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Project Requirements
Create a logo that properly represents the client described. Show the logo at several reductions to demonstrate how it works effectively at a variety of sizes, and do the same for a monochrome version that demonstrates how the logo can be used in newspapers.

Client Name and Description
Orange Blossom Retreat--an old Florida orange grove and farm house that has been converted into a kind of down-home resort. Available services include a bed-and-breakfast, regular art classes taught by local artists, tours of the historic orange grove, and kayaking classes at the nearby river.

Client's Objective
To aquire a logo to represent their business, so that they may present the image of a professional organization.

Target Audience
A widespread blend of tourists, artists, and athletes, male and female, most likely in their twenties on up. The design does not necessarily have to be conservative, but it must appeal to elderly individuals as well as young ones. The sense of classical Florida life must be maintained while still displaying the influence of the newer things that the orange grove is now being used for.

How My Solution Works
From the beginning, my hope for this project was to create two different sets of supplies with corresponding logos--one serious and one playful. This was mostly because I could envision the resort being preresented either way with equal success, and decided to leave it up to the client as to how they wanted their business to be viewed.

The textured set shown here is the serious one, and is more in tune with the concept of traditions and more reserved forms of fine art (which is being taught at the resort's schools). The simple, uncomplicated form of the orange in the background of the logo expresses the history of the grove, while its clean lines and non-photographic appearance suggest a modern take on an old idea. It also recalls the image of the orange used on the state's license plates since who-knows-when; this orange is a familiar sight to all people who have lived in Florida for some time. The different parts of the fruit in the logo are made of colored textures that, to me, suggest the appearance of thick, handmade paper. The idea of fine art is therefore expressed as well by making this part of the logo look like a series of paper cutouts.

The font was chosen for its classical feel, which gives the business an elite, exclusive air. It also connects back to the sense of tradition, moreso than a sans serif font would. Lines were added to frame the top and bottom of the text block to give it a stronger definition against the shapes in the background.

A secondary version was also made that had only the initials "OBR;" I did this to allow for cases when extremely tiny versions of the logo were needed. Since the name of the place was so long, the complete text would have become illegible at small sizes. I was actually thinking of those little stickers that companies put on fresh produce--since the orange grove is still a functioning facility, it makes sense that they would also need a logo for such an instance.

Programs Used
Illustrator 9.0, Photoshop 6.0 (textures).

All site graphics and designs on these pages are copyright 2002 to J.M.Bondzeleske (ebondrake at hotmail-dot-com) and may not be reproduced or distributed without my consent. However, I do not claim ownership of photos or placed art used in parts of these designs, unless stated otherwise--they were collected via clip art and Internet searches.