Marthy comes into the living room carrying several books and comments, "We didn't have Halloween back at court in the 12th Century. This book shows some of the great costumes people dress up in. I want to do it!! Can we, William, can we?"
William lowers his newspaper to the floor and sighs, "I'm not the house leader this month, Marthy, Marilyn is. Ask her."
Marthy skips off happily. Oh good, Marilyn is always ready for a good time. Bess and Jack hear this conversation and go with her to where Marilyn is typing away on a new novel.
"Writing anything really exciting this time?" Marthy asks, "Like robbers and fair maidens and creepy old villains...."
"Oh yes, all of those. You look like you have a question, Marthy."
"Oh YES! William said to ask you because you're the house leader this month.......can we have a Halloween party tomorrow night? Please?"
"Think you can put one together in 24 hours?"
"YES!" Bess climes in, "There's a big costume store at the Mall, I noticed. Can we?"
"Sure! Why not?" Marilyn smiles at their youthful exhuberance. What can it hurt, after all??

Marthy gets right to work on contacting everyone. "We want to have the guys over at the Castle," she tells Bess, "and the ones living in the blue house and the house on Elmwood Avenue.........everybody!"
"Just don't invite Grace!" they hear William bellow from the other room.
Jack is confused, "But doesn't she have a couple children who would enjoy a party?"
William comes into the dining room, which is serving as command central for the party planning. "I thought this was a party for adults!"
Marilyn hears this and joins the group, "Then we dare not invite Daniel, as he is about as immature as they come. Do you mean adult in the sense that they look full grown, or adult as in they behave like grown-ups?"
"I thought I made myself clear about Daniel!" William's ire is evident, "He is not to set foot in this house ever again!"
Marilyn laughs, "But that was when you were the house leader, William. This month I am, and for the next day or so I still am, so if I say they can invite the great lug, then....."
William throws his hands up, "Alright! Go ahead! But don't come crying to me when pandemonium breaks loose!"
Marilyn smiles at the three young people, "Go ahead. Invite everyone. What can it hurt?"

BESS: MALL Coralynn

Halloween morning is crisp and clear. Bess awakens, then realizes this is the day of the party and leaps out of bed, throwing on her robe, running to where Marthy is still dead to the world.
Shaking her, she keeps repeating, "We've gotta get to the Mall! Wake up!"
Marthy eventually stirs, and, looking at her watch says, "But it's only 6:30 in the morning, Bess! When does the mall open, anyway? Not for hours!"
"The costume store opens at 9!"
"How do you know that?"
"I took a good look when we were there the other day, and it opens at 9! Get up, eat breakfast, we want to be the first ones there!"
"Oooohhhh, alright," Marthy sits up, fumbling around for her bedroom slippers. Bess finds them and jams them on Marthy's feet, handing her a bathrobe.
They walk out into the living room. No one there. The dining room. William is there reading his morning papers, all 5 of them.
"Well, good morning, ladies! You're up bright and early!"
"We want to be the first ones at the costume store at the Mall, William!" Bess explains.
William peers at her over the top of his glasses, "May I enquire about your guest list? Who is coming and hopefully who is not?"
"Ohhh everyone said they were coming! We didn't get one turn-down!" Marthy says gleefully, "I told them to get over to the Mall this morning too, so we may see them there. Isn't this exciting? A real Halloween party! I read this book about them and it says you can dunk for apples, and, borrowing from another tradition whack a pinata, and play 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey'.........remind me to buy that, won't you, Bess? We have to have the real thing, after all."
"And just what does that entail?" William raises one eyebrow.
"Oh you're funny! En-tail?! Well, you blindfold one person at a time, turn them round and round, then shove them toward the wall where the big poster is. They have a paper tail with a pin on it, and if they manage to stick it about where the donkey's tail should be, they win!" Marthy is exuberant.
"How very, very uhhhhhhh, shall we say, exciting?" William says in a droll voice.
"You'll see! You'll see!"
"And I suppose we'll have to pass out treats to the trick or treaters?" William suggests.
"Right! Better put that on the list, too. 25 bags on candy. Think that oughta do it?" Bess asks.
William shakes his head, "The new cases of juvinile diabetes will climb alarmingly amongst the children who visit this house! The medical profession will call Winding Willow a 'cluster' area. That doesn't bother you ladies?"
"You're funny!" Bess punches him in the shoulder. He doesn't like being punched anywhere, and that shoulder in particular has begun to give him twinges, but he restrains his normal reaction and, rubbing it gingerly, goes out back to put out some bird-seed for the winged creatures that don't fly south for the winter.


The phone rings insistently at Sally Jennings' house. She reaches over to the nightstand and pulls the receiver to her ear, "What?!" she says crossly.
"Did I wake you up?"
"Ohhhh, WandaSue, that's OK. I was awake," she lies.
"I had a thought! Let's go trick or treating tonight!"
"What's that?!"
"You didn't celebrate Halloween back in 1733?"
"Then you'll love it! You go door to door collecting up treats. Usually candy. If they don't give you a treat, you soap their windows and throw eggs at their house. Makes an awful mess and is great fun! Wanna do it?"
"Why not?"
"But we need to dress up in costumes."
"Because everyone does is why. a costume they can't tell who you are!"
"I like that last part," Sally says as she gets out of bed and grabs the cordless so she can walk and talk.
"OK, I'll pick you up at 8:45 in a taxi. My almost brand new car has decided not to start, and I'm not going to even deal with it till next Monday. So look for a yellow cab and be ready.....the costume store opens at 9."
"See you then!" Sally says and hangs up.
Sally looks at the clock on the wall. 7 a.m. That gives me almost two hours to do other things, but what? She turns on the TV and sees an exercise program. The people are jumping all over, flailing their arms around in time to some music. She tries it and gives up. These 21st century people are pretty stupid, she concludes. Of course WandaSue is fine.......she hates men just like I do. She likes to play tricks on people, just like I do. She doesn't mind creating a few enemies along the way, either, just like me.
Costume, huh? I'll have to look them over and see if any of them appeal to me.
I could dress up like an angel, that would throw people off! she chuckles as she turns on the shower.


The clock on the wall inside the costume store shows 8:58 a.m. Brenda, who has the misfortune of having been scheduled to work today, says to Homer, the owner of the store, "We have mobs of people out there. Why don't they buy their costumes earlier? Why do they wait till the last minute?"
"It happens this way every year," Homer tells her as they hear people yelling, "Open up! Would it kill ya to open up two minutes early?" and such.
"You want to unlock that door or shall I?" Branda asks, hoping that Home will volunteer, but he's walking to the back of store. Coward! she thinks as she slides the key into the lock and turns, then yanks up the metal screen separating her from total pandemonium.

People push into the store, running down the aisles to the kinds of costumes they want. If one person slips and falls, Brenda thinks, Someone is going to get trampled! Why don't they shop earlier? Why?

Little children are screaming and pointing to what they want. Mothers are saying things like, "You will not dress like a devil one more year! It's getting creepy!" and "This ballerina costume is so pretty, Gwendolyn, so much better than that one with the bloody gash on it's face."
Brenda laughs to herself, the kids always get their way. That woman is not going to be escorting a 4-year old ballerina from house to house tonight. Nope, the kid will look like something that belongs in the E.R.

WandaSue is becoming enraged. People keep bumping into her, not acknowledging their rudeness. She sees Sally holding up a witch's costume and smiles, "That one is great, Sally. You get that one and I'll wear this ghost one. Let's pay for them and get the hell out of this madhouse!"
They walk toward the checkout counter, holding their costumes over their heads to keep others from snatching them away. A child screams and points. Another child looks at what the first child is screaming at and joins in. Soon almost every small child in the store is having a screaming fit.
Bess and Marthy look around to see what the problem is, but, not having children, aren't interested enough to stop shopping for their own costumes.
Henry8 and Luke enter the store along with Slim, Mike, Jack, Jerry, Daniel, Roger, Bethia, Rose, Eleanor, Marilyn, and last but not least, William.
"Over here, William!" Bess cries out.
He goes to where she is and asks, "Where are the men's costumes. XXXlarge?"
"I have the store memorized. Follow me!"
They go over to where the very large costumes are hung. He flips through them, one by one, saying "I would rather die than wear that!" till he comes upon a Gladiator costume.
"I'll take this one," he tells Brenda as he reaches the front of the store.
"Very good choice, sir! Are you going to a masquerade party?"
He whispers to her, "I've been coerced into attending a fool Halloween party, Miss. Whatever I wear is going to look ludicrous, so it might as well be this gladiator outfit. I've lost 75 pounds at Jenny Craig, but I still look like a tub."
"Oh I know! It's so hard to lose that last one hundred!" she commisserates.
William wonders if he's losing it.........he doesn't tell complete strangers about his weight problem. It must be this consarned Halloween thing that his brain going soft. He pays for the costume and waits outside for the others to emerge.


WandaSue and Sally leave the Mall and get into the taxi they came in; the driver having been told to wait. Why not, WandaSue figures, I'm rich, I can afford it.
"Mind if I spend some time at your house, Sally? Billy Bob didn't come home last night, God knows where he went, but, since he isn't there to torture, it's awfully boring out on that ranch."
"Sure! I like your company! I want to hear more details about this Halloween you celebrate, too. Does everyone just go wild? Do they hurt each other, maybe even kill each other?"
"Nawwww, they act goofier than usual, but I don't think there are more murders on Halloween than any other night of the year."
The taxi arrives at Sally place on Sycamore Street; WandaSue pays him and they go into the house.
Sally goes to the fridge for some beer. "Sure wish we had more of that great tea my real estate salesman brought over the other day. He didn't say where he got it. Never tasted anything like that before!"
WandaSue pops the top off her Bud and takes a long swallow....."Ahhhhhhh, this ain't bad, but I agree, that tea was incredible! If whoever made it bottled it and sold it, it would go flying off the store shelves!"
"I love these costumes," Sally remarks as she takes them out of the bags, "I can't look like the witch they have on this cardboard that comes with the outfit, though. She's ugly."
"Put some warts on your face," WandaSue suggsts, "There must be something around here we can what looks like a wart, especially at night....these tiny marshamallows could be dipped in coffee and we could paste them to your face."
"I can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of those miserable people on Winding Willow when WE show up."
WandaSue isn't as sure, "You know, there'll be a lot of people out all dressed up, Sally. Lots of kids. It's possible they won't notice us!"
"They will if I have to stand there and scream........"
WandaSue nods, but wonders why it is no one pays any attention to her when she does the same thing. Oh well, time to watch Jerry Springer; hope Sally enjoys that show because if I spend any amount of time over here, she's going to be watching it.
The show comes on and they hear, "Today: My fiance slept with my best friend's neighbor's cousin's grandfather and I'm mad as hell! More after these commercials."
"Hot dawwwgies!" WandaSue sits Indian style on the floor in front of the TV, "Bring it onnnnn!"

