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Female Avatars
Male Avatars
Miscellaneous Avatars
PSP and Web Tools
PSP Tubes
Websets Artists
Sue MacColl
Jonathon Earl Bowser
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This site provides me with an opportunity to display some of my Avatar painting work as well as being an Avatar/PSP (Paintshop Pro) Resource for the ‘Wearer’ and the ‘Painter’. I am also taking the opportunity to show you some fantastic stuff done by amazing Artists who have literally, left me breathless with their work.

I would like to give a special mention to a wonderfully talented Australian Artist, Sue MacColl. Sue has been creating fantastic computer generated art for several years - some of which I proudly display here on my site. She has been very supportive and patient with me as I bombard her with all of my PSP questions. Sue has also generously provided PSP tools for inclusion on my site. While Sue does not have her own website, I am more than happy to pass on your contact details if you would like to contact Sue regarding her work - just send me an email or leave a note in my guestbook.

On my site I have included unpainted images for like-minded addicts out there, and painted avatars for those that are yet to become a like-minded addict. The Tags placed on the images are for display only.

I use Paintshop Pro and Animation Shop for all my painting. For those experienced painters or those wishing to have a play, I have included PSP tools such as my hand-made tubes and backgrounds. You will also find further resources in my “links”.

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What is an Avatar?

An Avatar (also known as a ‘Signature’) is an image used by people as a personal, visual identity in forums and chat rooms. It is an image sized to Avatar size and bits added to personalise.

While a big avatar will have more impact and allow you to display more detail, it will be slower loading for those viewing it causing the dreaded Lagggggg. I have in most instances, used a uniform avatar size of 90x100 pixels on my site. I recommend you check out what size is acceptable for your Chat/Forum group.

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What is Avatar Painting?

An Avatarist (Avatar Painter) will take an image, possibly add a new background, put in some other images or special effects like sparkles etc and tag the picture. The tag is the nick-name of the person ‘wearing’ the avatar.

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Credit where Credit is Due

All images on the net are the creation of someone who deserves credit where credit is due. I have gone to great lengths to obtain permission to use every image on my site. Many artists will have information relating to copyright on their site. Where an artist has specified that their work can be used freely for non-commercial use, I have also emailed the artist seeking their written permission.

If you would like to use any images here on your own site, please note the author of the image and contact them directly to obtain their permission. Where an artist has their own web site, I have included a link. I can be contacted by email if you would like the email address of the image creator where there is no web link/site available.

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LuminEssence Studios

Copyright © 1996-2001. LuminEssence Studios. All Rights Reserved.