I'm an 18 year old fem attending San Jose State University in California. I'm a dark blonde with blue eyes and very pale skin, but my hair is almost pulled back from my face in a ... well... knot.

My Stuff
Well... I used to be obsessed with Japanese Culture, but since the events in September I've been re-looking at myself and realized I know hardly anything about my ancester's culture. In other words, Scandinavia has become my new obsession. I've also been getting into Ancient Greece and Rome (gotta love Rome), and a wee bit of Ancient Egypt as well. I guess I just love the whole ancient vibe. As for my current favs, my last two favorite movies were Harry Potter and LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. Personally, I like the later more then the former--Can we say Legolas? In my cd player right now is Nickelback, but at any time during the day you might find Systematic, U2, Metallica, Bush, or even Enya. I tend to just randomly grab a cd and put it in--but I can't find my Life House cd... a reward is at hand for anyone who finds it!.


Um... Mouses Revenge has been up since October. The first layout was simple frames, which lasted until I went to Blogger in November. What do I use for this madness? Um... Paint (yes, paint) and PSP7.

Blogs of Past

November 2001
December 2001
January 2002

Prowling Wolves
Adolescent Idol
Burning, My Love
Battlefield Visions
Lina's Blog*
Chrome Illusions*
*Link lost at moment ^.^ I can't remember who Chrome Illusions were... they had a killer Harry Potter Layout though ^.^

AIM: kolee2
Thorn Within

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Comments by: YACCS



Sunday, February 17, 2002
Ok! Time for the craziest experiment in the world! I actually kept a running blog on paper today... let's see how it works!

9.10-awoke to stupid light. First thought: Someone should turn off the sun. Second: Ow (from neck pain)
9.30-went back to sleep after making note of first two thoughts and recording dreams (had two)
10.35-Can't sleep with neck pain. Good thing: I came up with a great idea for a HP fanfic. Snape goes through a mid life crisis! Bad thing: Can't breath-must take shower. Hot shower--no college student without neck pain is going to be awake at 10.35 in the morning on a Sunday...
11.10-ish-almost fainted in shower. Couldn't breath--now concerned with neck. Could I have jarred something serious last night? Proceed to call mom and freak self out, deciding to go to hospital and get professional care. But first must dry hair...
11.20- Walk down to Student "hospital" and am very angry--not good for neck and breathing. Hospital is not open! Proceed to call Mom and she promises to take me to Hospital, promises to pick me up in half hour.
12.00- Arrive at hospital and begin to fill forms. "Can't me more then a half hour visit." Mum says...
12.24- Finally able to turn forms in. Seen by Tusin? Found out I have slight fever and elevated pulse. Of course! I'm panicked! I can't breath!!!
12.47- After waiting in the lobby, seen to waiting room with Mom. Begin to wait...
1.02- Doctor number one finally enters. Looks in ears, Looks down throat, hums, puts stethoscope on back, hums again, looks at throat, hears my explanation of how I hurt throat (was in front of computer last night and coughed and stretched and WHAM! it hurt!!!) and hums, then says she's not qualified to give an opinion and goes to get her supervisor.
1.07- Still waiting. Mom tells stupid jokes-- I make Walrus noises for laughter. Made the old man laugh when he was being wheeled down the hall. Joy--I'm the entertainment of old men now. :*
1.12- Drop kicked Doctor. Well, almost. Evil Doctor Number Two walked up to me, introduced himself, then began to prod my jugular! Right where it hurt! Took all of control not to drop kick doctor... Mom approved, but left after he did to do something with the car :( (she didn't reappear until end...)
1.41- So bored I attempted to balance my check book w/o calculator... until I remembered my cell phone had a calculator installed.
1.58- attempted to pay snake on my cell phone to ease boredom, now aware of my level of sucking at game.
2.05-X-ray girl finally finds me! Takes me to a tiny room and explains that the x-ray room is busted. She wheels in a mini mobile x-ray machine (still a massive monster) and forces heavy bib-tunic thing on me. After laying down (coughing, unable to breath), she takes 3 x-rays and leaves. Leave me coughing and unable to breath :D
2.19-X-ray girl returns and takes me back to the waiting chamber--feels horrible about leaving the x-ray bib on, especially since I was gagging for almost 10 minutes.
2.21- Begin to think clock on cell is messing with me. Turned 2.20 just a second ago, I swear! Spend time eying clock warily---darn it, 2.22 already!
2.22-2.23- Spend minute counting to 60 and beat clock. Clock is definitely messing with me.
2.24- Wonder what meds Doctor is going to give me. Discover pinky nail is broken-spend next few minutes picking at it.
2.27- While fiddling with cell phone settings, decide if at 2.30 no one comes for me, will hum annoying song.
2.30- Hum "Barney Song" "Its a small world" and "This is the song that never ends" to no avail. Decided next time will make screechy voices. Becomes enthralled with counting number of gaze in bag on desk.
2.47- Doctor One returns and informs me X-rays are negative. The cure: Cold compresses, and prescription Motrin. But, must wait for papers before I can leave the Hospital. Best guess for paper's arrival: 3.10.
2.50- Nurse arrives with papers--but leaves to grab forgotten pill. Still thinking won't leave until 3.10.
2.52- Nurse quickly returns, I swallow pill and sign and race out of hospital, armed with care sheet and prescription for Motrin!
3.00- Get McDonalds. Drink Pepsi and down 1/3 Big and Tasty-- maybe three fries. Throat stops hurting.
5.10- Return home. Watches tv, surfs web, writes so far the code.
6.41- Get mad at PSP7 because it sucks. :P I want a good blog layout darn it!!! Work with me!!!
7.34- Lor comes online. Mass chaos ensues.
8.00- Begin to tape Enterprise Episode: "Shuttlepod One" again--this time with non-interrupted beginning.
9.10- Lor leaves. I am sad :*
9.36- Just noticed I've been watching the 3 Amigos for 36 minutes now. Quickly change change and head for the border-er-bathroom.
9.40- Filter off to reading Amlit, decide to end entry.