MEANWHILE: over on Winding Wilow...

Celeste hears the front door open and the sounds of laughter.
It seems they've all arrived home at the same time. She smiles and asks, "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Ohhhh Celeste!" Marthy goes to her and gives her a pitying look, "You didn't come with us and get a costume!"
"I thought I'd better stay here and see to the children and our wounded boy," Celeste tells her good naturedly.
"TA-DA!" Eleanor hands Celeste a large shopping bag, "You did too get a costume! Look!"
Celeste reaches in and brings out a beautiful golden diaphanous dress. "Oh my! Eleanor! This is gorgeous! What am I supposed to be in this costume?"
"A Goddess!" Eleanor tells her, "Let the beltane fires commence!"
Celeste laughs, "You've been reading those Avalon books again, haven't you, El?"
"Yes, and if anyone else wants to borrow them, they're on my bookshelf!"
Marthy is curious, "Are those the ones by Marion Zimmmm...."
"Right Zimmer Bradley. Now we are all set for our party! Wonder what the guys in the Castle are wearing tonight? So many of us were in that store that I didn't see what they chose!"
"What did you choose, El?"
"I know it shows lack of imagination, but.......I am pretending to be Eleanor of Aquitaine!" she bows.
"But you ARE!" Bess says with a confused expression, "Aren't you?"
"Sure am kiddo! The real article! The one and only, and I sometimes I miss wearing Royal clothes."
Rose is concerned about John and asks Celeste if he's been sleeping.
"Like a babe! Though I can imagine he'd be more than glad to wake up to see your pretty face!"
Rose goes upstairs to check on her husband.
"We'd better get these costumes home, Roger. We'll be back, though, never fear!"
Bess and Marthy are curious to see what Bethia bought and impulsively reach in and pull out........a clown outfit.
"Yes, ladies, I am coming to the party as a clown, because for one thing, clowns don't wear tight clothing that emphasizes their disappearing pregnancy waistlines! Bye!"


Rosamond ran up the stairs to the bedroom she shared with her husband. "John? Darling? Wake up!"
John rolled over and moaned. He opened one eye. "Mmmmm...I could sleep another 48 hours."
Rose felt his forehead. "You feel kind of warm, John." John said, "I just feel really tired. But I'm better now that you're here!" He gingerly sat up. "I didn't know how much a bullet wound hurt."
Rose lowered her eyes. "John, I am so sorry. And William was right, I did send Sally Jennings away to the desert. I just wanted her out of our lives. I had no idea she would do this to me! But...!"
Rosamond pulled out a printed piece of paper. "...I used El's computer and google-searched Marshall Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty McGuire. Here is what it said!"

She read, "Marshall Matt Dillon was a fearless deputy marshall of Dodge City and Tombstone before he headed for San Francisco. He faced many a man at a drop of a hat..." and here John grimaced. "...and many a man met his destiny with the Grim Reaper at Boot Hill. He had a pronounced limp due to a wound he sustained in a love triangle when he challenged a woman's husband. Marshall Dillon had fallen in love with the woman but was spurned. It was the only blot on his impeccable credentials."
She rustled her papers and continued.
"The woman in question arrived in town and had instituted reforms. Her name was reported to be Katherine McGuire, a woman of great charm and beauty. However, she and her husband disappeared as if in thin air and were not heard from again. A Miss Katherine McGuire, a spinster of seventy, arrived on the next stagecoach, having been delayed, and was a representative for the Woman's Council for Decent Living. The reforms she tried to implement failed, as the moral standards of the day were already established. Withing two weeks she had left town to return to Boston. Without a doubt, the first 'Miss Kitty' was an imposter and had fled with her dashing husband who was reported wounded and dying as a result of the challenge. As he husband lay dying, 'Miss Kitty' calmly shouted Dillon's name and shot him in the leg with her husband's pistol. Legend has it he died and Miss Kitty buried him in the desert and was taken captive by the Indians and lived her life as a squaw of one of the Indian Chiefs."
She grew indignant. "Can you believe this crap?"
John started to laugh but it ended in a groan. Rosamond got concerned. "I don't think you'll be able to make the Halloween party tonight, love. I'll skip it and stay up here with you."
"Nonsense, I want you to have a good time. Really. I wish I would be there with you but I just don't feel up to it. Go. Have a good time, Cinderella. Just be back up here and in bed by midnight!"
Rose leaned against him and kissed him. "How many times can I tell you I love you?"
John moaned and said, "I don't know, just get off my %$%&^#@ shoulder!"

...and OVER AT JAMESON'S Terri

The next morning was cool and crisp, autumn was definitely in the air. One by one they came out of their bedroom. Billy Bob got the coffee percolating while Bobby Joe cracked the eggs and started cooking the bacon.
Billy Bob poured off three cups of coffee and set them down on the table. He sat there in his sweatshirt and sweatpants. Fortunately the guys had run back in the house and grabbed a few of their things.
He sighed. "I was so looking forward to taking Julie on her first Halloween, Will too. Kind of not-too-funny how things worked out. Last year at this time I was getting married. I became a father and a step-father and I had a wife and a successful business and a I don't have any of it, not even the dog! Wonder how Jake is...I really miss him. He was the only loyal thing I had and now even HE has gone to live with Gwinnett!" He smiled cynically.
Jameson leaned back. "More time to whine later, men. We have a strategy to plan."
Bobby Joe dished out the bacon and eggs. He was right, they did think better with a full stomach and a semi-good night's sleep. They took their cups of coffee and sat on the deck that overlooked the ocean. "Jameson, this is one sweet set-up." Bobby Joe said. They savored the sea air. Bobby Joe said quietly, "I know this is pretty wild, but tonight is Halloween. Spirits are supposed to be mischievous tonight. Now where would Wanda Sue go to do the most damage?"

They all looked at each other and said, "Winding Willow!" Bobby Joe continued. "So she won't be haunting the ranch. I say....and this is pretty wild...we dispose of any evidence that she was there. We burn her clothes, we pitch her car over the bridge..and when the police find it, it will look like she went over the guardrail. You had better report her missing, Billy Bob. Like tomorrow. Hopefully she won't come back to the ranch tonight. Billy Bob looked at Jameson and Bobby Joe. "Think it will work?"
Jameson said, "Got to work better than the truth!"
They put their hands together and yelled, "YAH!"
They spent the day talking and planning and going over every possible scenario. Jameson said, "Any time you try the perfect crime, you got fifty ways you can screw up. If you think of twenty-five of them, you're a genius. And you arent' a genius, Billy Bob. If you don't do this with split second timing, it will be the last thing you do...this side of iron bars!"
So they planned and schemed until it became dark. Halloween was here...and they were ready with their own plans for a bonfire.


At the pre-arranged hour of 7 pm, everyone comes out of their rooms dressed in their costumes, and the guests who live elsewhere arrive.
Little Will, in his Darth Vader costume is thrilled. He looks at each person to see if he can tell who they are.
He laughs when he sees Uncle Luke dressed like a cowboy, and goes to him, yelling "You're Uncle Luke! I can tell!"
"Shhhhh, young one, we must'nt let on!" Luke smiles benevolently down at the boy. "And don't let on that you know Henry8 is the other cowboy, because he thinks he is in perfect disguise!"
Little Will giggles and covers his mouth. Henry, with his great girth, looks incapable of mounting a horse or roping cattle, but is swaggering around the room doing his John Wayne imitation.
"Wills!" he hears his name and turns to see someone dressed in a Dallas Cowboy uniform. He is lifted up by this person, who whispers to him, "I'm Jack, but don't tell, OK? This is Marthy, too. She's a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader!"
"She looks like Marthy, though. Just like Marthy!"
"Well, you see, young one, when a woman is that pretty, there is no need to cover all that fact, it would be a crime!" he laughs as he again sets Will on his feet.
A scary space alien with antennae coming out the top of his head, walks stiffly across the room and goes to where the punch-bowl is sitting. Wills runs over and says, "Let me help you, space alien, I am Darth Vader. May I pour you a cup of punch?"
"Why thank you, young man, that is ever so kind!" Mike tells him, pulling off his headpiece just enough so that Will can see who he is, then replaces it.
After Will aides the alien, he sees a clown with a circus lion over in the corner of the room. He likes the circus, and wonders who they could be. Getting close up, he's still not sure because the makeup really covers their faces. He tugs on the lion's leg and asks, "Who might you be, sir?"
Roger lifts up his head-dress just a bit so Wills can see it's Roger, "This clown is your Aunt Bethie!"
"NO!" Wills gets right up to her and peers at her intently. "It's me, Wills, your Auntie Beth.....had you fooled there for awhile, didn't I?"
"Yeah! That's a great costume! Who's that over there?" he points at a man in a black cape with a mask that only partially covers his face.
"I think that's Rafe," Beth answers, and look! who is that over there in that old 1920s flapper dress?"
"What's a flapper dress, Auntie Beth?"
"Very old fashioned, and very cool. See the fringe? Every time she takes a step it waves back and forth."
"I can see it's Auntie Marilyn!" Wills says proudly, "Because it looks like her. She sure is pretty!"
"Can you figure out which one is your Mum?"
"That's easy!" he points to Rose, who looks radiant in a Scarlett O'Hara dress, her hair in ringlets with a parasol held jauntily over her shoulder.
A knight in armor moves to where Wills and Bethia are standing and jokes, "Ya know, if the knights of old wore plastic armor like this, the whole of Europe would have been wiped out!"
Wills jumps up and down, eagerly awaiting the knight's divulging his identity. "Who are you, sir knight?" he asks politely.
Slim yanks off the plastic helmet and grins, "Slim here, my boy. Sir Slim, at least for tonight!" and puts it back on. Wills laughs as he sees Slim walk over to.............a gladiator? I saw pictures of gladiators in a book Mummy has........OH.......that's Poppy William!
'Poppy William' sits in one of the chairs with the lever on the side just in time for Wills to leap onto his lap and put his arms around his neck.
"Oh my!" William pretends to be frightened, "Darth Vader! Have mercy upon me!"
"Oh Poppy, I'm just Wills! I'm not going to sword fight with you! You'd win anyway, 'casuse you're so much bigger than I am!"
"Yes, my boy, sorry to say, I am a big person. After this party I am going back on my diet so that maybe by next Halloween I can pass myself off as Robin Hood, like that guy over there! Who is that anyway?"
"Want me to find out? I'm good at it!!" Wills leaps down from William's lap and goes over to Robin Hood, asking boldly, "And who are you, Robin?"
"I'm Robin Hood, kid, just keep it under your hat!"
Wills giggles, "No you're not. I can tell by your voice, you're Uncle Daniel!"
"Blast! I've been found out!" Daniel laughs as Wills races over to where a court jester stands by a Queen. Wills sees how perfectly Auntie Eleanor looks in her queen outfit, and memories begin to flood over him. I know that dress! That was the Queen back at Court! But she couldn't be; Mummy said that was just a dream.

