GONE! Coralynn

Jeremy and Abby return to the station to look over the names in the late Tori Sheffield's black book.
"There has to be someone on this list with even more reason to want her dead," Abby exclaims as she reaches up for the evidence box.
"Now!" she lifts out a few large items, then a few small ones, then, when she sees the bottom of the box appear, turns to Jeremy and asks, "The black book was in here last night, wasn't it?" Alan saunters back into the room where evidence is stored and sees that Jeremy and Abby are agitated. "Having a problem?"
"Huge problem!" Abby declares, "the black book in which Tori Sheffield kept the names and phone numbers of her blackmail victims is missing."
Alan looks through the box and shakes his head, "It was here first thing this morning!"
"Who has been in this room today?" Jeremy inquires.
"Just you two and me and the D.A."
"Then who could have taken it? Who could have snuck in here when no one was looking?" Abby is now biting her lips in frustration.
"No one can get in here unseen by George at the front desk and by me. They'd have to walk by both of us on their way back."
"There's no back way into the station?" Jeremy doesn't remember seeing anyone use a back door.
"A locked door, used only if a fire breaks out. Nobody can use it to enter."
Both Jeremy and Abby sit down heavily on chairs. Alan frowns and tries to come up with something or someone he may have forgotten, but there's nothing and no one.
"George!" he yells to the officer at the front desk. George joins them.
"Did you see anyone come into the evidence room at any time today?"
"No. No one but the D.A. and you. Is there a problem?"
"An important piece of evidence is missing!" Alan states. "You didn't come back here did you, George?"
"Did anyone make a copy of the contents?" Abby asks.
"I was going to do that now," Jeremy says bitterly, "but someone somehow beat us to it!"
"I'll phone the D.A. and see if he has any ideas," Alan leaves and goes into his office. Within a few minutes he returns, "He said he doesn't have a clue. Well, somebody took that black book, and when he find him or her, I think we'll be close to finding the murderer." Terri

Rafe and Moose rushed over to where John lay flat-out on the floor. They picked him up. John shook his head. "Did you see what happened? Eleanor! She---she kicked me!"
Rafe said wryly, "Talk about kicking a man when he is down. Literally AND figuratively!"
John sat down on his chair. "I can't freakin' believe she did that!" He was totally bewildered.
Rafe and Moose sat down, too. Rafe found his voice. "John. What is going on?"
Moose said, "Yeah. Are you going to fire Slim?"
John said, "Of course not! Where did you get that idea?"
Rafe and Moose looked at each other. "Well, under the circumstances...we thought..."
John waved that thought away. "Oh! You mean..because of what Alan Carson told me? Alan said the windows were NOT fogged up. No, Rose and Slim are just good friends. I have bigger problems with Rosamond than that." He told them about the poems and the blackmail. "So you see, Slim is NOT the problem."
Moose said, "Rhys said you had come by to see him but he didn't say what for."
John explained. "I needed an objective opinion. Since the rest of you know Rose really well, you all didn't count."
Rafe said, "What did Rhy suggest?"
John said soberly, "To tell you the truth, I don't know! I think we need to be separated for a bit. Just to step back and let things cool off. I'll probably move into the new house on Winding Willow and she can stay with William. I just don't want to see her just yet. Marty is developing a storyline for her and I am taking a back seat for a while. If things get really bad between us, I will bow out of Planet. I have the fitness center to take care of."
Rafe poured himself a cup of coffee from the coffeemaker in John's office. "What about Daniel?"
Moose said, "Yeah. What about Daniel? He's the culprit in this. Why don't you fire his 'arse' as Eleanor puts it?"
John leaned back. "There's an old saying,. 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' If he's here I can keep an eye on him. Besides, he owns 35% of this fitness center. Anyways, Daniel has always been a problem. I expect that. The problem now is Rose and her secrets. That is what is hard to deal with."
Rafe asked, "But what about the children? Arent' you going to miss them? What about child support?"
John said, "Whoa! I didn't say anything about divorce, did I? At least not right now. No, I am so burned up at Rosamond right now I think I could kill her! Oh, don't look at me like that! Not for real. But I need time away."
Rafe nodded. " 'O treachery! Thy name is Woman!'"
Moose said, "Who said that?"
Rafe replied with a grin, "I just made it up! Pretty good, huh?"
John sighed. "And so true, lads. So true!"

THE Coralynn

Sally sits watching "Time and Chance" [the adult version], with barely controlled revulsion. The scenes are so raw and base that it triggers all her memories of the vile way her sister was treated when she was married, and the way her own boyfriend grabbed at her incessantly. She shudders at the memory.
"Let's go," she whispers to Penelope, who whispers back, "but I don't have it all filmed yet!" she peers through the lens of her camcorder and continues to film.
Sally covers her eyes with her hands. Men! she thinks, how loathsome they are. Watching this ridiculous flm just shows me I'm right.
The obvious tampering with the original film is blatantly obvious, as the heads are superimposed on the bodies clumsily, sometimes the wrong gender's face being attached to the wrong body. A few people in the audience are hooting with laughter.
Penelope is annoyed with the laughter, but continues to film anyway. As the movie ends, the lights come up. She quickly hides her small camcorder in her handbag and turns to Sally, who still has her hands over her eyes, "You can take your hands down now, Sally, it's over."

Once out on the street they hurry to Penelope's car and hop in. She pats her handbag, "Ya know, Sally, this is going to be revenge with whipped cream on it!"
"Why?! Because the snooty gang over on Winding Willow, where, I might add, we are heading at this very moment, are going to get a good look at this movie whether they go to see it or not. I want them humiliated. I want Rose to know her career has just taken a giant step backward!"
"But anybody could tell that most of it was fake," Sally points out.
"Makes no difference, my friend. She has no proof she didn't appear in this adult version, even if it does look pasted together."
They drive up to the sidewalk in front of the house at 224 Winding Willow. Seeing nobody outside, Penelope takes a big chance and runs over to the mailbox, drops in the film cartridge, hops back into her car and guns it out of there.


"Do you think we have enough evidence on her, though?" asked the county prosecutor, Amanda Baker.
District attorney Mark Lewis slammed his fist down on the table. "How much more evidence do you want, Ms. Baker? Miss Sheffield's body was found in her house. Her husband picked up the knife after she 'supposedly' came in the front door. How convenient! And don't forget the AT&T cellphone records we supoenaed. We have a phone call Miss Sheffield made to Miss de Clifford and two she returned. One at 6:00 and one at 6:45."
Amanda Baker said, "The tow truck driver left her at 6:35."
Lewis huffed, "Plenty enough time to sneak up behind her and thump her on the head with a pot roast."
Miss Baker was waffling. "But all this is circumstantial. The knife BELONGS to the Gwinnetts. Of course their prints are going to be on it."
Lewis retorted, "Did you find any other prints? No, you did not!"
"Is it possible the perp wore gloves?"
Lewis said, "I'm SURE he or she put gloves on in the house. Get real, Baker! We have an open and shut case! And this is one that is going to get me into the Governor's manse!"
Amanda sighed. "What do you propose we do?"
Mark leaned back and lit a cigar. "Prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law."
Amanda said, "But she's never been in trouble, Mr. Lewis. She's a wife and mother and a viable person in the community."
Mark Lewis glared. "Arrest her. NOW! This is going to make the O.J. Simpson case look like a jaywalking offense. I'll sign the arrest warrant myself."
Amanda put her papers in her briefcase. "I'll take them before the judge and have him sign them," she stated as she walked toward the door.
Mark said at her retreating back, "I want her hooked and booked before 5:00 PM. That way it will make the 6:00 PM news."

Mark Lewis reached for the telephone and dialed.
"Hello, Glenda! How's my darling wife? Feeling better?"
"Ju-just a little headache, that's all."
"Well, dear, just open another bottle of vodka and you will be alright. I took care of that little problem. It is in my safe."
Glenda sighed audibly over the phone. "Thank you!"
Mark's eyes narrowed. "And in payment, you keep your yapper shut! I'm not having you blow this for me! I aim to be the next Governor. Glad that William Robert Montgomery screwed up. Now I have his little ex-wife in a position that the scandal will assure that cowboy NEVER runs for anything! Not even Westchester dog catcher!"