So? Funny? I thought it was :D I sent what I had to Lor and she got a kick out of it. See, even in my sickness I can be funny....

scribbled by Kol Girl on 9:53 PM

Friday, February 15, 2002

Wonder why you haven't seen/heard from me in so long? Does the cough explain everything? *laughs*

Today is the first day I've had enough strength to sit in front of the computer, much less walk to my only class (on the arm of my roommate--a walk that usually takes five minutes extended to fifteen). I've had the FLU. But at least they finally fixed the paper towel dispenser...


I've been hacking up so much phlem/mucus I've filled a garbage can (not really, but it sounds grode, huh!) with the slimy yuck. Then today, I broke off my lower retainer thing (it was glued to my bottom teeth)--and no optomistrist will be open until TUESDAY! AND I DON'T HAVE A WORKING CAR!


And don't get me started on those idiot judges.... :P :P :P Even with the flu I can judge better then they can!!!

*withdrawls to hack and cough the rest of the night*

scribbled by Kol Girl on 4:57 PM

Wednesday, February 06, 2002
Been a long time, ain't it chaps?

Well, a lots been "going down". Mostly me buying my domain,, finally :D I worked on that stupid layout for too long and it took me WAY to long to figure out FTP... I'm going to have to spend another $30 pretty soon for a FTP prgram because I'll run out of my free subscription :(

Well, I'm going to be moving stuff around... I'm thinking the blog's going to stay on Angelfire, at least for the moment. I've got to many images to move--like the Groundhog from last entry!!! He's so cute!!! *gets bonked on head* er.... never mind : ) I'd better head out for class... see ya'll later!

scribbled by Kol Girl on 9:21 AM

Saturday, February 02, 2002

*Falls down laughing* Even though we have six weeks more winter... :'(

Today has been spent RPing with a fellow GKer, frantically cleaning the room for parental units arrival, and cleaning up imploded candy cane shards from the floor. >:| to Sharie! More later after actual Parental visit!

Music: "Until it Sleeps---S&M Version" by Metallica (& co)

scribbled by Kol Girl on 2:11 PM

Friday, February 01, 2002
Music: "Just a phase" and "11am", both by Incubus

I am a world class idiot.