The court jester pulls back in horror, "Oh no! Darth Vader! Now I'm doomed!"
"You must be Jerry," Wills says with a wry expression.
"How did you know?"
"Because you're with Auntie're always with Auntie Eleanor!"
"Is that a good thing?" Jerry asks as he tries in vain to juggle some colored balls, which drop all over the floor and land at the feet of..........
A vision! She has just walked into the room and all conversation ceases. Mouths drop open. She stands tall and proud, the crown of stars reflecting light in all directions, the robe of gold over a filmy white gown.
"'s Celeste!" William says in awe.
"I am the embodiment of the Goddess, the Lady of the Lake, the ruler of the Universe. I am benign, but firm. I am loving, but fair. Do as I instruct and all will be well."

Everyone gasps and then claps loudly and long.
A young woman wearing a multi-tiered dress with maple leaves fluttering all over it, curties low before this vision.
Celeste bring out a wand and touches the top of Bess' head, "You will be one of my Priestesses!"
Little Wills is riveted by Grandma Celeste. Jeeeeee, he thinks, even an old lady can be something, really, really something! Wow!
Marilyn goes to the middle of the room and announces, "Now hear this! All followers of the Goddess Celeste go into the dining room for some divine victuals. Last one there is a rotten egg!"
There is scurring and a lot of laughter as they pile into the chairs set around the dining room table which has been set with pumpkins and maple leaves.
"Oh Goody!" Little Will says loudly, "Food! My favorite thing!" They laugh as he leaps onto a chair and digs into a plate of hot dogs, "Hot dogs! Yayyyy!"


Rosamond fixed a plate for John and slipped quietly up the stairs. She opened the door to their bedroom. John sat up in bed with a crossword puzzle. Julie was curled up next to him, sucking her thumb and almost asleep. John put his finger to his lips in a "shush" motion. Rose nodded her acknowledgement. "Has she been good for you?" Rose whispered. John nodded yes. Julie looked up and said, "ma-ma."
Rose glowed. "Oh, John! Did you hear that?" she whispered excitedly. "When Will was little I never heard that because I was so busy in the court life, and he had a wetnurse and nanny. Henry insisted. I missed so much!" She reached out and stroked Julie's blonde curls.
Julie's eyelids were falling fast. "I'll leave her here next to you for company. I wish with all my heart you were down with us. It's boring without you."
"Daniel down there?"
"Yes, he was invited." John scowled. "Stay away from him." "John, you've never been possessive and jealous before! What gives?" "I've never been incapacitated and helpless before. Here you are looking like you just blew in from the Old South and I sit in bed bandaged and bleeding." Rose gave him the plate of food. "Ugh! Hot dogs! Real healthy food!"
"John, would you please stop complaining? You'll be up before you know it!"
John smiled grimly. "I sure didn't expect to be laid up this way." He looked over at Julie. "At least I have my girll here for company!" Rose touched Julie's cheek. "She truly is a work of art, isn't she?" John patted her hand. "Just like her Mommy!" Rose stood up. "I'd better keep an eye on Will, he's made it his personal agenda to find out who each and every one of us is."
Rose stood up, her hoop skirt floating around her. John looked her up appreciatively.
"You should be kissed, Miss Scarlett, and by someone who knows how. Namely me!"
Rosamond leaned over and kissed him. "OW!!*&**(%$# that's my shoulder, honey!"
he winced. As she paused at the door, she blew him a kiss. "Page me if you need me. My pager is under my hoop skirt set on vibrate!" John laughed. Rose blushed.
"You know what I mean!" He said, "Hey, Cinderella! Remember---midnight! Here! You! Me!" She smiled. "I'll be up in about an hour to put Julie back in her crib."
As she opened the door, John said casually. "By the way, what did Daniel come as?"
Rose looked at him quizzically. "Robin Hood. Why?"
"No reason."
As she shut the door, John hurled his crossword puzzle book at the door. Julie stirred and said, "Da-da?" He stroked her cheek and said, "Nothing, princess, go back to sleep." John folded his arms behind his head and said to himself. "Yeah. Trick or treat."


"Well, will ya look at that!" WandaSue points to the big house on Winding Willow, "Lit up like a Christmas tree! What're they doin' anyway, having a Halloween party?"
"Are they?" Sally asks.
"Probably. Those rich snobs throw parties at the drop of a hat! It's downright sickening! Ohh yeahhhh, look at all those cars parked out front and in the back, too. Sheeesh! This could make it more fun, though. We have more of them to scare!"
"But, WandaSue, they know it's Halloween. Why would they be scared to see us in these costumes? I saw a whole pile of little kids dressed like this before we left my house. Didn't scare me! Why would we scare them?"
"Because we're going to let out blood curdling screams, that's why!" WandaSue feels good just thinking about it.
"Won't you scare the little kids, too?"
"Who gives a rat's patootie about little kids! They go out on Halloween, they takes their chances like the rest of us."
"Wish we were in your car, though."
"My car is out at that miserable ranch, broken, remember? Plus, who needs it? We only had to walk three blocks over here from your place. I must congratulate you on the location of your house, Sally. Very handy location, very handy indeed."
"Glad you like it. If things go wrong, we can run back there, too."
"Nothing is going to go wrong, Sally. Are you wimping out on me?" WandaSue glares at her, then realizes that she needs Sally more than Sally needs her, and softens it, "You'll be fine, just follow my lead."
A small group of children are just then leaving the big house, and another group approaching it. WS and SJ walk behind them up to the front door, and as it opens, the children chime out, "Trick or Treat!" like no one had ever heard those inane words before.
The person handing out the candy is dressed in maple leaves. Sally nudges WandaSue and snickers, "What on earth is she wearing?"
"A rich snob costume, that's what! Now, ready? On the count of three. One.........two.........three, EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!
The young woman in the leaves doesn't look up from her candy duties. "She must be deaf. Let's stand closer." They walk right up in front of Bess and scream at the top of their lungs. They hold out their bags for candy. Bess turns and walks back into the house, closing the door gently behind her.
"Is that how rich snobs act when they're scared out of their wits?" Sally asks.
"One more time. I'LL ring the doorbell, too."
The doorbell actually chimes several times inside the house, over and over and over. Eleanor thinks, someone hasn't done a very good job of teaching manners to their children! That's ridiculous!
She opens the door fully prepared to tell the children to chill out, but apparently they got impatient and left. She closes the door and shakes her head, Rude and impatient. Glad I don't have to deal with them. Imagine what they must put their teachers' through! I shudder!
Sally Jennings, who has just stopped screaming at Eleanor, begins to huff in anger, "How dare she ignore us? What did you say we do when we don't get a treat?"
"We play a trick!!" WandaSue is almost glad they were treated so shabbily, as she brings out two big bars of Ivory soap and a dozen eggs.
"You soap that window, I'll soap this one over here."
"The screens are still on, WandaSue!"
"Better yet! It's murder trying to get soap out of screens! What luck!"
The party-goers are just beginning to mill around after having eaten, and Rafe, who is standing near the front windows, hears a scraping sound. He looks out and sees what looks like a bar of soap scrape itself against the screen. How highly irregular!
He walks to another front window. Another bar of soap, scraping that window screen all on its own. No person, just a bar of soap.
Celeste will know what to do, he thinks as he motions to her. "See that?" he nods toward the windows.
Celeste whips out a gizmo she had sequestered in a pocket in her long cape and holds it out in front of her. Then, nodding her satisfaction, puts it away.
"What did you just do?"
"I found out there are people out there, you just can't see them."
Rafe gives her a skeptical look, then hears spatting noises. Now what?!
He goes to the door in anger, opens it and gets a raw egg right on his Phantom of the Opera mask. He closes the door quickly and marches toward the bathroom to clean up.
Celeste goes through the kitchen, stops briefly at the refrigerator, then sneaks out the back door and quietly walks around the side to the front where WandaSue and Sally Jennings are standing, egging the house.
In one burst of energy, Celeste appears in the light of the floodlights, and throws eggs at the duo with powerful strength.
"HEY!" WandaSue wipes the slime off her eyes, "Not me, Sally! Cut it out!"
"I didn't do it! OWWWW! Don't throw eggs at me, WandaSue! I told you I didn't do it!!"
As they wipe the goop off their respective faces, and their eyes focus, they see a tall woman in a golden robe with lights shooting out of her head, waving her ams, running at them.
"Get me out of here!" they both scream as they head back to Sycamore Street and safety.

Mrs. Canterbury from Sweeping Pines Drive, is about to lead her two small children up the walk to the house, then, seeing that weird apparition, of a woman in a blazing outfit flapping her arms like a duck flying south for the winter thinks, Well, maybe not. No one needs candy that badly!


Alan Carson looked impatiently at the station clock. Eight o' the door! He slammed his desk drawer shut and locked it. How kind of them to invite me to the Halloween party! I got my costume in the squad room locker...Dracula! Easy to put on, easy to take off! He pulled it out of locker and changed.
As he was going out the door, who should walk in but his junior nemesis, Travis P. McGee in the flesh! Travis narrowed his eyes. "Kind of old for Trick or Treating, huh, Alan?"
Alan drew his words out carefully and slow, like you would explain to an extremely slow child. "Noooo, I am going to a party. A Halloween party."
Travis leaned against the trash can in the locker room and knocked it over. He got on his hands and knees and picked up the paper towels, banana peels, and donut wrappers, which belonged to Malone. Alan didn't offer to help him pick up. "Really! Sounds like fun!" he said wistfully.
Alan said, "Yes, it will be."
"Where is it?"
Alan reluctantly said, "John and Rosamond are having it. They invited me. Goodnight."
Travis thought, oh, they did, did they, Alan? Hmm..sounds like a good opportunity to snoop around and try to catch them on something. Like why did that little fox stage a kidnapping? And who is that big lug who twirled me around in the middle of the mall?
I don't buy that 'note flying out the door' excuse for a minute! I'd need a disguise that would totally cover me...I'm sure Mom won't mind if I take one of her sheets..if I replace it before she notices... And Travis jumped in his car, raced home, and before you could say, "BOO!"
Travis was inside the house on Winding Willow, totally wrapped in a sheet, mingling with the masses.