Amanda Baker left the courthouse with all the papers in order. Signed and sealed. Now they just needed to be delivered. She walked up the precinct steps, brushing her auburn hair out of her eyes. Alan Carson looked up as Amanda walked in.
She said, "My name is Amanda Baker. I am the prosecuting attorney for the county of Westchester. I have a warrant for the arrest of Miss Rosamond de Clifford Gwinnett for the murder of Victoria Elaine Sheffield."
Alan took it with a mixture of relief and dread. Relief the murderer had been found. Dread because it was Rosamond, wife of one of his good friends.
"Are you sure?"
Amanda nodded. "The DA wants to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law."
"Murder One?"
Amanda asked, "Is there any other?" She took her papers back and gave one sheet to Alan. "This needs to be served."
Alan looked at his roster. "Jeremy Pennypacker and his new partner, Amanda Bennett. I'll send them out this afternoon."

Rosamond was playing pattycake with Julie on a blanket in the living room. William came in. "Rose, when John gets home..."
She interrupted with, "I doubt I will see him, William. You will have to call him yourself."
There was a knock at the door. Celeste answered it.
"Hello, Officer Pennypacker. What can I do for you?"
Jeremy looked red in the face. "I'm sorry to bother you. Is Rosamond Gwinnett here?"
Celeste stepped aside. "She surely is. Right this way, please." Abby whispered to Jeremy, "I don't like this one bit, you hear me? NOT ONE LITTLE BIT!"
Rosamond was sitting cross-legged on the floor wearing stretch pants and an oversized sweater. Her hair was in a ponytail. How young she looks! Abby thought. Can't be a day over 23. Julie was patting her mommy's face. Rosamond looked up questioningly.
Jeremy hemmed and hawed around. "Mrs. Rosamond Gwinnett. Would you please stand up?"
Rose stood but looked questioningly at each officer. Jeremy blurted out, "Aw hell! I hate to do this."
Abby slipped the handcuffs on Rosamond as Jeremy read from his paper, "Rosamond Gwinnett, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you...."
Rosamond looked scared, Abby thought.
Abby spoke up. "I hate to do this, Mrs. Gwinnett. Really I do."
Julie tried to hug her mother's legs. "Ma-ma! Ma-ma!" Celeste rushed over and picked the baby up.
William huffed and puffed. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS TRAVESTY?"
Jeremy Pennypacker said, "I'm sorry. I have a warrant for her arrest for murder. Signed by Judge Stone."
William yelled, "You can't get away with this! Rose, I am calling John!"
Rose said, "NO! NOT JOHN! Anyone but John!"
William paused with the phone in mid-air. "But why not? He's your husband!"
Rose said, "Call Patrick O'Malley. Have him meet me at the...where am I going anyways?"
"To the county jail for now."
Abby thought, Patrick O'Malley? Could it possibly be the same one? Naw....


As the group in the big house look out the window and see Rose placed in the back seat of the patrol car, one voice is heard loud and clear.
"This is an atrocity!" William yells out, "I won't stand for it!"
Eleanor, who is in shock as well, replies, "What can you do about it, though?"
"I'll.......I'll do something! It just hasn't occurred to me yet! But......I'll see those police officers hung out to dry! How dare they?"
Marilyn, whose eyes are as round as saucers still has the mental clarity to reply, "But those two officers didn't want to arrest her, William, you heard what they said. They were following orders and had no say in it."
"I'll get Alan Carson on the phone! I'll get.......John! Where the hell is John anyway? Shouldn't he be by her side in her hour of need?"
"I think John is staying at the fitness center," Celeste answers, "They had a falling out over some poems Daniel wrote to Rose that unfortunately she kept. Tori Sheffield was blackmailing her over them."
William's eyebrows rise to meet his hairline, "What?! She kept some poems? So what?"
"They were rather incriminating, having sexual innuendoes and all," Celeste adds.
William draws in a breath, then exhales it along with, "Why can't Rose just keep her life in order like the rest of us do? Why? Answer me that!"
"Like the rest of us do?" Bess ponders aloud, "My life is a trainwreck most of the time, William."
William stamps out of the house to retrieve his afternoon newspaper, and stops at the mailbox on his way back, tossing a large quantity of mail onto the dining room table. A cassette tape is sitting on top of the pile. He picks it up and reads aloud, "'Time and Chance, the Adult version; enjoy!'" He throws it down in disgust, "I can't deal with this now. I can't deal with it at all!"
Bethia rushes into the house, "I just saw a cop car out front! Was that Rose they took away in handcuffs?"
Eleanor and Marilyn fill her in on what has transpired. Bethia balls up her hands into fists and declares, "We've gotta inform John! We have to do something about this!"

"I'm phoning Patrick O'Malley!" Eleanor reaches for the phone and pushes in the numbers. "Surely he'll be able to straighten this whole thing out!"

Celeste goes into her room and brings the Story up on her computer screen, which she reads avidly, hoping to find out who really killed Tori Sheffield, but alas, the Story only contains what they already know. She frowns when she reads how vicious the D.A. is, however, and makes a mental note of it. Something about that guy is just not right!


Travis McGee and Daisy Moonbeam Freedom look closely at everyone the see walking along the sidewalk as they drive down the roads and streets.
"So they think you're in highway patrol?" she asks again.
"Right. Little do they know I have you with me. The tracking device tells where I am not who I'm with! Guess I outsmarted them!"
"Go slower," she instructs him, "I see a tall woman up ahead. She has dark hair, so that fits. Let's get a closer look."
They drive about 5 mph and as they pass the woman Daisy meaures her against the murderer she saw so clearly in her mind. This woman fits the vision like a glove.
"Pull over!" she says excitedly.
Travis does so, but continues to sit behind the wheel.
"Well, aren't you going to get out and arrest her?!" Daisy is losing patience with her accomplice.
"On what grounds?"
"She murdered Tori Sheffield, that's 'on what grounds.'"
Something about this doesn't sound right to Travis, but, eager as he is to crack the case, and putting faith in this psychic's ability, he gets out of the car and approaches the woman, who is now walking at a brisk pace.
She's walking fast because she knows we're on to her, Travis thinks as he stands squarely in front of the woman, who does look strong, and she could have to shave her upper lip every day, yeah, sure looks like it. Fits Daisy's description to a T.
"You're under arrest!" he tells her in his most authoritative voice, whipping out the handcuffs, reaching for the woman's wrist. She bats his hands away and continues walking.
"Stop! Or I shoot!" he says his favorite Cop line.
The woman stops and wheels around, "Look, sonny, I'm already late for an appointment. Go away, ya bother me!" and proceeds onward.
"An appointment to have your upper lip waxed?" Oh boy, that one oughta stop her in her tracks, Travis thinks.
She stops again and removes her sunglasses, squinting at this guy who looks like he's wearing his Daddy's police uniform, "Who turned you loose?" she shoves him away.
"Assault on a Police Officer!" he says triumphantly, "Now you're in huge trouble, lady! Get in the police car.......yeah, that one over there......MY police car, if you must know."
"Gladly," she says between clenched teeth, "I want to report you for harrassment. Let's go!" she actually leads the way to the police cruiser, opens the passenger door, sees Daisy and barks, "Get in the back!" which Daisy does, then the woman slides into the passenger seat herself. By the time Travis is again behind the wheel, the woman has her seatbelt fastened and a most malevolent expression on her face.
This worries Travis. This murderer should be shaking in fear by now. HA! She will be when I march her into the station, and Alan will give me a promotion for having snagged the murderer. How sweet it is!!

