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Role-Playing Instruction

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The Conflict

A conflict of any type is usually resolved with the rule set of the game your currently using.  Dice are used to solve random numbers vs. statistic scores.

Lorien is trying to hit an attacking goblin with his long sword.  He rolls a twenty sided dice and gets a very high number easily making his hit.

Yet, even during a battle role playing elements can be used.

Lorien: "I smash my blade across the side of the goblin's chest cutting a big bloody gash."

Not every conflict has to be acted out, and many gamers don't use role playing during these moments.  It is really a matter of personal taste and if the game becomes more fun by doing it.


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 Copyright 2004, Steven Sokolies.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [].
Last updated: 02/25/04.