Will was having the time of his life. Rosamond took him quietly to a corner. "Will, I appreciate the way you are behaving. But please! Don't eat so much candy!"
Will was exuberant. "Mommy, I have just about everyone figured out here! All except Dracula and the ghost!" Rose looked up and scanned the room. "Hmmm. I can't figure it out either! Make you a deal, scout! Whoever finds out first, tells the other one!" Will and Rose high-fived each other. Will scampered off, Darth Vader cape flying.

Daniel sauntered up to Rosamond. "I appreciate Marilyn letting me come to the party. I heard if it was up to William, I would be trick or treating with the neighborhood urchins." Rosamond smiled at him. "I, too, appreciate what you have done for John at the fitness center. Taking over for him. know."

Daniel got a cynical smile. "Don't thank me yet, Angel. I own 35% of the center. I'm not about to let my shares go to pot. No, don't make me out to be noble. Thirty-five percent of this is selfishness." Rose squeezed his arm. "But the 65% is niceness, Daniel. Don't deny it! In spite of all the fights and scrapes, you and John love each other." Daniel didn't say anything.
Rose continued. "Nice outfit, Daniel. Robin Hood. How ingenious!"
"Is it?"
Rose looked at him uncomprehendingly. "What?"
"Never mind. Play that game."
Rose shrugged and went to the punchbowl. Daniel followed her there. "Like my bow and arrow?"
"Very nice."
"Thought so."
"Quiver. You. Shake. Tremble."
"You're disgusting. As usual."
Rosamond turned to Daniel. "Have you even seen your brother since he got...back?"
Daniel was fiddling with his bow and arrows. "Hmmm?" he said absentmindedly. "Yes, I fully intend to sneak upstairs and have a business conference with him. Is he able to converse?"
"He was shot in the shoulder, not in the brain, Daniel. Yes, he can converse."
Rosamond stepped outside in the brisk air. It was so hot in the house with all the people. Daniel followed her out. He ran his hand lightly up and down her arm. "Want to relive a fond memory, Sugar?"
"Exactly WHAT are you talking about?"
"Don't start that 'I-don't-know-what-you-are-talking-about act with me, honey. I am NOT one of your plantation beaux. I want more from you."
"What do you want?"
"I'll tell you, Rosamond de Clifford. I want you to say the words I heard you say to John Gwinnett. I love you."
Rosamond smashed her parasol over Daniel's head and said, "That's something you'll never hear from me as long I live, Daniel Gwinnett!"
As she flounced back in the house, Daniel yelled, "Did I say 'John Gwinnett'? I meant Ashley! Ashley Wilkes!"

Daniel went up the stairs and knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in."
Daniel stuck his head in. "Up for a visit, bro?"
John turned the TV off. "Team's losing anyways. How's the fitness center?"
"Running well. We have the new equipment off and running, Slim is in charge of sales and contracts, and Rafe is in charge of the trainers. Humming right along." They spent the next fifteen minutes discussing the gym.

John stretched out. "&%&%^$$#&*@ shoulder is killing me!"
Daniel shook his head. "That woman of yours will be the death of you yet, John."
John grinned. " Yeah, but what a way to go! I'll die with a smile on my face!"
Daniel glanced over and saw the baby snuggled under the covers in the curve of John's body. He felt a twinge--maybe more--of jealousy. "I see you got your little rugrat there. How's she doing?"
John pulled the cover back slightly. She was in her pink one-piece sleeper with Pooh Bear. Daniel melted a little. A little? A LOT! He looked over at her. "Image of her mother. But she has my--our--mouth."
John winced. "Hand me that Vicodan, will you? Pain is worse at night. " John popped a pill with a glass of water. "I need to get Rose up here to put her to bed."
Daniel said, "Why bother her? I'll do it."
"Daniel--I'm not sure Rose would..."

"Hey, she's enjoying herself with Will. Let's not disturb her." Daniel picked Julie up carefully. He put the blanket around her and headed towards the crib in the adjoining room, holding her closely. Ninety-nine percent sure she's John's? But there's that one percent chance.. He laid her down carefully in the crib. He straightened the blanket over her and stroked her little cheek. It IS possible...
He went back in to John. "I'd better get downstairs. Will is going to try to bob for apples in his Darth Vader outfit. That alone should be worth it!"
As he walked towards the door, John said quietly, "Why the Robin Hood outfit, Daniel?"
Daniel looked down, surprised. "Is that what this is? Well! I'll be! I guess it is! How do you like THEM apples?"
He closed the door on his way out. John picked the remote up and threw it at the door in frustration. What was it Mother used to say when she was upset? 'APPLESAUCE'! Yeah, Mother, you're right! "&&$@#* APPLESAUCE!" He flopped back on his pillow, ticked off at the world.


"Think it will work?" Bobby Joe asked.
Jameson said, "It has to. I can't see why it wouldn't."
Billy Bob bit his thumb. "I swear, that woman--if you can call her that, her hips have their own zip code--will be the death of me yet. She's been a thorn in my side since Biology in Miss Kretzner's class. Looked over at my paper during a test once and BOTH of us got detentions and zeros on the test. Dragged my grade down one letter, too. Even when I didn't see her for fourteen years, she was always there, in the back of my mind. Lurking, like those gargoyles on Notre Dame."
Jameson lit a cigarette and passed the pack around. Even though the three of them had quit smoking, it was something they had to do. "Bobby Joe, you got the gasoline?"
"Yes, I told the guy at the filling station I had a lawn job to do. I needed 20 gallons. Looked at me like I was nuts. He said, "Mussa be a hulluva lawn, whaddaya do, a golf-a course?" I took the license plate off so he couldn't trace it to me later in case we screw up." They drove in the darkness, each lost in his own thoughts and not saying much of anything.
The only thing Billy Bob said was, "Halloween. How fitting to vanquish a witch!"
Jameson and Bobby Joe said, "WOOOO-WOOOO!"

They pulled into the drive at the ranch and got out. Jameson said, "OK, let me see the havoc this ''witch' has wreaked."
Billy Bob and Bobby Joe held back. Jameson got impatient. "Oh, give me the damn key!" He snatched it out of Billy Bob's hand. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw china pieces and glass shards everywhere. The turkey platter lay in three pieces on the floor. He said, "She's gonna pay for THAT one!"
When Wanda Sue found out she couldn't unlock the china cabinet, she had hurled the whole thing over. Jameson whistled. "She must be as strong as a mule!"
Billy Bob said, "You have no idea!"
Bobby Joe clapped his hands and said, "Gentlemen? Operation Burn That Witch is about to commence!"


Sally and WandaSue sit on the couch in Sally's living room, legs stretched out before them, watching some foolish movie on TV. Sally leaps up and turns it off.
"Are we going to let that bunch of snobs defeat us, WandaSue?"
"I know, I'm just getting my second wind. Damn crazy witch lady would have to show up with her own supply of eggs. She's a menace!"
"Didn't I tell you, didn't I? She sacrifices animals on an altar she has back in the woods. I followed her one night, and she ripped open a goat! The blood was all over.....I thought I was going to throw up! And the incantations! Made my blood run cold!"
WandaSue rolls her eyes, but, not wanting to rain on Sally's parade, says "we have to go back there till we feel we've fixed them good."
"Those people sure don't 'fix' easily, do they?"
WandaSue sits there thinking for a few minutes, then suggests, "How about we go back and roll their garbage cans into the street?"
"Too bad they did away with out-houses! If they had one, we could tip it over."
"Yeah, that would be great fun, but no, no outhouse. Let's see: garbage cans, what else?"
"I heard that if you tied a long wire to the side of a house and then got waaaaay back and rubbed it with something metal, it would make a huge noise inside and scare people."
"OK. Let's make sure we take a long wire......oh about 100 feet of it or you have that handy, Sally?"
"We'll stop at a hardware store before we go over to Winding Willow. Where is the nearest one, do you know?"
"There's one about 5 miles away out on the highway."
"Oh swell! Being without my car, and not totally crazy, I am not willing to walk 5 miles in both directions just for a wire. Scratch that idea!" WandaSue literally puts a thick mark through the idea on her Battle Plan pad of paper.
"So......besides the garbage cans......." Sally begins.
WandaSue leaps up. "Let's get our buns over there and maybe inspiration will strike once we're there!" She makes for the door, Sally following eagerly.
As the door closes behind them, Sally suddenly realizes she left her key inside.
"Uhhhhhhh, WandaSue!" she calls out, trying to keep up with the frantic pace WSue has set. "I left my house key inside. We're locked out."
"Oh well, what else can go wrong? Let's settle the hash of those miserable snobs on Winding Willow, then we can figure out how to get back in your house. Another few minutes and we're there!!"

They creep up to a side window and peer into the living room. There's a big tub of water filled with apples in the middle of the floor, sitting on a huge tarp. They see someone in a cowboy outfit on his knees, trying to bit an apple.
"Look at that tub of lard! Good God, where do they get these people?" WandaSue says derisively.
"There are a lot of people there, WSue, think we could sneak in?"
"Who, US? Who thinks they'd let US join their party?"
"But they wouldn't recognize us in these costumes!"
"Celeste the witch sure would! She saw us, remember?"
"But how well, it was dark out after all. Let's try it, WSue, let's....please, please!"
"OK, but it might not work. What do we do after we get in there?"
Sally claps her hands in glee, "We scream?"
WandaSue laughs and shakes her head, "Why don't we just play it by ear?"
They go up to the front door and slowly open it, then tiptoe inside. The scene of the apple bobbing is in the large room on the right hand side of the vestibule. They try to ease themselves into the crowd of party-goers, hoping to blend in and not be noticed for who they really are. WandaSue underestimates the width of her hips and smacks into some guy dressed like Robin Hood. He moves away slightly, but otherwise says nothing.
WandaSue is so ticked off at being ignored that she stomps on Robin Hood's foot, which is clad only in thin leather. Robin yells out, "Damn, that hurt!" but doesn't look at her or at Sally.
Frustrated at not being acknowledged, if only for something painful, she then walks around behind him and yanks on his hair.
"Cut it out!" he wheels around, and looks everywhere but at WS and SJ. He says to the guy dressed like a knight in armor, "Hey Slim, has anyone pulled your hair?"
"Hardly!" Slim gives him an odd look, then resumes cheering for Henry8, who has, with the help of his left hand, managed to sink his teeth into an apple.
Sally hears this and comes up behind Slim, and, flipping off his headgear, takes a large handful of hair and yanks as violently as she can.
"Yeeeeeow! Cut it out, Daniel!"
Bethia and Celeste notice this disturbance and walk over to where Daniel and Slim are standing, arguing about who pulled their hair. Celeste brings out her gizmo and holds it out.........
"It's them, Bethie."
When WS and SJ see Celeste, they hide behind the couch, hoping she won't attack them. Ohhhh good, she's going in the other room. Whew, close one!
A few minutes later, they hear the front door open, but think nothing of it, after all, people are coming and going.
They don't see Celeste slowly approach them from behind, but when Celeste dumps a pail of water on them, they realize they've been bested again.
"CELESTE!" William roars from across the room, "Why did you do that?!"
"Just got carried away with the spirit of the party!" Celeste laughs as she senses the two intruders bolting out the door onto the front lawn.
The party resumes with barely a hitch. Celeste whispers to Bethia, "I don't think we'll be bothered by those two again, at least tonight!" Beth laughs and puts one arm around Celeste's shoulder, "You are a real firecracker, Celeste, who would have known?!"
Celeste whispers back, "You forget......I was at Woodstock!"