When they reach the station, the tall woman is the first one in the door. She strides up to the front desk where Pete is now sitting and announces, "I want to report someone impersonating a police officer," she points to Travis who is now coming through the door, "and harrassment."
Alan hears this loud voice from his office and comes out and sees a very angry tall woman, with Travis standing behind her and that freako Daisy psychic woman beside him. Oh no, what now?
"Here she is, Chief!" Travis throws out his chest in a macho gesture.
"Here who is? I thought you were on highway patrol, McGee. What's going on here?"
"This is the murderer!"
"On what grounds?"
"My friend, Daisy Moonbeam Freedom, told me what the murderer looks like and this is her , Chief, right down to the dark fuzz on her upper lip."
"This idiot accosted me on the street," the woman tells Alan, "He just marched up to me and tried to cuff me. I pushed him away. He yelled that I had attacked a police officer. If this man is employed by your department, I seriously recommend he be fired. He's a menace. Now, who's going to drive me to my appointment for which I am already ten minutes late?"
Alan tells Pete to drive the woman. As they near the door on the way out, the woman says, "I could charge you with false arrest. And if I ever see this clown driving around in a police uniform again, I will, you can count on it!" Terri

Rosamond sat in the back of the police cruiser, trying to put on a brave front. "Officer Pennypacker? What becomes of me now?"
Jeremy turned around and said, "You will be arraigned. Bail will be set. Is there anyone you want to call? Surely your husband.."
"NO!" Rose said definitely. "Not John."
Jeremy said, "But Mrs. Gwinnett..?"
Abby shot him a 'don't go there' look.
Rose stared out the window. "I can't believe this is happening," she said softly.
They pulled up at the station. Abby turned to Jeremy. "Can't we take her through the back door? I don't want to humiliate her. The arrest will be bad enough."
Jeremy nodded. "Yeah. That's the face of a hardened criminal, alright."
When Rose was inside, she was fingerprinted and photographed. She was led into a cell. The door slammed shut. Abby said, "I'm really sorry about this, Mrs. Gwinnett."
Rose leaned against the bars. "I've been in this cell before. See the corner? The initials WSM carved here? That was Wanda Sue Montgomery. She did that when we were in here together. We were arrested for fighting in the police station."
Abby said, "Whatever for?"
Rose said, "Damned if I can even remember."

Half an hour later, Patrick O'Malley came flying into the jail. "Rose! Honey, are you OK?"
"Am I ever glad to see you, Patrick!"
He turned to Jeremy and yelled, "What travesty is this? What evidence do you have?"
Jeremy and Abby both said, "It came down from the district attorney's office. We had no choice."
"Lewis? Mark Lewis? THAT BASTARD!"
Patrick lowered his voice to Rose. "You didn't say anything, did you?"
Rose shook her head vigorously. "Not a word."
Patrick removed his gloves and hung up his coat. "I'd like to confer with my client in private, if you please."
Jeremy said, "Sure. We'll be outside the room. Here. I'll let her out. Like she's a real hardened criminal, huh?"
Patrick held her hands. "Rose, you have all the luck! I can tell you aren't Irish! NOW! Where is John?"
Rose said quietly, "I think John and I are separated."
Patrick exploded in his Irish temper. "You THINK you are separated? Either you are or you aren't! Good God, woman! You two have only been married six months! What in blazes happened?"
Rose related to Patrick all that had happened, the party, the poems, Tori and the blackmail. She concluded with, "I went in the front door and John was holding the knife. Things are a blur after that. He stood by me..until Officer Pennypacker found the diary and the poems." Patrick shook his head. "Faith and begorrah, my little coleen! Ye be in a heap o' trouble."
"Is it that bad, Patrick?"
Patrick opened his briefcase. "I see bail was set at 250,000 and you have to surrender your passport."

Within an hour, Patrick arranged bail, got Rose's passport and Jeremy opened the celldoor. Rose was still chafing her wrists where the handcuffs were. "Thank you, Officer."
Jeremy looked totally ashamed. "I just want you to know, Mrs. Gwinnett, that Abby and I didn't want to arrest you. We fought it but we had no choice. I am not at liberty to say anything but I will tell you this--and if you repeat it I will deny it--but Miss Sheffield was blackmailing other people too. We are looking into it. Personally, Abby and I don't think you did it."
Rose's eyes filled with tears. She flung her arms around Jeremy's neck and whispered, "Thank you!"
Patrick put his coat around Rose's shoulders and said, "Come on, Rose. I'll drive you home. I want to discuss some things with John.."
Rose steeled her voice. "He won't be there."

THE WRATH of Terri

William dialed the fitness center.
"Body Shop. Rafe here."
William said, "Rafe, it's William. I need to speak to John--pronto."
Rafe said, "Gee, William, I don't think he's available this second..."
William heard Rafe lay the phone down as he yelled, "Hey, John! Phone!" Some muffled reply from the distance. Then, "You'd better come or I don't think you will like the consequences."
More muffled talking. William stood there tapping his foot. Rafe came back on the line.
"He said he will call you back. Sorry, William! I am only the messenger. DON'T KILL ME!"
William said gruffly, "Thanks, Rafe."

William grabbed his coat and earmuffs. Celeste asked, "Where are you going, Big Guy?"
William grumbled, "I'm going down to the gym and knock some sense in that boy! Treating our Rose this way!"
William stomped outside and into his Coupe deVille, roaring down the driveway.
Marilyn came in. "Where's William off to?"
Celeste said, "Oh, just out to rake something over the coals."
Marilyn looked outside. "It's not bar-b-q weather yet."
Celeste said, "Let me correct that--not something but someONE."
Marilyn said, "Oh. Should you warn him?"
Celeste folded the dishtowel and hung it up. "No. Let the chips fall where they may."

THE Coralynn

William storms into John's office and slams the door behind him. John, who is examining a ledger, looks up in alarm.
"William, what are you doing here?"
"I might ask you the same thing, John, what are you doing here when Rose needs you so desperately?"
"Sure she does. She has those poems of Daniel's to keep her warm, William."
William sits on a chair beside John and smacks him on the arm, "How petty can one person be?"
"Petty? Petty?! You have a nerve, William! The fact that Rose kept those poems was like a blow to the solar plexis! I felt betrayed."
William repeats in a sing-song falsetto, "I felt betrayed..." then in a loud voice, "....oh poor baby......look, get over yourself!!"
"You have no reason to get insulting! She has again breached my trust!" John slams the leger shut.
"Well, then, since she has 'breached your trust' as you put it, I suppose you don't want to hear that she was arrested and led off in handcuffs to the county jail!" William stands and starts for the door.
"Yes! She was arrested for the murder of Tori Sheffield. But hey, you have your wounded pride to nurse, so you just sit here feeling sorry for yourself while the rest of us try to comfort her."
"Where is she now?"
"Patrick O'Malley arranged for her bail and she may be home by now. When she gets home she will find her small children confused and her loving husband GONE, because, well, the poor man feels betrayed by a few poems she hadn't gotten around to throwing out yet."
John is conflicted and William can see it on his face. Should he go back to the big house or not?
William delivers his parting shot, "So you do whatever your lily-livered male ego allows you to do, John. Be totally selfish, be unsupportive, be so bound up with your own demons that you have nothing left for Rose or the children or....." the next few words are inaudible as by then William has left the office and the door has again been slammed shut.

HOME Terri

Patrick pulled into the carpark and together they walked into the house. Celeste bustled forth to take Patrick's coat from Rosamond. "I have a ham with scalloped potatoes for dinner. Patrick, would you please join us?"
Patrick grinned. "And with St Patrick's day coming up, it will prime the palate for corned beef and cabbage!"
Julie toddled up to Rosamond and she scooped her baby up in her arms and cuddled her. Patrick took the scene in as Rosamond kissed her baby and held her tight. How can anyone think this kitten of a person is a murderess? Let alone stab someone----what did the police report say?--twenty-nine times? Not to mention getting bonked on the head with something.

"Rose?" Patrick said gently.
Rose looked up at him. He said, "We need to talk and do some brainstorming."
She nodded silently. Celeste said, "Go, dear. I'll take the little one."
Rose reluctantly gave the baby back to Celeste.
"Where's William?" Rose asked.
Celeste hedged. "Oh, he had some errands to run."
Rose's eyes filled with tears and she wiped one that escaped down her cheek with the back of her hand. "I--I need my daddy!"
Celeste took her hands and said carefully so Patrick would not ask questions. "Dear, you know your daddy is far away in England and can't come." She said it patiently like you would explain to a child and with eye contact so Rose would not continue this line further.
Rose said definitely, "Not that one! I--I want 'Daddy' William!!"
Just then Will came in the room. Rose quickly composed herself and put on a cheery face. "Will, darling! I bought you some new shoes, they are out in the car. Reeboks, right?"
Will said, "Thanks, Mommy! I need you to sign my field trip permission slip. We are going to the Science museum tomorrow. I was going to have Daddy sign it this morning but he was at work early. He sure has been working late, too."
Marilyn and Celeste exchanged looks. Rose sighed. "Yes, sweetie, he has been. Here. All signed and ready to go. Do you need to pack a lunch for tomorrow?"
Will said, "Yes. Grandma Celeste, can you pack some of those oatmeal cinnamon cookies and can I have some extra? You wouldn't believe what you can trade them for in the cafeteria." With that, he left the room. Celeste said, "I can't believe my cookies are bargaining chips."
Rose said defiantly, "See what a mess I am in? Not only am I accused of murder and my husband left me, but my poor Will doesn't have his father around. The child is only five years old and already he has gone through three fathers! Damn John anyway!"
Patrick said, "I need to confer with Rose. Is there a place we can go that will be quiet and private with no interruptions?"
Eleanor said, "No one is in the study now. I'll make darn sure it stays private for you."
Rose and Patrick went in and closed the door.


