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Christmas came and went like it always did. Christmas Eve was for Brian and Rose, Christmas Day was for family.
Brian went back to school in January and his nights were spent in his office, doing homework. More often than not, he came to bed long after Rose had fallen asleep.
Much to Brian's dismay, he came down with the flu in February. He wasn't happy, to say the least.
As Rose brought up a glass of orange juice and two pills from the kitchen, Brian was hanging up the phone.
"Nick's gonna bring my work by the house for me."
"Who's Nick?"
"He's in a couple of my classes. We're kind of friends."
"Oh. Alright." Rose reached up and smoothed Brian's hair down, away from his face.
"How do you feel?"
"Achy, hot, stuffed up."
"Well, you've got a fever, that's why you're hot."
Brian nodded. "Honey, you really shouldn't be around me today. It'll be bad for the baby if you get sick."
"Yeah... but I don't want to leave you alone today."
"I'll be fine, I don't have any desire to go anywhere. I'll probably just sleep."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, go out with Charlotte, or your mom, or one of your other friends."
"Alright... you'll call me if you need anything?"
"Alright." Rose kissed his forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'll see you later."
Rose had already made plans to spend time with Charlotte that day, and so she met the other woman as scheduled.
"Charlotte, when did you meet Pete?"
"Oh, about six or seven years ago. He was such a sweet, kind man. He still is, of course. We got married quickly. He was already through with his second marriage, me, just my first."
"Match made in heaven?" Rose asked, smiling.
"So far." Charlotte returned the smile and sipped her tea.

Rose was back home at around four that afternoon, but Brian had exiled her to the livingroom, adament about her not coming in contact with him.
So she cleaned the livingroom and kitchen until the doorbell rang at six.
Standing at the door was a blonde haired, blue eyed boy. Rose was struck at how young he looked.
"Hi. I brought Brian's homework for him."
"Oh, you must be Nick."
"That would be me. And I'm guessing you're Brian's wife? Rose?"
"Yep. Why don't you come in, I'll go see if Brian's awake."
"Well, I really can't stay. I gotta go to work." Nick smiled apologetically.
"Alright. I'll give this to Brian. Thanks for bringing it by."
"No problem. And you know, he talks about you a lot."
"He does?"
"All good things though." Nick's smile widened into a grin. Rose decided she liked this kid.
"I've gotta run. It was nice meeting you, and tell Brian I said hi, and I'll bring his work tomorrow."
"Alright, I will."
"See you later." Nick walked off the porch and to his car, waving at Rose as he backed out and drove away.
Brian was asleep when Rose brought up his work. She smiled slightly and set the papers down on his bedside table. Carefully she eased the television remote from under his hand and turned the TV off, putting the remote in the drawer where it was kept. She swept his used tissues from the table into the trash can and moved the tissue box closer to him, then took his water glass and refilled it.
When she finished, she put her hand to his forehead. He still had a fever. She pulled the covers up closer to his chin, then left the room, closing the door halfway. She'd sleep in the guest room tonight.

The next morning when Rose checked on Brian, his fever had broken. He woke up as she was adjusting the sheets.
"Hey," he murmured.
"Morning. How do you feel?"
"Clammy." He wrinkled his nose and Rose smiled.
"Your fever broke."
"And your friend brough your homework, it's on your table."
"What're your plans today?"
"I've got some shopping to do. Groceries, boring stuff. Do you want something to eat?"
"Um... no, not right now."
"Okay. Don't try to go down to the kitchen, I don't want you falling down the stairs or something."
"Yes, ma'am." Brian smiled slightly.
"I'll see you this afternoon." Rose kissed his forehead and then left the room.
Before she went to the grocery store, Rose stopped by her father's office.
He was on the phone when she walked in, so she waited.
"You never realize how much you need someone until you don't have them anymore," Victor murmured as he hung up the phone. "Yeah."
"He wouldn't be much help right now. He's sick."
"The flu?"
"It's goin' around. I've been feeling a little under the weather myself lately."
Rose smiled over at her father. "Daddy, you never get sick."
Victor returned her smile. "So, what's up?"
Rose turned from the picture and walked over to her father's desk.
"Well, I've just been thinking... I know it's kinda silly to ask this now..."
"Is Ray still in prison?"
Victor stared at his daughter for a moment, surprised. "Why... why do you ask?"
"I just... put my mind at ease."
"Yeah, of course, sweetheart. He's still in prison."
"Okay. I just wanted to come by and ask. I've gotta be going. Thanks, daddy." Rose walked around the desk and kissed her father's cheek, then left the office. She didn't notice the uneasy look on her father's face as she left.