Billy Bob called out cautiously, "Wanda Sue? Honey? Babydoll?"
Bobby Joe pinched him and Jameson made a gagging motion. BB said, "HEY! It never hurts to be sure!"
Bobby Joe said, "I guess she decided to haunt some other place." Billy Bob said, "Yeah, well, I am guessing she's over at Winding Willow giving my ex-uh-unwife grief. Can't believe how much she hates her. And I think she'd secretly like to take that John Gwinnett for a romp. Two fold--to get back at Rosamond and to, well, she IS a ho-bag..."
They went into the room that Wanda Sue called her own. "What a pig sty!"
Jameson took a yardstick and picked up Wanda Sue's underwear. "Where does she buy this? From Ringling Brother's tent cast-offs?"
Bobby Joe picked up her bra. "A-cup, B-cup, C-cup, D-cup, DD-cup----Wanda Sue wears a Tea-cup?"
Billy Bob said, "She wasn't always built like a pear. OK, so she looks like the Griimace."
"Yeah, that purple McDonald's character."
Jameson said, "What is the difference between Wanda Sue and Grimace?"
They looked blankly at Jameson.
Jameson howled, "Wanda Sue isn't purple!"
They started laughing. And couldn't stop. The booze they downed for liquid courage didn't hurt either.
"What is the difference between Wanda Sue and..."
Billy Bob cut them off. "We never know when her un-body will float back here, we'd better get cracking. I'm going to the barn for boxes."
"I'll go, too!" Bobby Joe said, Jameson scrambled towards the door. "You aren't leaving ME here by myself!"
The three of them all tried to get out the door at the same time. Billy Bob turned around and said, "I didn't hear anyone yell FIRE!....YET!"
He pushed them both back.
The other two scrambled, yanking each other back.
They returned fifteen minutes later with boxes to pack Wanda Sue's stuff in.

Bobby Joe started with her jeans drawers. "Never saw jeans with a guest room before." He held them up. "How'd she get so broad in the beam anyways?"
Billy Bob glanced up. "Years of sitting on those puppies! I swear, when she walked it looked like a litter fighting under a blanket!"
Jameson grabbed Wanda Sue's dresses. "Yep--Omar the Tentmaker!"
Bobby Joe yanked a dresser drawer open. The three of them stared at it. They looked at each other. Back at the contents of the drawer. Back to each other. "I'm not going in there!"
"Me, neither!"
"Billy Bob, you were married to her. YOU go in there."
"Not without combat pay!"
They had come across Wanda Sue's underwear drawer.

Gingerly they dumped Wanda Sue's underwear in a box. They dumped the remaining drawers into boxes and sealed them with duct tape. They moved on to the bathroom that they let Wanda Sue have to herself.
Bobby Joe pulled the shower curtain back. "Will you look at that bathtub ring? Looks like a planter box!"
Billy Bob glanced in and said, "I wanted to put a new tub in here anyhow. Even though this one is only two years old."
Jameson pulled open the medicine cabinet. "Wow! Looks like a drugstore!"
Billy Bob looked over. "Yeah, I think she would go from doctor to doctor getting prescriptions for Valium and Vicodan and stuff like that and then sell it per pill, mind you, to her friends. Supplementing her income, I guess."
Bobby Joe opened the vanity drawers. "Cosmetics. All these things and she still looked hard as a rock! What the heck is this?" Bobby Joe held up a contraption.
"I think it is something for sucking out the blackheads."
They dumped lipstick and powder and eyeshadow and all her sundries in another box. Sealed. Most of her pills they dumped down the toilet, except for the ones Bobby Joe slipped into his pocket. You never know when you are going to need a pain pill!

Jameson looked through her papers. "Hey! Here's her checkbook. Deposit of 150,000 back in April, 150,000 back in May, 1,000,000 in May, 1000.00 in June....she really raked it in! Guess blackmail pays off!" Billy Bob grabbed it. "Balance left--still has 1,300,000.00 left. What a witch--with a capital 'B'! I should make a withdrawal from her account. Leave her with only 300,000.00 dollars!"
"Better not, Billy Bob! Nothing weird can happen in her accounts now. In fact, maybe we'd better leave some of her stuff here. So it looks like she went out and intended to come back but she missed that curve."
"You're right. But I feel lile burning SOMETHING of hers!"
"How about we burn what we have in the boxes and leave her other stuff here?"

Within the hour they gathered a substantial amount of Wanda Sue's things and piled them in a heap. Bobby Joe said, "Think twenty gallons of gasoline is enough?"
Billy Bob said, "More than enough!"
They took her stuff behind the barn where Juanita wouldn't see and if she did, by the time she noticed it, the flames would be higher than the sky.
They three of them stacked box upon box. They got branches and brush and leaves and covered the boxes with them.
Billy Bob grabbed three lawn chairs and put them around the 'campfire'. Bobby Joe dumped his four 5-gallon cans on the pyramid of cardboard and leaves. Jameson brought the case of beer and marshmallows. Billy Bob produced three long sticks and Bobby Joe whittled the ends to a point. Bobby Joe and Jameson looked to Billy Bob. "Sir, would you, as the persecuted husband, like to do the honors?"
Billy Bob stood up, took a bow and said, "Gladly!" He struck a match and set it to the debris. "Gentlemen? The 'persecution' rests!"
It went up in a blaze, an inferno, a conflagration, a bonfire, a wildfire. It was the ultimate campfire.
And as they uncapped their beer bottles and put their marshmallows on the stick, they chanted, 'BURN, BABY....BURN!"

The fire roared and the guys drank their case of beer and roasted their marshmallows. Bobby Joe had brought hot dogs, and all the fixings from a deli. They had a weinie roast/beer bash as they watched most of Wanda Sue go up in smoke. Billy Bob stretched his legs out. "Ahhh...that was SATISFYING!" I feel like a prisoner who has been exhonerated!" Jameson said, "What are you going to do now that Wanda Sue is out of your life? Are you going to try to get Rosamond back?" Billy Bob shrugged. "I don't know yet. Maybe. Yeah, I am. But I can't think about that now. This is such a heady experience for me. I want to savour the moment!" Bobby Joe pointed to the back of the barn. "We still need to get rid of that car. What do you suggest we do?" Jameson said, "We do what we said. We push it off the end of the bridge on Rt 141. Billy Bob, you need to report to the police tomorrow morning that your dear wife did not come home last night. Either the car will surface--and we need to keep the windows down, so it will look like Wanda Sue tried to get out--and the current is pretty strong there so they may never find her body. Or the car will never be found and it will look like she took off for parts unknown." They sat there for the next few hours discussing what may have happened to Wanda Sue. Jameson said, "Did she cruise the bars looking for Mr. Goodbar?"
Billy Bob snorted, "If you were a sailor, would you be that desperate?"
Bobby Joe said, "You know, BB, you were married to her, it doesn't say much for your taste."
Billy Bob said, "At sixteen, did we even know what taste was?"
Jameson looked at his watch. "It's after midnight. I suppose we'd better begin the uh, disposal. This is going to be kind of tricky!"

Bobby Joe put on a full suit of clothes and put on a ski mask and gloves. No fingerprints allowed. They found the spare set of keys on the hook of the kitchen. Bobby Joe went to start it. Nothing. They popped the hood. Ah--dead battery! Billy Bob drove his truck up and they hooked jumper cables to it. "OK, BJ, turn her over!" The car sprang to life. "Just a dead battery! Good!" Driving carefully, Billy and Jameson followed him in Billy Bob's truck.
They parked the car at the beginning of Old Mill Bridge. Keeping it in first, Bobby Joe drove it slowly across the bridge. There was only a small guard rail and Bobby Joe looked for the beginning of it. He kept it at 15 mph and drove on the other side of the bridge, between the guard rail and the river. At the last minute, he jumped out of the car with split-second timing.
Billy Bob and Jameson came running up, having parked the truck in the woods. The three of them stood there watching the car silently run down the embankment, driving into the river with a slight splash and disappearing under the water. The lights immediately went out as the battery shorted out.
Billy Bob said, "Eeerie, isn't it?" Jameson said, "Yeah. Even without the body there, it seems like we murdered her!" They walked back to the truck and started it up, heading home.
Billy Bob said, "I just got this awful idea. What if the car comes back to haunt us like that movie 'Christine'. You know, the one by Stephen King."
Jameson clapped him on the back. "Come on. We're all going back to the ranch to get a good night's sleep. And then your best acting skills will be called upon, BB. Because you have to act like a concerned husband. Think you can do it?"
Billy Bob snapped off the cap of his beer. "Just watch me. I learned acting from watching my dear departed un-wife fake like we had the perfect marriage. Academy Award performance, coming up!"