Abby Bennett pulled into the parking lot of the fitness center. She walked up to the door and took a deep breath. This is not exactly regulation, but I have to do SOMETHING!
She walked inside and looked around. A good-looking guy with dark hair and brown eyes was at the desk. Nice slim build, but trim, Abby noticed. "Hi, can I help you?---Officer?"
Abby looked down to see she was still in her blue uniform.
"OH! This! This is not official police business. Well, it is but not really. Oh, I'm not really making any sense which is unusual for me. But then again, this is unusual, what I am doing."
The employee laughed. "OK. Take a deep breath and let's start over. Hi, may I help you?"
Abby extended her hand. "My name is Abby Bennett. I would like to see Mr. John Gwinnett, if I may."
The man grinned. "I will see if he is disposed. Please wait here."
Slim knocked on the door of the office and stuck his head in the door. "Sheesh! You look like you are coming apart, John!"
John sat there surrounded by crumpled papers, all of which missed the wastebasket. Pencils were broken and surrounded him like dead soldiers.

"And what have we HERE?"
Slim opened a bag. John tried to grab it from him but Slim drew it back. "A Whopper wrapper, Supersize fries and two cartons of those fried apple pies. Naughty, naughty!"
John slunked into his seat. "So I was hungry last night. Big deal."
Slim threw it over his shoulder and it landed in the wastebasket. "Don't let the members see that. You, my friend, have got a problem."
John looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Slim said, "Un, un! I'm not betraying a woman's confidence. OH! I almost forgot why I came in here. There is an Abby Bennett to see you."
John got up to go to the door. Slim said, "An OFFICER Bennett."
John stopped in his tracks. "I don't want to see anyone."
Slim said, "Well, I think you should see HER!"
Slim walked to the door and opened it. "Go right in, Officer Bennett. Just watch out for the junk-food bags."
John shot Slim a dirty look as he grinned and closed the door.
John sighed. "Please sit down, Miss--Mrs.---Officer?"
Abby smiled. "How about we just go with Abby?"
John leaned back in his chair and said, "What can I do for you? Selling policeman's ball tickets?"
Abby frowned. "No. I am here as a courtesy to you. I want you to know how serious the situation is. I was one of the arresting officers today for your wife. And believe me, it didn't make me feel good."
John ran his hands over his face. "So why are you here?"
Abby stood up and leaned on the desk. She got right in John's face. "I am here to tell you to get youself on home. That woman needs you."
John picked up another pencil and absentmindedly broke it. "Yeah. I've already heard it."
Abby continued, "She is in big trouble. Jeremy Pennypacker and I don't think she did it. And we are going to do our best to prove it. But you have to help us out here. This doesn't look good, your leaving her right after you found out about the poetry."
John frowned but didn't say anything.
Abby exploded. "Good grief, man! She looks like her biggest problem should be what dress to wear to the prom and how can she hide that hickey on her neck from her parents!"
John's head shot up. "She has a hickey?"
Abby shook her head. "Just like a man. Metaphorically speaking I am. Oh, great! Now I sound like YODA! Look, I don't know what kind of problems the two of you had. Or have. And if you want to cash it in, fine! But I think you have a duty to those two children to make sure their mother doesn't spend the next twenty-plus years in the state penitentiary. For one thing, that girl will be dead meat if that happens. She's not hard enough. Now, when you promised to marry her, you promised for better or worse, didn't you?"
John nodded.
Abby said, "Well, things can't get much worse, can they?"
John stood up and grabbed his jacket. Abby got a questioning look on her face.
He opened the door for Abby.
And he said, "You're right. You're absolutely right. I have been called petty and selfish and lily-livered. I have literally been kicked in the 'arse' for this. I'm going home."
Abby laid a hand on his arm and said softly, "You're doing the right thing."
John nodded silently.
Abby said, "And we never talked. That's crucial."
John said, "Wouldn't matter. William will take credit for it anyhow."
And witth that, he left the parking lot and headed back to the suburbs of Chappaqua.

WANDASUE & the Coralynn

WandaSue is all at loose ends. What to do, what to do? Billy Bob is being hard-headed about the divorce, and her friends have deserted her. She is alone in the world; even her brother Slim, who used to be a hell-raiser, has gone straight. Cozied up to the rich snobs on Winding Willow.
She drives her blue Acura through town, looking at the large houses, wondering who is living in them and how their lives are going. 'Probably just great!' she grouses to herself, 'And here I am, WandaSue Skaggs Montgomery, without a good thing to look forward to.'
As her gaze passes over the upstairs windows of the only run-down apartment building in the area, she sees a sign: Daisy Moonbeam Freedom, renowned psychic to the stars.
The stars, huh? WandaSue laughs as she remembers the haircut she got right after BB finally caved in and paid her the million dollars back......when was that, a year ago? Two years ago?......who said he was the hair stylist to the stars, and at the time she wondered how many movie stars flew into Westchester County to get their hair done for the love of mud!
Almost without realizing she's done it, she parks at the back of the rundown apartment building and walks to the bank of buzzers by the door. She finds the one labeled "Freedom" and pushes it. Almost at once she hears a buzzing........she runs over and yanks open the door.
The button said 3B. OK, that must be the third floor. She pounds up two flights of stairs, then looks for 3B, which isn't hard to spot with the sign on the door with Moons and pentacles garishly painted on it.
WandaSue knocks on the door. It flies open before she's gotten to the fourth quick knock. Standing there is a woman in the worst imitation of the '60s WandaSue has ever seen. Even she wouldn't dress in such a getup. Oh well, she thinks, here goes nothing.
"I knew you would come," is what this Daisy psychic tells her, leading her to a table, around which are two brightly painted chairs.
"Ah! Kind of like 'if you build it they will come?' WandaSue laughs, then sees that this woman is dead serious.
"Your visit was foretold!" Daisy announces dramatically.
"OK, toots, I'm here now. Ya goin' to give me one of those readings or not?"
Daisy stares at WandaSue intently, then reaches for her hand. Hey! WandaSue thinks, what is this? what kind of funny business is this weirdo running? but allows the other woman to examine her palm.
"Ahhhhh, I can see that you have been mistreated," Daisy begins, then looks to WSue for confirmation.
"Like who hasn't?" she can't resist quipping.
"But you have been beaten and robbed and.......ohhhh, I can't say it!" Daisy goes into paroxyms of agony.
"Yeah? Yeah?" WandaSue asks, "What was that thing you can't bring yourself to say? By the way, I have never been beaten or robbed. Ya think ya might be cluing into someone else?"
"NO, you have suppressed the memory," Daisy says with intensity, then goes on, "You were born into a wealthy family in Virginia who had a huge tobacco plantation, prize winning horses, and......."
"Keep'll hit it sooner or later! I don't recall any of that either. I had parents who barely scraped by.......who sold scrap lumber and an occasional hot TV set."
"But they wanted to be wealthy on a Virginia plantation," she says as if that settles it. "I see that you travel a lot, yes, you have been to Europe!"
"HA! Finally hit on one, did ya? Yeah, I've been to Paris.......ohhhhhh jeeeez, isn't that part of an old song?......anyway. whatever. I've also been to the Gold Rush, the French Revolution, the Exodus, Noah's Ark......"
"What'd'ya mean NO?"
"You have not."
"Your sign here says $150 a pop, so why are you telling me I haven't done what I know damned well I have? You're supposed to be psychic, toots!"
Daisy gives a defeated smile, "This is one of my 'off' days, I'm afraid. There are disturbances in the ethers that are mudding up my usually clear channel. So, you get this reading for half price."
WandaSue shakes her head and asks, "Are you getting anything at all today or should I just take my money and scram?"
"Ask me a question; I can usually answer questions."
"OK, here goes, and ya better get this one right! How can I get back at the rich snobs on Winding Willow?"
"There are people in a house on Winding Willow who you dislike," Daisy tells her like it was a news flash. WandaSue taps her foot impatiently.
"They are rich."
"Duhhhhhh," WandaSue replies.
"I see several people."
"Because there are several. Rose is the worst, followed by Eleanor, followed by that witch Celeste..."
Daisy's head snaps up and her eyes focus at last, "Celeste?"
"Yeah, that witch. She makes all kinds of weird stuff happen. I hear tell that during the full Moon she dances naked in the back yard, now that is not a mental picture I enjoy even thinking about, but several people swear to it."
"Celeste? Weird stuff?"
"Ya wanna steer clear of that one," WandaSue says conspiratorially, "She can zap you into another time frame, she can give you a tea that makes you invisible. I know, it happened to me."
"Time frame?"
"Yeah! You call yourself a psychic and you don't know about time travel?" WSue is thinking this woman is a big, fat fraud.
"H. G. Wells wrote a book...."
"Yeah, yeah, but that was a book! I mean the real magilla! They do it with magic coins."
Daisy is shocked. Celeste time travels with a magic coin? Celeste can make people disappear? Why didn't she mention it to me, she wonders.
WandaSue stands, getting ready to go. This woman is a total flop as a psychic. Daisy, however, is eager to know more about Celeste and the people she associates with.
She follows WSue to the door....."can you tell me...." but WSue is having none of it. She slaps a ten dollar bill into Daisy's outstretched hand, walks through the door and slams it shut.
Daisy paces the room wondering what to do next? The reading was a disaster. "Am I losing my powers?" she asks aloud to the empty room, "And how do I get back in Celeste's good graces?"
Down in her car, WSue turns the key, looks up at the sign in Daisy's window and laughs, "Psychic to the stars, huh? That'll be the day!" the car roars to life and she drives back to Pleasantville, chuckling.