How am I deserving of such a negative title? Let me elaborate... Stupid Nikki (as I've been referring to myself the past few hours) skipped over to Biol lecture at 2.15, and was surprised (and instantly suspicous) that there was no one in the class. After all, I was 15 minutes early--but surely there would be some one there? Ten minutes pass, and hardly a soul is seen in the Science Building. Finally, I got out my cell and called Sharie, asking her to locate my Green sheet--which has the time, date, and location of each class. I just figured I had the room wrong--but Sharie breaks the news that my class started at 12.30-- not 2.30.

I had mixed up the time of my Biology Seminar with my Biology Lecture.

Not only that, but I missed a quiz o.o;;

But I'm not worried... I'm just laughing at how stupid I am. I'll more then likely be pissed tomorrow... but it is funny, isn't it?! Stupid Nikki... *laughs*

scribbled by Kol Girl on 4:54 PM

Thursday, January 31, 2002
Music: "Spacetravel" and "Letting the Cables Sleep", both by Bush

Today was the big third floor meeting at the dorm. *sighs* We engaged in one of those infamous "get to know each other" activities, but Sharie and I managed to talk to some cute guys. Did find out why Adam has been MIA--he left the college and transfered to SFSU during the break. *tear* That was the sad news... *sniffles* Did meet another cutie, this one by the name of Matt. He seemed sort of like a half-way ass, though, so I don't see any romantic involvement with him. What am I saying? I don't see any romantic involvement period, at least not for this semester.

Although, one of my professors is a cutie :D

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Today's high points included: fixing my Neopet's web page, updating Zealots!, making 20,000 dollars on neopets in three hours, buying a petpet for my little Kougra (setting me back 25,000, so I really didn't make any money in the long run :D), actually taking notes in Humanites (and drawing an interesting realistic picture of my Lecture teacher of the day--her profile anyway. I even got her earings down too!), eating a pint of ice cream with Sharie, watching both Friends AND Will and Grace-- AND most importantly I got over some social phobia and had fun.

It's the end of the world as we know it!

*scurries away before song ends :D*

scribbled by Kol Girl on 10:46 PM

A new day has dawned...

My parents are coming down this weekend. I don't know whether to run in fear or be petrified and go through the welcoming motions. Well, I am pleased by seeing them--don't get me wrong--but I kind of wanted to just chill this weekend and catch up on my Humanities writing. I do, unfortinately, have a paper due for Humanities... *checks to make sure it isn't due today* hehehe, I have until Monday to work on it...

I Love My Computer!

That's all I have to say about that :D Let's just say that its working perfectly now :D

Anyway... more about the parental visit later... right now its time for a plug for my newest layout, Enterprise Zealots! This is Zealots! third layout, this one heavily created in PSP7 :D Check it out! Even if you don't like Enterprise! Just look at the layout! It's dubbed De-armed Tucker! *laughs evily*

scribbled by Kol Girl on 9:05 AM

Monday, January 28, 2002
I ended up getting up at 7.50 to finish my AmLit homework. I went down to Maple Press to pick up my much anticipated Course Reader (so I could read one of the essays and write the response questions to the text), but unfortinately for me, the stupid store didn't open until 8.30. Not wanting to wait in the frozen air, I hightailed it to the library and photo copied the pages I needed from the Reserve copy there. NOTE TO SELF: Never do it again... two dollars poorer...only 7 pages richer o.o;;

Anyway, I finished my homework and, after yet another computer malidy (it printed extremely blured text), I ended up printing my homework on Sharie's computer in blue ink (she was out of black ink) and running down to AmLit. The class itself was pretty boring-we just tiffled over the questions and were assigned groups for study. o.o;; I felt like the class idiot several times during the class o.o;;

Anyway, I went home and figured out what was wrong with my computer. Somehow, the ink cartrige had decided it was no a ...60, instead of a ...50. *growls* After that, I pretty much listened to Depeche Mode's "Its No Good" a few times and tried to get reading for my Biol Sem... which is in an hour and a half *sweatdrops* I'd better go! Later all!

scribbled by Kol Girl on 12:54 PM