

  • make an HTML page for your latest gallery
  • in the sidebar, find the td tag and add this: valign="top"

  • Monday, December 10
    There's an old-fashioned colouring contest over at Here's a start on my entry.

    And more good news: Jebus recommended me to DJ a Motown night at New City Suburbs on Mondays. I'll keep everyone informed about what comes out.

  • Sunday, December 9
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, Aaron, Jebus, Cherie, bear, CJSR
    If you thought yesterday was a fluke, you're wrong. I'm not out of pictures yet; I'm just resorting to taking pictures of Cherie's teddy bear.

    Good news! I'm the Billboard Liberation Front!What website are you? Thanks to Weblog Wannabe.

    I'm in the process of writing my term paper on weblogs. It's almost done. Note to self: visit this site when nominations open again.

  • Saturday, December 8
    keywords: Jenn, Adam, Aaron, Jebus, cat, Truck Safety Store
    I thought you deserved some pictures today, so I'm posting this gallery of Jenn's cat. Man, that thing is huge.

    My sister got a new cell phone. It comes with this voice recognition system, where you can say a name into the phone and it'll call the number for you. It's keyed only to the owner's voice, so I decided to give it a test. And Annan decided to let me, to test how accurate my imitation of her is. Anyway, she put the phone to my ear, and it asked me to speak the name I wanted to dial. I squawked out my own name, and it said "Connecting." Paydirt! The only glitch was that it dialled "home" rather than "Jon." Oh well, at least I proved the infallibility of my imitation.

  • Friday, December 7
    I wonder what would happen if you overdose on ulcer medication. It happened to me last night, and I didn't notice any particularly weird effects. I took my pills with a light snack, then took a nap from 5:30 to 8. When I woke up, I was groggy, and I took another dose of pills. I remembered the earlier dose just as I felt them go down my throat, and I realised it was too late. Anyway, I was up until 5:00am, but maybe that's just because of that long nap I took.

    Today I'm relying on links again. I'm writing my term paper on weblogs, so my desktop is overflowing with links right now. These links are old news, but they're a fun read.

    Gangs? On the Internet? It was only a matter of time.

  • The Meow Meow Army
  • The One True History of Meow

  • Thursday, December 6
    I just found out that my math final is on December 11, which is the due date of my Soc 444 term paper (the one on weblogs). Thus, I won't have time to adequately waste on this site. Even worse, I won't make it to the Bad Brains show.

    I got an article in See this week on the Moneyshots. Also, they ran this picture. If you don't already know, when you follow a link to the See website, sometimes you have to scroll down to find my articles.

  • Wednesday, December 5
    I have nothing to post today. I handed in my term paper, which means I only have one more term paper and a final exam left. Coming up, I've got pictures from Jenn's new apartment, which I took last Tuesday. And from this Tuesday, I have pictures of Adam, Aaron, and Cherie's teddy bear having quite a good time.

    I have a funny link. But it? not ha-ha funny. Apparently NASA launched a satellite called Stardust, and they took over 1 million names submitted to them by pretty well anyone, and engraved them all on microchips. I checked for Dunbars, and to my surprise they had an Annan Dunbar, but no Jon or Jonathan Dunbar. Why does my sister get to go into space, but not me? It? not fair!


    But wait, it gets weirder. Here? another Duke: DAVID DUKE

    I found that pretty well every name imaginable was here. There were six Hitler entries: HITLER, ADOLF HITLER, ADOLF A HITLER, ADULF HITLER, ALDOF 1 HITLER, ALDOLF HITLER

    What is Hitler? middle name, anyway?

    Remember the X or Not fad? It's still going on. Here are some of the weirder ones:

  • Am I Bin Laden or not?
  • Am I ALL YOUR BASE or not?
  • Who wants to be a Porn Star?
  • Monkey Hot or Not?
  • Am I President or not?

  • Tuesday, December 4
    keywords: Cherie, fortune cookie, flower
    It's another Cherie gallery today, as we head into the catacombs of my building. What do you expect? I'm in the throes of term papers here. How about an excerpt:
    There was a famous debate in the post-war period by two Marxists, Maurice Dobb and Paul Sweezy, over crisis of feudalism. Dobb claimed that the crisis was caused by the growing class struggle between landlords and peasants, which set in motion the capitalist method of production (Dobb 1963). However, he fails to show any convincing evidence of the landlords’ escalating exploitation of the peasantry over time (Sanderson 1995). Sweezy attacked Dobb for concentrating on endogenous factors, and was himself attacked for having a much less Marxist view, namely one that didn’t give the class struggle much credit (Sanderson 1995). He didn’t think there was any force within feudalism strong enough to transform it; thus, he figured, change needed to come from an outside, or exogenous factor. He said this factor was the revival of long-distance trade in the eleventh century that caused the initial feudal crisis and the subsequent move toward capitalism (Sweezy 1976). He said that as feudalism became increasingly involved in a market economy and urbanization, the aristocracy realized the greater efficiency of capitalism, and feudalism was scrapped for the better machine (Sweezy 1976). However, this explanation seems sketchy, because there was conflict between the aristocracy and the uprising capitalists. Feudalism is now believed to be more dynamic than once thought, as suggested by Sanderson (1995) and Wallerstein (1974).
    That's the drivel I'm writing. I hope you didn't actually read it.