BREAK-IN ON Coralynn

Sally's teeth chatter, "Hey, I'm freezing!"
"I know, I know, me too. It's the end of October, after all, and it can't be over 40 degrees outside. But it isn't that far to walk to get over to your house! Like I said before, you have a great location!"
Then it hits both of them at the same time, "...but we're locked out!"
Wandasue concludes, "We'll just have to break in! Are there any unlocked windows?"
"I don't know, I didn't go around checking them. Rats!"
"We'll find one," WSue assures her as they reach the house and begin walking around, testing the downstairs windows.
The windows are firmly locked at the back of the house; they're locked tigher than a drum on the sides of the house; so the front ones are the only ones left to test.
WandaSue yanks on the left front window, accessible from the porch.
"How's the one over there, Sally?"
"Locked! What are we gonna do?!"
"We're gonna break one, what choice do we have? I'm so wet and cold I'm not choosy, how about you? I'll get a rock and throw it through this one."
WSue hunts around till she finds a good sized rock, then stands back and heaves it through the glass, which shatters.
The sound of sirens inside the house cause the two women to startle and back off.
"What's that?" Sally asks, panicked.
"You have a burglar alarm!"
"I do?"
"Well, yeah, cause that's what must be making that noise! Oh swell......."
"Let's go inside. Never mind the sound. Can you reach up and unfasten the window, WandaSue?"
"Hey, sister, it's your house, you do it! Just try not to cut yourself."
Sally gingerly reaches through the gaping hole in the glass and is able to reach the locking mechanism just as they hear another siren.
"Hurry! The cops!" WandaSue yells at her. Sally raises the window and climbs into the house. WandaSue can hear her call from inside, "Now what do I do, WandaSue?"
Over the sound of ever closer sirens, WandaSue yells out, "Go to the freakin' door and OPEN it!"
Just as the Police car arrives, Sally opens the door and WSue runs in.
"Quick! We gotta hide! How about the coat closet?"
"What's a coat closet?"
WandaSue pushes Sally into the closet, then gets in herself, pulling the door shut, as they hear the police banging on the front door.

Travis McGee and rookie cop, Phil Spacone, bang on the door repeatedly, then the women hear smashing sounds.
"What's that?" Sally whispers to WSue.
"The dopes don't realize the front door is unlocked. They're banging it down! What a bunch of klutzes!"
The door falls inward with a mightly crash, and soon Travis is yelling, "We know you're in here! Come out with your hands up!" over and over as he goes from room to room, upstairs and down.
Phil suggets, "Check the closets, Officer McGee."
Travis, who by now has every light in the house turned on, glares at the other Cop, "That's standard procedure, you dolt!" even though it had slipped his mind.
WandaSue and Sally push back as far as the small space in the closet will allow, hoping the two coats hung in it will shield them from view.
When the door to the coat closet is flung open and a large flashlight beam is played around the sides and back of the closet, the women shiver in fear. Sally tries to re-position herself more securely behind one of the coats, which causes it to move.
"A-HA!" Travis yells out happily, "Someone is in this closet! Come out with your hands up! NOW!"
WSue and Sally look at each other in alarm. "Now you've done it!" WSue hisses at the other woman as they both emerge from the closet with their hands held up over their heads.
"I said come out NOW or I shoot!" Travis ups the stakes.
"We are out, you fool!" WSue yells at him.
"You have one more chance before I riddle you with bullets! Come out NOW!"
Sally and WSue look at each other, perplexed. What does it take to prove they've already complied?
The women watch in horror as Travis begins firing into the closet.
"Oh no you don't!" Sally screams as she tackles Travis around the legs, bringing him to the floor, his gun getting off one more shot that lands up in the ceiling somewhere.

Phil Spacone sees this happening and yells, "Ghosts!" crosses himself and runs out of the house to the squad car, hopping in, locking the doors.
Travis looks around to see who attacked him, and there is nobody there. Nobody. This is Halloween, after all. Could Phil be right?
Someone or something begins bashing him over the head........"STOP!" he yells, then gets up and runs out to the squad car himself, but he can't get in, because all the doors are locked.
He fishes around for his car keys. He has so many things in that pocket that he has to sort through gum wrappers, a swiss army knife, extra cartridges of bullets, all the while banging on the car door, "Open up!"
He sees the terror stricken eyes of the other cop slowly emerge at the bottom of the window, then slowly rise up till Phil sees who it is.
After Phil unlocks the door, Travis jumps in and yells, "What was that?!"
"I told ya, ghosts!"
Finally locating the keys, which were left in the ignition, Travis scoffs, "Phil, ya got a lot to learn, first of which is, there's no such thing as ghosts! The burglars obviously got away."
Phil is confused. He wants to ask Travis who tackled him to the floor? Nobody was there. Oh well, he figures, like they keep telling me, I've got a lot to learn!
"Gotta get back to my stakeout," Travis announces importantly, "I'll drop you off at the station, then I've gotta get back. That damned buzzer went off, 'cause I'm on burglary detail right now. They only choose their most seasoned officers for that detail, but it interrupted my stakeout just as I was about to corner a criminal."
Spacone is impressed, "Wow! I'd love to see you work a stakeout. Can I go, too?"
He realizes, the minute the words are out of his mouth, how inappropriate the request is, and is duly chastized when Travis replies, "Absolutely not!" as they reach the station and Spacone reluctantly gets out. He sees the car speed away and hopes that someday he will be as important as Travis McGee!


They pulled into the drive. "Jameson? You staying overnight?"
"Why not, Anastacia being out of town and it's a long drive home. Got room?"
"You want the spook's bedroom?"
"Yuck, NO! I'll take the couch!"
Billy Bob brought out a bottle of Jack Daniel's and poured it all around. He said, "Gentlemen? Wanda Sue was the embodiment of evil and corruption. Back in Grandpappy Montgomery's day, he used to say all he needed was a rope and a tall oak tree to mete out justice. Then they would all meet back in the local saloon, singing, 'Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses'."
They all looked at each other, burst out laughing, and Billy Bob said, "Why not? It's from grain!" They went out to the barn, half drunk and laughing! They opened their beer, filled it in the horses's trough and let them drink up. Just a little.
The three of them walked out to the bonfire. Billy Bob kicked the embers. "And that, gentlemen, is all she wrote!"
They sat on the lawn chairs drinking their whiskey and smoking their cigarettes.
"Are you up to it, Billy Bob?"
Billy Bob leaned back in his chair, blew smoke rings and said, "Learn and watch, cousin. I suppose I should notify my ex-brother in law--Slim. I'll put on a sorrowful act and ask him if she's there, yadayadayada. I can't believe it. Married twice and no divorces. Annulled and widowed, but no divorces. Donna would be proud!"
Bobby Joe kicked back, too. "How can she stand Lyle?"
Jameson looked at Bobby Joe. "Carrying a secret lust for the fair Mrs. Jackson, BJ?"
Bobby Joe got red, partly embarrassment, partly the bonfire embers. "Certainly not! All I did was go out with her once or twice."
Billy Bob said, "Or three or four times..."
They all laughed. After several hours of sitting in the cold and in the dark, Billy Bob got up, kicked the embers with his booted foot and said, "Rest in peace, Wanda Sue. Rest in peace."


Rosamond grabbed Will as he scooted by him. "Will! Did you find out who the ghost is?" she whispered.
"No, Mommy! I don't know who Dracula is, either!"
Rose broke out in a grin. "Well, I do!"
Will jumped up and down. "WHO? WHO?"
Rose pulled him in the corner and whispered in his ear. "It's Daddy's friend. Officer Carson."
"Really? I can't figure out who the ghost is. Can you?"
"No, I can't. I suppose it may be a mystery to us, Will. I have to go upstairs to put Julie to bed. Can I trust you not to eat too much candy, sweetheart?"
"Yes, Mommy! When I go to bed, can you tell me that bedtime story on the Gold Rush?"
Rose was shocked. "Will! Where do you get your ideas from?"
He looked at Rosamond and said, "Mommy, I'm six now. Not five. I hear Aunt Eleanor and Aunt Bethia and Aunt Marilyn talking to Grandma Celeste."
Rose recovered the ball fast. "Will, it was a TV program that they were talking about."
Will looked askance at her. "Then why did they mention 'Rose' and 'John', Mommy?"
Rose stood there wordlessly. Will broke out in a grin and said, "Get real and with the program, OK, Mommy?" and before Rose could think of something to say, Will was off again. Rose stood there. How much does he remember of Court? Does he remember Henry, too?

She slipped upstairs to their bedroom. John was sleeping. Rose leaned over and straightened the covers over him. She went to the crib. There lay the baby, sound asleep and tucked in. She adjusted her blanket. As she turned to slip out, John woke up. "Rosamond, darling?"
She sat down next to him and brushed his hair out of his face. She cupped his face and kissed him. "How are you doing?" He tried to sit up and groaned. "I took a pill.
Just trying to clear my brain right now."
"How'd you get Julie in the crib with your shoulder?"
"Daniel put her there."
John said, "What is wrong with you? He was helping me. And he said that way you can enjoy the party with Will."
Rosamond shook her parasol at John. "OH? And let me ask you, who's head do you think this got bent on? Three guesses and the first two don't count!"

Rosamond stood there with her hands on her hips. "Daniel hasn't changed one iota, John. The only reason he's helping you is for his 35%."
John was in bad mood. "Rosamond, give him credit. He's not so bad."
Rosamond turned on her heels. "If you say so, John. You just have NO idea what he's like."
"When are you coming up?"
"When I darn well feel like it!" She flounced out of the room.
John flopped back against the pillows. He thought, yeah, she picked the right costume. Fiddle-dee-&((^%$# dee!
Rosamond bounced down the steps. John, you have no idea at all...
Daniel was standing at the bottom of the stairs, scoping her out and grinning at her like Rhett Butler in that barbeque scene. Rose slowed down to a saunter. She thought, ok, John, do I have to prove to you what a louse your brother is?

She tried to brush past Daniel, ignoring him and heading towards the punchbowl.
He followed her there. "Want to slip a little libation into your punch, darlin?"
She held her paper cup out. "Why not? I'm not a nursing mother anymore."
Daniel poured some Glenlivet into her punch. She swirled it to stir it and said nothing.
He leaned against the post. "Robin may have stolen from the rich to give to the poor but I stole from all and horde only to myself."
Rose drank her punch and tried not to choke on it. "Daniel, you should be tarred and feathered."
"Tarred and feathered? Rose! You ARE kinky!"
Rose threw her paper cup in the garbage and said, "Daniel? You're disgusting." and walked off. He yelled after her, "Hey, I didn't say no to the tar and feathers! I just feel we should get to know each other a little better!"
A little Darth Vader stood behind him and tugged on his tunic. "Mr. Robin Hood? Why do you always make my Mommy mad?" Daniel stooped down. "Don't mean to, Darth. Mom's just trying to fight off the Force."

