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S3's Ranting Arena
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Rants/Reviews DISCLAIMER!!!

Here, ladies and gentlemen, S3 will rant to you about things that he wants to rant about. They could range from video games, to reviews of movies, to just about anything. It all depends on what he's feeling like and such that day. Each will be dated for 'historical reference.' Side note: the ones previously on my site will be re-issued a new date.


09/20/2003 - #1: Let's do the Tomb Raiding again!

09/20/2003- #2: Sequals: Good? Bad? Do you even care?

09/20/2003 - #3: Review for Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner (PS2)

09/20/2003 - #4: Review of Evil Dead: A Fistfull of Boomstick (PS2)

Email: Branjms@yahoo.com