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The Ramble Rouser
Monday, 24 April 2006
An Attack on Hackey Sacks (And George Speaks Out)
Mood:  on fire
Topic: A Mike and George Moment

I was taking a walk around the neighborhood today and as I turned a corner on the walk I saw some college aged people playing hackey sack. I noticed none of them were smiling they were just watching each other kick the sack around. This got me thinking about the fact that hackey sack is the worst waste of time ever! Don't believe me? I'll prove it! Have you ever....

(Testing.... Testing.... can you hear me? Well I guess you can't answer that question. This is George Jefferson, Mike's fish! I just did you all a huge favor; that would have been the most boring couple of minutes of your life! Mike means well but he just is totally missing the mark with this rant. I bet you are wondering what is going on. It is actually quite an interesting situation actually so I am glad you are curious! I invented a device that has let me occasionally take over his mind. I can't do much with it but I can get him to occasionally buy some great fish treat for me and today I managed to make him write my words in his blog. He doesn't even realize that you are all missing the various reasons why he thinks hackey sack sucks! I managed to turn the light device on my tank into a transmitter that can temporarily control his actions. I am a freaking genius! You know it's true! I am doing you a such a big favor, check out this sentence!)

Have you ever had to pick the hackey sack up off the ground every time you get to the third kick? That totally sucks!

(See what I mean about doing you a favor? Talk about boring! He and I have had a few disagreements in the past but ever since I invented this device I have been able to tolerate him. He can be an insensitive jerk sometimes, like last night he asked me if I wanted to take a walk to the park! A WALK! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!?? WHAT A TOTAL JERK! HE KNOWS I CAN'T FREAKING WALK! DOES HE EVER ASK ME OUT FOR A SWIM??? NO, NO HE DOESN'T! OK, sorry I need to relax. Wooo I could have killed him! If it wasn't for the fact that he feeds me I probably would have. Let's check in on his ramble.)

I mean who wants to kick around a sack? You know what I mean?


Click on me!

Other then not having the number one item I have been doing well. The fish life is an easy one. I swim around and hide under the filter and then I go to the Buddha statue for a little worship time. Finally I head to the fake plant to seek inner peace. It's a good life!

He is almost done with his stupid hackey sack rant..... I better go. I will talk to you all again real soon!)

And that is why hackey sacks should be destroyed and all hackey sack enthusiasts should be jailed under the Patriot Act!

Posted by Michael Williams at 8:44 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006 9:37 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 5 April 2006
The Mike and George skit
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Tree Hugger - The Rugburns
Topic: A Mike and George Moment
Hi! George and I have been brainstorming on a new topic to write about. The only thing that has come up so far is a skit. I tried to post it last night but by the time I was done goofing off the internet connection went down. This is the second time I will type it up. It seems less funny somehow. Hey, speaking of wasting time on the internet, check out a device called Stumble! It is a downloadable device for your web browser. I am not sure it works on Internet Explorer but it works on Firefox, which is what I use. Anyway, the object is to help you find new sites of interest. You pick what you like to see or what you are interested in, it can be serious or fun; the options are able to be customized later if you need to change it. Then all you have to do is click the Stumble option and it takes you to a random site that matches one of your selected interests, if that site is not what you wanted click Stumble again. I love Stumble and I have found some great sites with it, some of them might end up on my links page soon.

"Mike! Can we get on with this?"

You're right George, sorry. Without further delay, our skit:

Hey George!

"Hey Mike, where is my food?"

Here you go. Hey I read some interesting fish facts last night on the internet. Did you know fish only have a 3 second memory?

"What? That's outrageous! Those are lies! It's not every fish, just goldfish! Where did you read that? What are there credentials, where is there proof?"

I don't know George. It seemed to imply that all fish have a short memory, not just goldfish.

"Hey Mike! Why are you talking about goldfish? How about giving me some food?"



You are eating the food right now..... I am not giving you more food.

"Oh wait you're right! I am eating! So what's new?"

Uh.... well, we were discussing short term memory in fish. You started yelling at me and then you asked for food.

"What was I yelling about? What did you say about fish memory?"

I was saying that, according to the internet, fish only remember things for 3 seconds.

"That is outrageous! I am outraged! Who said this?? Unbelievable!"

Yeah, can you believe it?

"Believe what? Hey, when did you get home? Are you going to feed me?"


-George and I would like to thank you for your polite applause. We would also like to say that even though we helped perpetuate this myth we are not sure the validity of it. We have found just as many sites refute the 3 second memory myth as those that support it. Actually, we have found more that refute it. Besides, George remembers a lot, today he reminded me to take my lunch to school and to turn off the coffee maker before I left. I would say he is an amazing fish.

"Thanks Mike! You aren't too horrible yourself. And for a human you are almost average!"

Thanks George..... You know how to make a guy feel good….

Posted by Michael Williams at 12:12 PM PDT
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