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Sue MacColl
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bulletSUE MACCOLL bullet

Sue MacColl is a wonderfully talented Australian Artist of Computer-generated Art. To achieve her creations, Sue renders a nude using a program called Poser, then paints all the fine detail in Paintshop Pro (PSP). For example, the hair on most of Sue's images have been hand-painted with the Mouse in PSP. Sue achieved the fine detail on 'Glamour Girls' stockings through creative use of dingbat fonts - amazing stuff.

During my many hours of surfing the net, I noticed alot of avatar sites that failed to give credit where credit was due for all the imagery displayed on their sites. I was determined that I would not go down that path and decided to have a go at developing some of my own work for inclusion on my site. I was trying to work out how I could create my own 'raw' images of people that I could then paint as avatars. That was when I discovered a program called Poser. While searching for information on techniques used in Poser, I discovered 'Girls Night Out', one of Sue MacColl's earlier works - it made me want to just pop in and join the girls for a drink!

I contacted Sue by Email to find out if she had an on-line gallery that I could view but sadly, she didn't. However, Sue and I fired up a great friendship and she has been very much a 'painting' mentor to me ever since. Sue has also been a great contributor to my site. I hope to one day, proudly display my own work here on my site. In the meantime, I'll just keep playing and learning while I dazzle you with the wonderful imagery of Sue MacColl. Thank you Sue.

Click on the Thumbnail to view a full-size, quality image of Sue's work.

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All images here are the copyright of Sue MacColl and are not to be included for download or sale from any other site without Sue's permission. Please email me or leave a message in my guestbook and I will gladly pass your contact details on to Sue.

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