    And I found a link for this new Edmonton Punk Page. It looks pretty good. While Indecline may have the chatrooms and interactiveness, at least this new site has (a) a comprehensive band list, and (b) a decent show listing.

    I'm finishing up my sociology paper in an Engineering lab. I may get beat up. Okay, I'm updating my website, but you get the idea.

    Have you ever wondered what Max Weber looks like? Pretty much exactly like I would have guessed. Friedrich Engels looks sort of like Johnny Depp, at least before he grows that hideous beard. Karl Marx would make a good Santa Claus. His wife is hot. And check out Karl before he grew his famous beard.

  • Monday, December 3
    keywords: Cherie, fortune cookie, flower
    Today, I'm putting up a bunch of pictures taken by Cherie. No, she's not some weird French fruit; she's a weird girl. If you're curious to see what that ungodly-looking thing over there is, go here.

    Here's another link. Remember my collection of people sleeping? Well, Cherie took some pictures for that as well, so be sure to check those out.

    I have to work on a term paper today, so Cherie's filling in for me on CJSR. It's her first show.

    And check out Indecline--another discussion about me.

  • Sunday, December 2
    I'm currently uploading photos, so you'll get something soon. It turns out a term paper I thought was due on the fifth is actually due on the fourth, so I'm not going to have a lot of time for this site for the next couple days.

    On a side note, someone finally found the time to photoshop the enclosed photo of Anarchy Adam in the manner suggested. Although rather than the real thing, he used a plastic replica. He said he "couldn't bring myself to search for a cock that would do it. " Thanks a million.

  • Saturday, December 1
    Still no photos, until I can get to my parents' computer. But I got some weird stuff coming up.

    I was thinking about buying some used Nintendo games, so I went to Whyte Knight and made a list of some promising games. I did a bit of online research and found the ones that look interesting. Does anyone remember the old Micro Machines Nintendo game? That's my dream find.

    I don't normally link pornography, but it's only 8-bit smut. There was this rare Nintendo game called Hot Slots. Yes, it's as bad as it sounds.

    I'm not so hard up for new games now that I found this site of homemade Game Genie codes. Plus, I found the official Mario Twins homepage.

    Holy crap. I installed a counter just yesterday, and it's already past 50. Where do all you people come from? Is it just James hitting Refresh all day?

    One final note. CJSR posted the holiday schedule a while ago. Someone called "Smooth" already got the midnight slot, but I'm starting a consortium along with Anarchy Adam and Eli to run a six-hour radio show, from 1:00am on New Year's Day down to 7.

  • Archives

    July archive
    August archive
    September archive
    October archive
    November archive
    Main page

    My friends:

    Brad Nat 007 The Operators mp3s
    Cherie's Island

    Cherie's Island (after I gave it a
    thorough proofread)
    The House of Poor Choices with
    Rhoneil and Leah
    Sheri's Flash site
    Bess Lovejoy
    Sarah Chan's website
    Edmonton Punk Page

    Photo sites

    Phil Duperron
    Digital Ripoff with Gerg
    The Mirror Project
    Harrumph connected with
    Mirror Project
    Jones Soda
    The DiGiTaL FoToHaUz by Elly



    Blah *mumble* blah
    Wil Wheaton Dot Net
    Blogger Awards
    Weblog Wannabe

    CJSR FM 88

    FunDrive photos 2001
    FunDrive photos Part II

    My time slot is Mondays from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

    Don't miss Your Weekly AA Meeting with Adam and Aron [sic] every Tuesday from 10:00pm to 11:00pm.

    People I don't know

    Jeff K
    Jesus' personal ad
    Rubber Burner--check out the Tiger

    Cool sites

    Edmonton Punk Page
    Very Very Fred Perry (look for web filters)
    Action Attack Helicopter (look for poetry by Zak Pashak)
    Build your own Red Meat comic
    Mario Twins

    Japanese emoticons
    Hong Kong monikers
    Am I All Your Base or not?
    The Carotene Project
    The Shotgun Constitution
    Homemade Game Genie Codes

    Fun games

    Beetle Buggin'
    Park Power
    Laser Puzzle Game
    Snowball fight
    The Way of the Stick
    A crazy stick-man first-person game
    Jesus Dress-Up
    Lego Junk-Bot game

    Sort of scary sites
    Space Caulk
    Camel Toe

    Genuinely frightening sites

    National Alliance homepage
    White Thunder (home-grown supremacist AND physics student at the U of A)
    Walk for Capitalism
    Americans for Purity
    Has the Rapture already happened? Did you miss it?

    Ongoing galleries

    My online portfolio
    People Sleeping
    Silly Signs
    HUB People


    Weblog paper
    The First Time Traveller fiction
    Never Never Land fiction
    Punk editorial See
    How to get over Jet Lag Maxim

    Don't miss

    Choose Your Own Adventure party
    The James Bond Personality Test


    I can only be reached at my Yahoo account now:
    Use these to link my site

    Please stop by again--this site will be updated regularly.

    All photos taken with
    a Nikon COOLPIX 950
    digital camera.