Slim squirmed in his armour. How did they stand it? He raised the visor.Oh! There she is--well, it's now or never. He lowered his visor. She's standing there like a cool crisp autumn day.
He mentally went through his Advanced Macking manual and then mentally threw it out and decided to fly by the seat of his pants---armor--pants--whatever!
He squared his shoulders and said, "Hey, Bess!"
She looked up and and raised his visor. "I know those beautiful brown eyes! Slim,. isn't it?"
Slim could feel himself getting hotter in his armor. "Uh, yes it is! You and Marthy did a marvelous job with this party. I appreciate you inviting me to the party. This is fun!"
Bess said, "You're alot of fun, Slim. And you helped Rose out of her mess with her husband. You are like family now! You've been...accepted!"
Slim scuffed his armored foot along the floor. "Uh, Bess? I was wondering if you would like to go to that new Pirate movie tomorrow night? I mean, uh..."
Bess smiled. "Slim! Are you asking me out on a date?"
Slim said, "Yes, I do believe I am!"
Bess said, "Then I accept! Call me tomorrow with the time!"
Slim broke out in a smile. "You've got a deal! Uh...a date!"


"I'd sure love to change out of these soggy clothes," WandaSue tells Sally, wringing out her shirt over the kitchen sink. "Not only is my costume wet, but the stuff I wore under it, too. I'm wet clear to the bone. I need to get my buns out to the ranch and change."
"You can wear something of mine," Sally volunteers, "I have some new stuff, too."
"Your clothes would be too small for me, Sally. I don't want to rip them trying to jam myself in. My hips are twice the size of yours."
"Well, then, how are we going to get you out to the ranch? The taxi?"
"I don't think we dare try that again! That taxi driver we had a few hours ago freaked out when he saw a note beside him on the front seat. You'd think he'd never seen a written itinerary before. Sheeeesh, and when I paid him, his eyes were big as saucers. Must be new to this country is all I can figure."
"Yeah. But wait............I think I have a way."
Sally pulls out her magic coin and turns it over and over in her hands, "If I tell the coin to keep us in our current day, and not time travel at all, just space travel, we could use it to get out to the ranch and back."
"Ya got a good head on ya, Sally! What can we lose?"
"Let's do it now. Take my hand and I'll instruct the coin. We wish to be out on the Montgomery ranch, but on the date we are in, and the time of day we are in......"

They touch down in the back yard behind the Bed and Breakfast.
"Ya done good!" WSue whispers to Sally. "Wonder what that strange smell is?"
"Yuck, it sure smells like something burning!" Sally agrees as they walk toward the area from which the aroma seems to be coming.
They end up in back of the guest house. There's a large area where a bonfire was obviously burned and not that long ago. WandaSue kicks at a few of the embers and frowns, "Now what the heck have those idiots been up to?"
She walks around the bonfire, and it's at that time that her eyes focus on the place where she had left her Acura.
"I know it's dark out, but the light on the barn shows that place where I parked my car. I don't see the car, do you, Sally?"
"Think someone burned my car?"
"I don't see pieces of metal in this rubble," Sally remarks.
WandaSue stoops down and examines a few of the remnants left in the bonfire. She pokes around with a stick until she hits on something familiar.......yes........she leans down and gingerly lifts it up ........."My zit remover!" she yells.
"Your what?!"
"This thing sucks out blackheads! What's it doing out here in this fire?"
"This does not look good, WSue. Not one bit good."
WandaSue becomes more enraged by the minute. "I'm going in that guesthouse and giving Billy Bob Montgomery a piece of my mind! He has a nerve!"
"You could kill him!" Sally says gleefully.
"What it is with you and killing people, Sally? Are you a frustrated would-be axe murderer or something?"
Sally shrugs as they go to the guest house. The door is locked.
"I don't have my key," WandaSue whispers, " we go!" she bangs and bangs on the front door, yelling 'OPEN UP!' over and over in her loudest voice.

Bobby Joe hears something odd and gets up. Oh noooooo, someone at the door. The Police? How could they tie the drowned car to us and so soon? Maybe I can peer out this window and see if it's them.
Nobody out there. BANG, BANG!

Now, let's see, nobody out there and more banging on the door. That could only mean.......".GHOSTS!" he runs into the room where BB is sleeping, but not anymore, not after hearing all the rucus.
"WandaSue's ghost is back Billy Bob! She must have finished haunting the house on Winding Willow and now she's back to kill us!"
"A ghost can't kill you, silly. Scare you to death, maybe, but they aren't solid enough to kill you, at least I don't think they are!"
Jameson is by now awake and enters the room as well, "The ghost is here. Maybe I oughta go home."
"Oh no you don't!" Bobby Joe grabs at him, "Nobody wimps out! We'll face this together!"
The sounds from the door grow louder. It sounds like someone is using a battering ram to knock down the door.
BB looks out the window and sees something large and wooden hitting the door........and it's doing it all under its own power. The guys are's the ghost. But, just a minute, how can a ghost pick up something that heavy? Ghosts can't do that!
"Guys, I didn't think ghosts could lift a 40 pound log. This one can. I don't get it!"
"Let's scram out of here!" Bobby Joe is gathering up his stuff, Jameson doing the same, saying "We can bunk out at the beach house again, BB! This place is getting dangerous! Come on!"
The front door crashes inward.
"I'm OUTTA here!" Bobby Joe runs out the side door toward his truck, BB and Jameson at his heels.
"To the beach-house!" WandaSue hears Jameson yell as they jump into the truck and speed off.
"Well, now, babydoll, wasn't it considerate of them to tell me where they're going?"

"Before we go to the beach-house, Sally, let's see what condition my clothes are in. I'm still soaking wet." she opens her closet. Empty.
"That swine threw out my clothes!" she rails.
"Or burned them....." Sally suggests.
"Yeah, I wouldn't put it past him! OK, buster, I'll wear some of your clothes, then! A-ha, let's get your new ones, the ones with the price tags still hanging off them. Hmmmmmm, this is a great looking sweater! What'd'ya think, Sally, is this becoming on me?"
"It looks incredible!"
"I'll just toss all this wet stuff on the bed here. Hope it makes a big wet mark.....hope it wets all the way down to the mattress."
"Where do you think your car went, WSue?"
"They have it hidden somewhere. Well, let us avail ourselves of HIS car......the Lincoln......he has so many, he'll never miss that one. He keeps all his keys on that rack over there.......ah yes, these are the ones......" she snatches them up, then, as a last minute thought, goes to the sink, fills up a large pitcher of water, goes into the bedroom again and cermoniously dumps it in the middle of the bed. "I baptize you..........BB's bed!" she says with a deep, dramatic voice.
"Now, let's get out to the beach house!"
"I'm with ya, WandaSue! all the way!"


Will walked up to Eleanor in her Queen costume. She was busy talking to Bethia and Roger.
"...and as I was saying, I think it would be alot of fun! The six of us going for a week. The cruise leaves out of Miami and we go to St Maartin, St Croix, Bermuda... I'm sure John and Rosamond would love it and it would be SUCH fun! So what do you think?"
Bethia said to Roger, "Darling? Think you can clear your calendar?" Roge said, "When were you planning it, Eleanor?"
"I thought some time in January."
Roger thought for a minute. "Dr. Hartman and Dr. Stein both owe me favors. All the babies conceived on Valentine's Day will have been born at that time. Beth, sweetheart, are you up for it?"
"Yes, because after the baby is born, I will be pretty tied down." Eleanor laughed. "I didn't stop Rosamond any!"

Bethia shook her head. "No one touches this baby but me! I've waited too long for this!" Roger took Bethia by the arm. "It's a GO! See if John and Rose are willing. OH! Bethia, there's Hotspur..but what is he dressed like? He's either the Hulk or the Jolly Green Giant!" They walked off arm in arm.
Will tugged on Eleanor's dress. "Well, hello, Darth! Blow up Datooine yet?"
Will, through his helmet, tried to talk to Eleanor. "FMPH!"
Eleanor said, "What?"
Will lifted up the mouthpiece visor to talk. It kept slamming shut on him. Jerry laughed, stepped behind him, and raised it up for him. "Thanks, Uncle Jerry! I was saying how pretty you look, Aunt El. Like someone from my dreams!"
Eleanor leaned down and patted him on the shoulder."Why, thank you, my sweet! You look pretty dashing yourself!"
Will frowned, "Dashing? You're supposed to be scared of me."
El got a serious look on her face. "OH? Well, then,. oooooh!"
Will laughed and then said, "That's more like it!"
Then he said, "I remember you in a dress like that once, Aunt El. There was chocolate cake and my mommy was going to give me a bite of it. I remember grey walls and I remember you and Mommy getting mad at each other. And I remember this skinny lady with a poker and a man looking real scared and he wouldn't get out of his chair."
Jerry and Eleanor exchanged looks over Will's head. Eleanor said, "It must have been some dream you had, Will darling!"
Will continued. "But I remember this man--he had dark hair and a beard and blue eyes and he was with Mommy all the time. Then there was a man named John--but not my daddy John--and I was scared of him because I heard he did scary things to little kids. So I went and hid behind some rugs that were on the walls. But then I woke up."

Eleanor said quietly, "Only a dream, Will, only a dream!"
Will got a big smile on his face. "But then I woke up! And I'm here with my Mommy and Uncle John is my daddy now. And you know what? Mommy and I have a contest to see if we can find out who is under the sheet. If I don't find out in an hour, I have a plan to find out. And I will win!" Will scampered off again.
Jerry rubbed Eleanor's neck. "When does Rosamond plan on telling him the truth?"
She closed her eyes. "Mmmm...that feels heavenly! If Rose had her way, she's expunge Henry from everyone's memory. And I don't blame her! Rose will tell Wills the truth in her own time. Let him adjust to his Uncle John as his daddy. The child has had an unusual upbringing."
Jerry laughed. "You can say that again! Notice I haven't called you 'Peach' anymore?"
Eleanor smiled, "And I appreciate that. Why did you stop?"
Jerry said, "Because you aren't a peach, honey! You are...a gem!"
They laughed, kissed and headed for the punchbowl.

NO HIDING Coralynn

Billy Bob, Bobby Joe and Jameson jump out of the car and run into the beach house, shut the door and bolt it. Standing with his back to the door, BB announces, "Safe!"
Bobby Joe flops on the couch, "I am dead tired, BB. This had better be the end of the excitement. I need my sleep!"
"We all do," Jameson concurred, "Let's turn in. If we don't get up with the chickens, we may be able to get almost a full night of sleep. See you guys in the morning!"