John's Corvette roared down the highway. But instead of turning on Route 141 to head home, he turned onto the interstate leading out of town. At least there is no snow, even though it was bitter cold, he thought. After an hour of high speed driving, John looked out the window of the car. The shoreline. He turned his car down a dirt road. After about a mile, he stopped the car. There stood a small white church. He got out. The day was bleak. Very bleak. The trees stood like kindling wood inked into a grey landscape.
John walked around to the back. The iron gate was hanging on the fence. He gingerly opened it and walked through.
It was the Hampton Burying Grounds. John walked around the graves. So many of his friends. He sat down on the stone bench in front of his best friend's grave. Samuel Corwin. Oh, Sam, Sam...if I could only tell you what happened! He looked at the dates...1610-1680. Good, Sam, you lived to a ripe old age! Right next to him was Prudence. His wife. Died the same year. Good thing, Sam. You two were devoted to each other. John reached in his back pocket and pulled out a flask of Jim Beam. He took a deep drink. Over by the corner was his childhood friend Timothy Bailey. He got up and walked around some more. Benjamin Winthrop. We sailed into New Haven together. Ben--what a trickster! By the oak tree was Constable Jonah Spencer. Creep! John took another pull on the bottle. Still, if it weren't for Jonah and his raging libido, I might never have been out in the courtyard of the Red Goose Inn when Rosamond stepped outside for some fresh air and Spencer put the moves on her. What if Timothy had been the one there? Would she have fallen in love with him?
And what if it had been Daniel? Would Daniel be in my shoes now? Married to my wife?

The thoughts were making John's head swim. He came across Bethia's memorial plaque next to Caleb Adams. Yeah, right. Loving wife. Don't make me gag. Caleb, you piece of garbage, if only you could see Bethia now! Almost makes up for the beatings you gave her, you louse. He saw his own grave and a shiver ran down his back. Presumed dead, 1640. At least it didn't say 'erected by his loving wife Elizabeth.' Next to the church was the Mallory plot. Bethia's parents. He wandered over there. Hey, Jim! Patience! Wish you could see your little girl now!

He gazed out into the woods that bordered the church plot. Through the thicket and into the clearing. He headed that way. Are the trees the same? This maple tree---was it only a sapling when I was here? He looked closely at an oak tree. Carved on it very faintly were the initials 'J.G.' Well, I'll be! He looked up. The oak tree was showing signs of age. A nor'easter could take it out anyday. Shame.
John walked through the woods that he hunted in. He came to the clearing. Here is where Little Feather and his tribe camped. John felt hurt tug on his heart. Little Feather, I never got the chance to say 'goodbye' to you. Goodbye--and thanks. For your help hiding the three travelers. You were a good friend. What became of you? Wish I could tell you that the little blonde one became my wife. I think you would have found that funny.
John kicked over a rock and something caught his eye. He reached down and picked it up. An Indian arrowhead. I'll give it to Will. Tell him a story and how important this is.
Will! I was supposed to take him to the movies this week, wasn't I? Or was it the zoo? He thought of Julie smashing her hands in her cereal and Rose ducking down so she wouldn't get smattered with strained bananas. How many times did Rose get hit on the cheek with it anyhow? John took out his flask and took another swallow. The whiskey warmed him inside. He pulled up the collar of his jacket. Not really mine, though. Technically it is Billy Bob Montgomery's.
Montgomery. Rose must have driven him crazy. Almost feel sorry for the guy now.
John came out the other side of the woods and walked a quarter mile down the lane. He looked. Nothing there. It was the Gwinnett homestead lands. No building remained. Is that all we are? A slab of stone in a lonely cemetery that no one comes to visit? The stone crumbles and you fade from memory. Permanently. The wind picked up. John could swear he heard the voices from the past. Was that a shadow that moved? No, just a tree bending down in the wind. It was growing dark. It's getting spooky here, John thought. Funny, I lived here and it wasn't spooky then. He headed back through the woods and back to the cemetery. He looked around and said to no one in particular---- "Goodbye, friends." Coralynn

Jonas Gillis is supposed to be doing his homework in his room, and he is in the room, but can't concentrate on his algebra assignment. His mind continually veers off toward the Tori Sheffield murder.
"Wonder if Dad knows she was blackmailing me, too? He'd ground me for life if he found out I was still using drugs. Hell, he'd probably send me to one of those tough-love camps where the guys are treated like criminals. I wouldn't last a day in a place like that!" he thinks as he flips the pages of his textbook.
"At least they arrested someone else, Rose somebody. That might keep the heat off. The Cops'll think they have the right person. Wonder if that Tori woman kept a list? I guess I wasn't the only one she was blackmailing. Ohhhh noooo, what if she put all the phone number on speed-dial?" This last thought causes perspiration to break out on his upper lip. He turns the music playing on his CD player up louder, hoping to drown out the sounds of his own jittery thoughts.

Biff Murdoch reads the afternoon paper and smiles, "So they have their culprit, do they? Rose of all people. I doubt she could swat a mosquito. But that's great.......takes the heat off me. Those Cops can be pretty thorough....wonder if they know just who that Tori trash was blackmailing? Well, I won't worry about it too much, not as long as Rose is the one they're going after. Hope she fries!"

