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The Ramble Rouser
Friday, 28 July 2006
Mood:  vegas lucky
Topic: One Ramblin' Ranter!
I am adding another report to let you know I was offered a job. I did indeed accept it as well. I was offered a position at McMenamin's in West Lynn, OR. I will be part of the pubstaff. My job duties will include: Serving, pouring drinks, waiter, cook, cleaning crew, prep crew. I am looking forward to starting although it is a bit hazy about when that is. The boss lady has the weekend off so she will be calling me Saturday to let me know when and possibly where my training shifts will be. I may need to train at another facility because apparently the pub I will work at will be mad crazy busy. Which is good. Don't ask about money because I didn't. COnsidering the job it probably is hugely good that it is tip aided. The tips are community so everyone shares the tip pot at the end of the shift.

This is also the job that stirred me to write the previous entry (Employers and their words of impending doom!) about the doomsaying ways of employers. She talked about the kitchen being 107 degrees because they can't air condition it and get all made to order food out properly..... which made no sense but I just nodded and smiled. She also talked about upset customers and sometimes the kitchen being slow. She talked about every horrible thing she could think of and I smiled and nodded politely. Apparently that was a good move because later in the day I was awarded the job with the kitchen from Hell.

You win some and you lose some.....

Posted by Michael Williams at 10:46 PM PDT
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