BB opens one eye and sees the bedside clock read 3 a.m. and wonders why he's awake after just 45 minutes of sleep, then he hears the scratching on the windows. He walks over to one and sees no one out there, but the scratching sound continues.
Wearily he makes his way back to bed and is lying down again when he hears the sound of breaking glass.
He goes to that same window and sees that it has been broken, shards of glass are but inches from his bare feet. He jumps back to avoid stepping on any of it, then feels something come down on his head. He reaches up and grabs for it. A broom. A broom?? This is getting spooky again!
He shakes Jameson awake and whispers to him, "Funny stuff is going on here, Jameson. I heard scratching at the window, the it broke, and when I went to look, I got hit over the head with this.." he holds out the broom.
"Go back to bed, BB, you're imagining things." Jameson falls back asleep immediately.
BB puts on his slippers and tiptoes to the door. Opening it, he looks out and sees his Lincoln parked nearby. Now how in hell did that car get here? I know where I left it back at the ranch. A chill runs down his spine as he goes to close the door again, but he isn't quick enough, because it swings back violently, slamming him behind it.
That sound wakes the other two, who comes running out to the kitchen, where BB is trying to catch his breath.
Jameson turns on the lights and looks around. "You really need to learn to close doors more quietly, BB. It's the middle of the night!"
"I didn't do it!" BB yells back, "WandaSue's ghost has followed us out here! If you don't believe me, look out in the driveway!"
The other two men peer out the window that has a good view of the driveway, and, sure enough, BB's Lincoln is there.
"I didn't think ghosts drove cars, BB! This is weird!"
That's when the dishes begin flying around the room, smashing against the walls, the pieces falling on counter tops, the floor, the table, and anyplace else that abutts a wall.
Furniture is upended. The refrigerator door is opened and two bottles of beer float out of it. The gas stove is turned on. Then, as quickly as this started, it stops.
The men look at each other in horror. Then they hear the unmistakable sound of a car engine. Racing to the windows, they see BB's Lincoln backing out, then racing down the road.
"Ghosts don't drive cars! Do they?!" BB is totally unnverved.
"I'm not sure of anything anymore!" BJ collapses on the couch, while Jameson sweeps up the broken glass.

WandaSue takes a good swallow of the beer and says to Sally, "They think we're ghosts! Did you hear that? Why do they think we're ghosts?"
"Because they're stupid and need glasses?" Sally is grabbing at straws.
"I don't think, so, Sally. Could we have been killed and we just don't know it yet?"
"How'll we find out?"
"We've gotta check it out with more people. I noticed a lot of people didn't seem to see me the last couple days. If we're dead, we are doing very well for dead people! I mean, here I am driving a car! I was never told that in that church our Ma made us go to when we were little kids. They said if you're bad you'll go to hell. Well, I've been bad, as bad as they get, and I get to drive a Lincoln?! I think I've been lied to, and if I weren't dead, I'd march right up to that hillbilly church and fill them in on the real skinny!"
"You tell 'em, WandaSue!" Sally smiles, then takes a long drink of her beer, draining it, opening the window and throwing it out on the pavement.
"Hey! You just put glass all over the road back there!" even WandaSue knows better than to that.
"If hell is a drive in a Lincoln, I'm not worried!" Sally laughs.

MEANWHILE back at the Big House........ Travis sneaks upstairs while everyone else is playing 'pin the tail on the donkey'.
I haven't seen John around tonight. I think I know who most of the others are, that little kid keeps calling them by name, but he hasn't spoken to John or Dad or whatever he calls him. Wonder why?
He sneaks into a bedroom. Empty. He goes back out into the hall, walks down a ways and goes into another one. Empty. He then heads for the room at the top of the stairs on the other side. The door isn't totally closed, good.................he pushes it open and sees John in bed with bandages all over one shoulder.
A-ha! he thinks, Now I know! I'm not sure just what I know, but I do know! He has a wound. Or a sore. Or he's drying of some dread disease. But at least I found him. I'll have to report this to Malone, he'll think it's verrrry inter-esting!
As he tiptoes out of the room, back into the hall, and is just about to start down the stairs, his sheet is yanked off from behind. Turning quickly, he sees that little boy, that pesky little kid, who is running down the stairs with the sheet trailing behind him.
Travis makes a grab for it, but the kid is too fast.
"I found out!" Will yells, as all eyes turn from the game they're playing to see Will with a sheet at his feet, and Travis McGee standing, frozen in place half way down the stairs.
"McGEE! Alan Carson yells, "What are you doing here?!"
Travis comes the rest of the way down the stairs, slowly, hesitantly, then decides to go on the offensive, "I found that Gwinett guy upstairs! He has obviously been shot in a gang-land turf war! I think we have enough on him now to...."
"GET .... OUT!" Carson yells at him, "NOW!"
Travis slinks out of the house. No one appreciates a good undercover investigation anymore, he thinks, as he trips over a garbage pail set out for collection. Just wait till I'M Police Chief. I'll run it a lot more effectively. I'll have those drug lords behind bars begging for mercy!"


Rosamond walked over to Will. "Will! That was totally uncalled for! You had no right to pull a costume off someone."
Will looked down at the ground. "But Mommy! I had to find out before you did!"
Rose narrowed her eyes in mock anger. "You are just like your father! Having to win at any cost!"
Will raised his eyes. "Mom? Where IS my father?"
Rosamond got down on Will's level. She looked into his blue eyes, so like Henry's.
Her heart kind of skipped a beat. "He's very busy, honey." Will looked at his mother. "Mommy? I've had three daddies now and only one mom. Why is that? And where is Julie's daddy?"
Rose let out a big sigh. "Will, this is not the place to talk about it. Let's do it later, shall we, when we have more time?"
Will said, "OK--but whose little boy am I? That man I remember with a beard? I know Mr. Montgomery isn't, he was my daddy for a short time but he was nice to me. And Uncle John is now my daddy. Mommy? I think Aunt Eleanor said one time you had a checkered past. Whatever that is."
Rose hugged him. "You're my little boy. And we will speak of this tomorrow, Will. OK? Just have a good time and hands off everyone else's costume."
Rose walked out into the patio. She looked up in the sky. Thanks alot, Henry. How am I going to tell a little boy his dad has been dead over 800 years. Or are you stuck in limbo somewhere?

A voice at her elbow said, "You look perplexed, Scarlett honey. Trouble in paradise?"
Rose sighed. "Nothing I can't handle. Don't you have anyone else you want to play with, Daniel?"
Daniel took her hand and kissed it. "Dear lady, your eyes are prettier than stars, your lips softer than the summer breezes. I am a man, you are a goddess." Daniel moved closer to Rosamond. He cupped her face, stroked the hair back from her face, and gently leaned in. His lips brushed hers, softly at first and then with more urgency. Rosamond could taste the brandy on his lips. She hesitated, then returned his kiss. Realizing what she was doing, she pulled Daniel closer to her and lifted her knee and drove it...home. Daniel let out a loud groan as he doubled over.
Rose stood there, her face flaming and her breath coming in ragged gasps. Her chest was heaving with fear and emotion. She turned on her heel and went back inside.
Halloween was definitely over. Finis.

The guests had cleared out. Except for John, everyone at the Big House was cleaning up the big stuff. Everyone had changed into their sweatshirts and jeans. Bess and Marthy were ecstatic. "I can't believe we actually pulled off a 21st century party!" Marthy said, Bess laughed. "It was wonderful--and guess what? I have a date with Slim Skaggs tomorrow! Wonder if he can change his last name--Skaggs--he deserves a name with more pizzazz!" Marthy gathered up the paper plates and Jack held out the garbage bag as she shoveled the trash in. Eleanor sighed and stretched out. "I for one am beat! Marilyn--were you around Daniel tonight?"
Marilyn looked up from sweeping the floor. "No, why?"
El said, "He walked out of here moaning a bit and bent over a little."
Marthy puzzled, "I heard him say something about his jewelry being broken."
Jerry started chuckling and he whispered in Eleanor's ear. "OH!"
Eleanor and Jerry looked over at Rosamond who was busy scraping leftovers into tupperware. She was quiet and her face was flushed. Jerry and El looked at each other and nodded. Eleanor whispered to Jerry, "Touche, ole!"

Will was laying on the couch, totally asleep. His helmet was off and his cloak was wrapped around him. Celeste said, "Rose, would you like me to put Will to bed for you?"
Rose looked up, distractedly. "Hmm? Oh. Oh, yes, please, Celeste."
Celeste looked at William. William heaved himself out of his chair. "OK, Celeste, I'll carry him up." He picked Will up like he was a rag-doll. Will mumbled in his sleep, "May the Force be with you."
Celeste pushed his hair out of his eyes and they carried him to bed. "Goodnight, girls. It was a wonderful party!"
They all looked up and Marilyn called, "Goodnight, Goddess!" Goodnights were said all around.

Jack said, "Marthy? Help me with these garbage bags?" Marthy rushed over. As they walked outside, Bess leaned over to Marilyn. "Bet he kisses her over the trashcans!"
Rose looked out the window and said, "They're heading that way....Marthy pops the lid off the top....Jack puts the Heftybag in....he leans towards her...Marthy's eyes are closed...he leans closer....closer...closer....and slams the lid down!"
Bess and Marilyn yelled, "WHAT?"
Rose laughed. "Fooled you! Yes, of course, he kissed her!"
Bess and Marilyn looked at each other and nodded their approval to each other.
Eleanor asked, "Jerry, you staying over in John's old room?"
Jerry stretched. "Why not? It's late and I'm tired. Besides, Roger and I are playing a round of golf tomorrow morning early. Wish John was well enough to play. He had a hell of a handicap."
Rose said, "I'm sure he'll be better soon. Roger said he and Beth will go on that cruise. I'll run it by John in a day or two. Since he's been shot, he's been &^*-ing this and (&(&*$#-ing that. Must be the Vicodan."
"How's the house coming, Rose?" Jerry asked.
"Slowly but surely. We're hoping to be in February."
Marilyn surveyed everything with her hands on her hips. "I say we let the rest of the stuff go until tomorrow morning. I'm bushed!"
Goodnights and congratulations on a successful party were said all around and everyone went to their respective rooms.
Rosamond quietly opened the door to the bedroom and undressed in the dark so as not to disturb her husband. She quietly slipped under the covers. John rolled over and said sleepily, "Rose? Have a good time?" Rose's face blazed. "Yes, John. I wish you were there. Something is always missing when you aren't there."
He put his good arm around her but he still winced. "Daniel behave himself?"
"What can I say, John? He's Daniel."

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