Glenda "Buffy" Lewis also reads about the arrest of Rose Gwinett, but her nerves are still on the raw. What if she's exonerated? What if she comes up with an air tight alibi? What if they find out Tori Sheffield was blackmailing other peope, like me for instance? What if she made a list?! Oh God! Mark said he had it taken care of. What did he mean by that I wonder? Did he find a list? Does he know about Robert Gillis and me? Has he had me tailed? I've gotta get my hands on whatever he has.........I know! he puts everything in the safe in his den!
The phone rings, which causes Glenda to jump. She picks up the receiver and hears her husband's secretary telling her that he has a late meeting, won't be home till 8, and will eat dinner out.
As she hangs the phone up, she breaths easier, "Good.......he won't walk in the door as I'm going through the safe."
She hasn't opened that safe in a long time, it being his territory or so he's told her on innumerable occasions. Where does he keep the combination, she wonders. She rifles through his desk and comes up empty. Then she remembers him saying something about his birthdate being a good combination, so she tries that. No good. OK, let's see, maybe he has the numbers in reverse! She tries that. The safe opens, revealing shelves laden with papers and little drawers for other stuff. This blasted thing is huge, she thinks as she pours a glass of vodka and downs it in one long swallow.
It takes her 20 minutes to finally locate something that looks incriminating. A little black book. Ahhh, this could be something, she thinks as she opens it. Even though she wa hoping to find something along this line, it still hits her with a jolt to see her name on a list of blackmail victims. Her breath comes quick and hard as she closes up the safe and takes the black book into the kitchen where her purse is yawning open on the shelf where they toss the mail every day. She pushes it down to the bottom of her large purse and pours herself another vodka.
"I have the evidence now, so why can't I keep my heart from pounding right out of my chest?" she wonders. She also wonders if Mark had other plans for the book. Was he going to use it as evidence in a divorce? How much does he know? I'd call Robert right now, I need to talk with him, but Mark is probably keeping tabs on every call that comes in or goes out of this house.
Another thought strikes her........Robert Gillis is the Mayor and a political rival of Mark's. Robert knows some dirty little secrets about Mark and could use them to scuttle his attempt to run for Governor. Maybe Mark had plans to expose both Robert and me! To sink Robert's political career and what the heck, sacrifice me as well. It would be a Win-Win for him. Or would it? Would he have less of a chance of winning the Governorship if his wife was found to be unfaithful? Would he use it to get the sympathy vote? God, I'm confused!
She pours herself another drink, gulps it down, puts her head on her arms on the table and passes out.

Carla Giacomo laughs, "So Rose Gwinett is being charged with the murder of Tori Sheffield is she? Good! Anything to keep the heat off me! I paid the last installment of Tori's blackmail in cash, too. No check to implicate me. I'll still feel a lot better after that Rose woman is pronounced guilty, though!"


Jeremy and Tori are eating salads they picked up at Wendy's as they pour over the phone records.
"Tori used the cellphone to call Rose Gwinett quite a few times, I think that's well established. We know there were other blackmail victims because Tori had a list of them in that black book that's disappeared. Wonder if she called them on her land phone?" Abby muses.
Jeremy reaches for the faxed phone records that have just now stopped printing out and whistles, "She must have been on the phone almost every waking minute! Look at the number of local calls she made." He shoves the pages across the table toward Abby, almost sending her salad flying off toward the floor. She steadies it and peruses the list, shaking her head.
"Let's see, which numbers appear on a regular basis for the month of March...." Abby runs her finger down the list, ticking off the ones that appear more than twice. She then highlights several and asks Jeremy, "What kind of evidence do we have, though? So she called people! That doesn't mean a lot unless we can match the names up with the names in the little black book! She even headed the page "Blackmail"....which wasn't very bright of her, but without that, what do we have?"
"If the names of the people she called several times jog a memory of what we saw in the black book, at least we'd have leads," Jeremy speculates, "but you're right, the fact that she called them isn't hard evidence of anything."
Abby pushes in the numbers of the first frequently called phone, which rings twice, then a young male voice is heard, "The Gillis residence!"
Abby hangs up. "Gillis, Gillis, isn't that the name of the Mayor in this town?"
"Yes, I believe so. And it sounds very familiar, not just because of that, but because I recall seeing it in that black book."

Jonas Gillis hangs up the phone, his heart pounding, "A hang-up call? Is someone on to me?"

Glenda "Buffy" Lewis hears the phone ringing. She reaches for it, and in her clumsiness knocks it on the floor. The receiver flies off the cradle, and she can hear a woman's crisp voice coming from it. She manages to crawl across the floor and pick it up. Putting it to her ear, she hears, "Is anyone there?"
"Yeahhh," she slurs.
"To whom am I speaking?" the woman's voice asks.
"Damned if I know!" Glenda manages to get out just before she slams the phone, cutting off the call. She lies on the floor, too tired to move, too inebrieated to care.

Abby sighs and looks at Jeremy, "This isn't working, Jeremy. If only we could find out where that black book went!"
He nods and stacks up the pages of the phone log. "This sucks!" he says with exasperation.
"Indeed!" Abby concurs as she tosses her empty salad container in the trash.


For over three hours, Patrick and Rosamond went over every detail of the last few days, starting with Bess' party. They only broke once for dinner with the family at 6:00 PM. William insisted. Patrick complimented Celeste on her ham and scalloped potatoes dinner. Rose was exceptionally quiet. The place where John usually sat would have been noticeably vacant except for the presence of Patrick O'Malley.
William kept glancing from the clock to the door, back to the clock. He was doing a slow burn but tried not to let Rose notice. Eleanor fumed. Marilyn tried to keep a jovial air. Bess was out with Slim and Marthy and Jack were in Manhattan at a Broadway show.
After dinner, Rose and Patrick went back to the study to talk and discuss some more. Rose took a break and put her baby to bed while Patrick organized his notes.

When she came back down, Rose was in a sweatshirt and jeans. "I thought I would get comfortable. Patrick, where do you live?"
Patrick answered, "Long Island. Hempstead, to be exact." Rose looked at her watch. "It's almost 9:00 PM, Patrick. I don't want to keep you."
"Rose, this is important. I need to know EVERYTHING."
"Well, why don't you stay here? We have the room. Jack's old room is available. That way you won't have to drive all the way to Manhattan and out to Long Island."
Patrick looked at his watch to. I can't believe it's so late. You know, that would be ideal. But I didn't bring anything with me."
Rose said, "John left some things behind."
"Yes," Rose said curtly.
"But shouldn't he be home by now?"
Just then, Celeste knocked on the door. "Rose? I hate to interrupt you but there is a phone call. The caller said it was important and he'd only be a minute." Rose said, "Excuse me, Patrick...Hello?"
After a few seconds, a voice said, "Rosamond? It's me."
Rose said, "Billy Bob! This IS a surprise. What can I do for you?"
"I, uh, I was wondering how you are doing."
"Fine, how are you?"
Billy Bob exploded. "Damn, Rose! Can't you stay out of trouble for five minutes?"
Rose yelled back, "It's not my fault! My life is in shambles right now! I didn't do a thing! It's the men I have gotten involved with! Henry! Daniel! John! YOU!"
Billy Bob quieted down. "Damn, Sugar. I--I'm just concerned about you. I still lo--well, I still care about you."
Rose tried to keep the despair out of her voice. "I appreciate that. I really do. I'll be OK. Really I will."
"You need anything, you call me, alright?"
"Alright. And--thanks. It takes a big person to still be concerned in--in spite of all that happened. It means alot to me."
After a slight hesitation, "You mean a lot to me. Goodbye, Rose."
"Goodbye, William."
Billy Bob hung up. She still calls me William. He sighed, hoping that the empty feeling he got when he saw or talked to her would go away....some day.

William and Celeste were sitting in the kitchen eating a coffeecake and drinking their herbal tea. At 9:30 PM, John came through the back door. William looked up and said, "Well, well! Look what the cat let in the back door!"
John went directly to the refrigerator and helped himself to a beer. He sat down and put his feet on the chair across from him. Celeste saw what was coming up and excused herself from the room.
William narrowed his eyes. "Care to hear where your wife is?"
John just shrugged. William kicked his feet off the chair and glared down at him. "Why are you even here, John?"
John took a drink out of the bottle and looked up at William. He absentmindedly began to peel the label off the bottle. "I guess I am here for my children."
"NOT GOOD ENOUGH, JOHN! NOT DAMN NEAR GOOD ENOUGH! For your information, your wife has been in the study with Patrick O'Malley for the last four hours."
John got up. He said, "Well, I damn well hope you knock before you go in. Otherwise you might not know what you will find." William grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and dropped him back into the chair.
He got in John's face and said between clenched teeth, "I can't believe you said that. This is ROSE we are talking about. The woman you promised to love and cherish. The mother of your children. The one you were going to spend the rest of your life with. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU? This is not the John I know. This is the alcohol talking. I know--I can smell it on you."
John looked down at the table. The silence grew between them. John stood up and looked at William. His eyes unexpectedly filled with tears. "I--I'm sorry, William. I don't know how to deal with this. I love her so much but I keep waiting for something to happen. I--I guess I am afraid I am going to end up like Billy Bob Montgomery."
William sat down and looked at John unbelievingly. "Because of the poems. You are going to throw away a lifetime of happiness because she kept some poems?"
John looked down. He whispered, "Why would she keep them?"
William said, "Women are not like us, John. They are sentimental. They keep stuff. OK, so they were a bit off-the-wall. So she never got around to throwing them out. Yes, it hurts. But are you going to let your foolish pride destroy everything you two have?"
John said quietly, "But they were from Daniel. After everything he has done..."
William said, "Is Daniel fired?"
"Have you confronted him on it?"
"Then why are you punishing Rose? And yourself? Doesn't she deserve a little compassion and your support?"
John nodded. He said, "I didn't come straight home. I went to Southold to...visit some old friends."
William raised his eyebrow. "Didn't know you knew anyone out there."
John replied cynically, "The conversation was a little one-sided. They have all been dead over 400 years."
William sat there and let John talk. John took a deep breath. "And I realized as much as those friends meant to me, my new friends and my new life mean even more. I don't want to lose what I have. And I am afraid."
William said quietly, "Afraid?"
"Afraid it will all be snatched away from me."
William stood up and tightened the belt on his robe. He softened and said as kindly as he could, "You don't need to be telling me this, son." He nodded toward the study. "You need to be telling that little lady in there."
And with that, he patted John on the shoulder and went upstairs. Coralynn

"This situation is beginning to get to me," Abby admits as she puts on her coat.
"Me, too! Clearing Rose Gwinett is proving to be a tough one," Jeremy agrees as he holds the door for her and they walk outside into the night air.
"Has the date for Rose's trial been set yet?" Abby asks as they briskly walk to the parking lot.
"Not yet, but you know the D. A. will push for an early trial."
"Because word has it he wants to run for Governor, and if he gets a quick conviction on this case it'll make him look efficient and effective, two qualities that set well with the voters."
"Uh-huh! And convicting the wrong person won't bother him, I take it," Abby speculates.
"Happens all the time, Abby. Get the killer, convict him or her, and slam the prison door. Case closed!"
"Not meaning to change the subject, or, actually meaning to change the subject, want to watch a video with me? Something that'll take our minds off the case?"
"Sounds good. Where are you staying?"
"Moi? In a hotel room. I was thinking you might have a more suitable abode considering you've lived here longer."
"Ahhhhh, so you're wangling an invite to my place are you, Abby?" he laughs.
"In a word: yes!"
"I have a small apartment over on Pineywood Avenue. If you follow me in your car, I'll get us there in about ohhhhhh, 6 minutes. I have some videos of my favorite movies, too. How about 'As Good as It Gets'?"
"I love that movie. Saw it at the movie theater when it came out and vowed to buy a copy of the video but just didn't get around to it. You have a deal, par'dner!"
They get in their respective cars and drive toward Pineywood Avenue. Jeremy hopes he tossed out the pile of newspapers he knows were stacked up on the dining room table. Must'nt look like a slob.
Abby smiles as she follows Jeremy in her car. Two hours of taking her mind off this miserable case appeals to her, as does the gentleman who she's following.


Daisy Moonbeam Freedom finishes putting on an entirely black outfit, "This is not really my color, but it'll make me harder to see at night," she reason aloud.
Leaving the place, walking to her garishly painted VW bug, she gets in and instructs the vehicle, "Start, dammit!"
The car ignores her command.
"Start or I toss a lit match into your gastank!" she yells.
The car apparently is immune to that kind of threat.
"Do I have to walk to Winding Willow?" she says into the night air as she slams the door of the 'bug' and starts out on foot. "If the cops in this town were more evolved and hired me to crack the murder case they have going on I could replace this worn-out bucket of bolts!"
It takes over 15 minutes to arrive at a street sign that says 'Winding Willow' on it. Daisy pauses to take a few deep breaths before going on. Sure wish I knew the house number, but all I was told is that Celeste is living on this street. I'll walk by each house and wait till her vibes hit me, yeah, that'll work. Gotta scope out the place. Find out what other information Celeste has been hiding from me. Dances naked in the back yard during a full Moon, does she? Daisy looks up at the sky to determine what phase the Moon is currently displaying, but the clouds are too thick for her to see any Moon at all.
She gets no 'vibes' from the first three houses she passes on the right hand side of the street, then looks carefully at the fourth. Something about it calls to her, so she walks around it and scopes it out from all four sides. Maybe, just maybe, she thinks.
Lights are on in most of the rooms, not surprising as it's just shy of 10 pm. She gets as close to the side of the house as she can, stepping over some shrubs and stumbling over some ornamental statuary. Crazy people! she thinks, who in their right mind would put this stuff at the side of the house?
She looks in the window and sees several small children racing around the dining room; one even pulls off the tablecloth, causing the centerpiece of fruit tumbling out of a cornicopia to smash to the floor, scattering the plastic fruit. These people sure don't keep up with the seasons, do they? she wonders, that table arrangement is for Thanksgiving, not March. Now look: a dog is chewing on a fake banana! Making pretty good headway, too. He'll probably go into the living room in a minute and throw up all over the carpet, disturbing the family's evening tv watching.
She repositions herself at another window and sees the 'family'.......oooops, those can't be anyone Celeste lives with! Look at them! He has no shirt on and his big belly is hanging voluminously over his tattered jeans. Celeste would never put up with a pig like that. But that woman does.....look at her, she's kissing the back of his neck! Euuuuuuu! This is the wrong house!

The fifth house gives off no vibes whatsoever, but then she comes upon a castle! Wow, who would build one of those in Chappaqua? Bet Celeste and her pals would.
She walks over the drawbridge and is stopped in her tracks by a voice which sounds like it's being piped out by a recording. "Stop! Halt! In the venerated name of Henry the 8th, King of all England, plus whatever other place he decides to conquer, do not Approach!"
Too late, she thinks, I'm already half of the way across the stinkin' drawbridge! She doesn't feel it at first, but soon realizes that the drawbridge is being lifted up vertically, and to stay on it, she ends up clinging to the side. Soon she's dangling from it, feet moving frantically for a solid place to stand, but failing.
"HELP!" she yells out at the top of her voice.
She is on her fifth call for help when she sees a man in a frilly shirt emerge from the front door of the castle. Looking up, way up, he sees her flailing around and asks, "Who disturbs me from my composing?"
"Just get me down from here, turkey!" she yells belligerently.
She sees him press a button by the front door and soon the drawbridge is again level with the ground. The minute her feet reach said ground, she takes off running.
Luke stands there laughing uproariously. Whoever said Beethoven had no sense of humor was way off base! He returns to the inside of the castle and his half-finished eleventh symphony, this one for water glasses.

Daisy is wondering if her mission to find out more about Celeste is ever going to pay off. As she nears the next house, though, she is certain it's the correct one. Yes! Look! she thinks as she walks up to a side window and raises up on her toes to get a good view, There she is! There she is! Or there she was! Why do people insist on going from room to room anyway? A-ha! the lights are on in every room upstairs, too. What do you want to bet there's major hanky-panky going on in there? Celeste may not have been a good psychic, but she sure knew how to please the men! Maybe she went upstairs! How do I see up there, though?
As if appearing for her alone, she spies a ladder leaning up against the house further down and rushes over to it. She hikes her huge purse up on her shoulder and climbs. Looks like I'll be able to see in that window just great! she thinks, and when she does look in sees an older man talking with.......Celeste! Of course! He must be her paramour. He has a great face, but he could stand to lose 50 or 60 pounds. Oh rats, now she left the room. I wonder if I could lure this man away from her. I lured some of her better catches away back at Woodstock, what a time that was! Of course by the time I got her cast-offs they were so stoned they didn't know who they were with!
The ladder begins to wobble. She looks down and sees two dogs running around the base of the ladder, bumping it every few seconds. Stop! she sends them the mental message, Or I'll put a curse on you!
The dogs continue to circle and play until the ladder is so off-kilter it sways to the right and lands toward the back of the house, sending Daisy into some rosebushes that have been burlaped for the winter.
"DAMN!" she yells loudly before she has a chance to stop herself.
The man she'd been ogling through the bedroom window opens it and looks out, then looks over.........and sees a woman sprawled in his rosebushes. "YOU!" he yells out, "Yes, you! What are you doing in my rosebushes?"
"Oh, are these yours?!" she yells back sarcastically, "Sorry!"
He slams down the window, throws on robe and slippers and is soon coming out the back door, not far from where Daisy is still trying to get herself back upright.
The man actually helps her up, then says sternly, "Ma'am, I don't know what you were doing on that ladder, but I would suggest you take up a new hobby. Knitting, maybe, or tatting, or model railroading."
Daisy glares at him as she dusts herself off, then walks toward the sidewalk as fast as she can, limping quite noticibly, turns in the direction from which she came and, breath coming hard and face flaming red, gives up on her nocturnal project.
William goes inside through the back door, laughing. Celeste hears him and comes out into the kitchen, "Something amusing happen, William?"
"Celeste, I think I just ran off an old friend of yours!" he says, eyes twinkling.
"Yes, I saw, I was looking out the kitchen window. She's not exactly a friend, though. Too competitive. Too crazy. But we used to raise hell together back in the old days."
"You raised hell, Celeste?" his face shows mock shock, "A fine lady like yourself?"
She grabs a tea-towel and swats him with it as he runs out of the room guffawing all the way back upstairs.


John walked over to the door of the study. He heard the murmur of voices from behind the door. Rose's high voice with its trace of an Old English accent mixed with the Irish brogue of Patrick. An occasional laugh. More murmuring.
John had his hand poised, ready to knock and then thought twice. I'll just go upstairs. I don't know how she will react and I don't want Patrick to witness any embarrassing scenes between us. He checked his watch. Ten-fifteen. Surely he'll be leaving soon. John went upstairs and looked in on Julie. She was asleep in her crib.
He stroked her little cheek.
Passing in the hallway, he saw a tent of blankets on top of Will's bed. He crept quietly up to it and with one deft flick of the wrist, he whipped the covers off the bed.
Will now sat on the bed, legs crossed and flashlight in one hand, comic book in another. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Then----"DADDY!!" Will flung himself into John's arms. John gave him a bear hug.
"You sure were working a lot! I missed you!"
John ruffled his hair. "I know, sport. And it won't happen again. I promise you that. And now it is time you turned off the light and got some sleep. School tomorrow."
He tucked Will in and headed down to the bedroom.
Ten-thirty. For cryin' out loud, Rose. When are you going to wrap this up?
He took a shower and then slipped into bed.

Patrick said, "I think that should be it for tonight, Rose. I don't see how we can really lose this one. I need to call the tow truck driver as a witness. His testimony is crucial. Also that of Marty Henshaw's. You told him the whole story."
"Yes. Marty offered to loan me the 30,000.00 and he was going to shred the poetry for me."
"That's good. The fact that you were giving that poetry up is good."
Patrick put his tape recorder and notes into his briefcase. Rose took Patrick by the arm and turned out the light.
"I'll show you where your room is. It is just down the hall from ours---mine."
They climbed the stairs. Patrick said, "Rose, where is John?"
Rose opened the door to the spare room. She sighed. "I don't know, Patrick. He could be at the new house. Or the gym. Maybe staying with Rhys. Definitely not with Daniel."
She turned the light on. "There's a bathroom here, fresh towels in the shelves there. I think you have everything you need. Here is a spare robe of John's. And I bid you goodnight."

Rose went quietly into her bedroom, too tired to turn the light on. She went directly into the bathroom and took a shower.
In a few minutes, she slipped into one of John's shirts. The combination of fabric softener and a faint trace of his aftershave were a bit too much for Rosamond. She tried not to cry. Oh, John!
She pulled the covers back and slipped under the covers. An arm wrapped around her and a voice whispered, "Let's not ruin this with a lot of talk. Plenty of time for that tomorrow. Until then...." his voice dissolved into kisses.

THE DAY IS O' Coralynn

Abby is sitting on the couch with her legs drawn under her, covered with an afghan, chewing the last few pieces of popcorn......"I love that movie. That Greg Kinnear is such a wonderful actor....."
"He really did steal the show, didn't he?" Jeremy agrees, "Let me take this popcorn bowl into the kitchen. Need a refill on that Coke?"
"Just a little, please," she holds out her glass and he disppears into the kitchen.
She lays her head down on the arm of the couch for just a minute......

Jeremy returns with the coke and places it on the coaster, saying "I have other videos we can watch other nights....." then sees that Abby is sound asleep.
He's not sure just what he should do. If he leaves her on the couch, she could wake up with a crick in her neck from the position she's in. If he wakes her up it would be unkind. He goes into his very tiny guestroom and clears the books and papers off the daybed, then finds a pillow and some blankets.
Returning to the couch, he carefully, very carefully lifts her up and slowly carries her into the little room, placing her on the day bed, making sure the pillow is under her head and the blankets cover her completely.
She stirs and turns on her side, her hair spilling over the pillow. He smiles down at her. My goodness, he thinks, if I were a painter like Greg Kinnear was in that movie, I would paint her in this very pose. I would entitle it......."Sleeping angel." That would be corny, of course, but hey! a guy can dream!!


The sunlight streamed through the window. Rose stretched. What a wonderful dream...if only it were true! She reached over to John's side of the bed. Empty!
She tried to stem the sinking feeling in her stomach. It seemed so...real!
Just then the bathroom door opened and John came out wrapped in a towel. "Rose, hon, where is my robe?"
She gave a cry of delight and leaped out of bed, flinging her arms around him.
"Oh, John! I--I thought----I mean, I couldn't really IS you, isn't it?"
John smiled. "Yes! Have I lost my touch that my fair lady doth doubt that I was with her last night?"
Rose peppered his face with gentle kisses. "No, it's just that...oh, I don't know WHAT I am trying to say!"
John sat down on the bed and Rose put her arms around him. John disengaged her arms and held her hands.
"I'm so sorry, Rosamond. I have been a total ass which has been pointed out to me over and over again. I deserted you when you needed me most. For which I am abjectly full of sorrow. I don't deserve you or your love."
Rose's eyes filled with tears. She smiled through them, though. "I can't tell you how I longed to hear your voice again."
John stood up and pulled Rose to a standing position. "Grab your robe and let's go down to breakfast."
Rose gave him a devilish grin and said, "Oh,..there will be time for that...later!"

They came down the stairs with Julie in John's arms. Some of the gang were sitting around the table talking and eating breakfast. John said, "Patrick! Aren't you here early? that my robe you are wearing?"
Patrick grinned. "Hope I didn't inconvenience you! Your charming wife so graciously offered me the spare bedroom."
John said, "Not at all. Turns out I didn't need..never mind!"
Rose blushed. Patrick said, "Nothing new under the sun."
John asked, "How goes the case?"
Patrick said, "Better now that you and Rose are under the same roof."
William said gruffly, "Does this mean things are copacetic now?"
John and Rose looked at each other and said together, "VERY copacetic!"
Celeste set down their plates with bacon and eggs on them. Eleanor got the coffee and whispered to John, "Through being an 'arse'?"
John nodded. "Although I owe you for that boot in the bum."
Rose said, "Did you say something, John?"
John said, "No. Just talking about getting some new footwear with Eleanor."
Patrick's pager went off. "Courthouse calling. Clerk's office. I'll be back in a minute."
He left the table and went into the study and shut the door.

Bethia and Roger came in with homemade muffins, Beth's specialty. Well, let's just say Bethia waddled in. Roger was very solicitous and pulled the chair out for her.
William smiled from ear to ear. "I am so happy, Bethia! This is what you were made for--a picture of domestic bliss!"
Bethia looked from John to Rose. She clasped her hands. "Oh, it's about time you came to your senses, Rose!"
Eleanor chimed in with, "What do you mean, ROSE came to her senses? What about the way John....."
William cut her off with a slicing motion of his hand across his throat. "We are NOT even going there! The subject is closed for discussion."
Eleanor said, "But we..."
Rose was feeding Julie her breakfast. "I take it Will got off to school alright?"
William said,"Delivered him there myself! Bright child! Wonderful child!"
Rose smiled, "And I don't think I ever told you who he was named after, did I?"
William shook his head. "I was guessing one of your ancestors, Rose."
Rose said, "I am surprised it hadn't crossed your mind, William. After he was born, Henry insisted we name him 'William' because---and I quote----'William the Conqueror was the greatest warrior that England has ever seen. Or shall ever see.' That was a quote from Henry."
William turned crimson with pride. "It's no secret that I love the lad like he was my own flesh and blood. But to have a namesake....!"
Patrick came into the kitchen with a serious look on his face. "That was the district attorney's office. That bastard Lewis has set the trial for next month. Rose, we have less than a month to prepare!"

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