Rose did her shopping, stocking up for about a month, at least. When she walked in the house, Brian greeted her by taking the grocery bags from her.
"What're you doing out of bed?"
"I started feeling better, and I was restless. Don't worry, I'm not feeling dizzy or sick or anything. I feel fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Well, okay... but stay inside, alright?"
Rose went back outside and made several trips before all the groceries were brought in. Brian was busy putting the stuff away.
"What's your temperature?"
"It's fine, honey."
"Did you take it?"
"It's normal, sweetheart. I'm fine. Stop worrying."
Rose nodded and closed the pantry door.

The months passed and Rose's belly grew steadily. Brian, still trying to show how much he supported Rose, came with her to nearly every doctor's appointment, and he tried his best not to show it, he looked happy everytime they could hear the baby's heartbeat.
The baby was due around mid-August, but decided to show up at the end of July.
Brian took Rose to the hospital when she went into labor, and she was a little surprised at how calm he was.
Brian and Charlotte were with her in the delivery room, holding her hands and coaching her along, while Pete and Rose's parents sat in the waiting room.
It took close to eighteen hours, but the little baby girl arrived into the world and Rose collapsed back onto her pillows. Brian leaned over her, gently wiping the sweat from her face and murmuring soothing words to her.
"You did great, sweetheart, the baby, she's beautiful."
Rose was able to see this a few minutes later as a nurse came over and gently placed the newborn in Rose's arms.
Brian didn't try to hide his pleasure now, and was grinning openly. Charlotte, on the other hand, was smiling serenely. Her smile widened as Rose carefully handed her the baby.
"Elizabeth Rose," Charlotte murmured. "Thank you so much, Rose."
All Rose could do was smile tiredly.

Two days later, Rose and the baby were able to to go to their respective houses.
Brian made sure that Rose was comfortable when they got home. She had a suspicion that he was trying to overdo the love in the house since he would be back at school in a month. But she didn't mind.
Rose visited Charlotte and the baby a few days later. They sat in the nursery, Rose in the rocking chair with the baby, Charlotte in a straight backed chair.
"How's it going?" Rose asked.
"Oh, beautifully. I couldn't be happier." Charlotte smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. Everything's still in working order." Rose grinned and Charlotte laughed.
"I'm curious though... her eyes are blue. Mine are green, and Pete's are brown."
"Oh, he wears contacts. Colored. Just for that. His eyes are really blue."
Rose frowned slightly. Why would he do that...
Something bumped the chair and Rose jumped slightly, coming out of her thoughts.
"What're you ladies up to?"
"Just talking." Charlotte stood and took the baby from Rose. Rose stood as well and when she turned around, came face to face with Pete.
As she stared up at him, the most peculiar feeling came over her... finally, with a shudder, she looked away and slid past him out of the room.
"Charlotte, I'm gonna head on home. I'll see you later."
"Alright, thanks for coming." Charlotte smiled from the kitchen as Rose walked to the door. A hand on the door prevented her from opening it and she looked back at Pete.
"Is anything wrong?" he asked. The feeling washed over Rose again and she suddenly felt cold.
"No... everything's fine."
Pete took his hand from the door and Rose opened it and hurried to her car.
She decided that now she really didn't like Pete. She told Brian this when she got home.
"I thought you already didn't like him."
"But now I really don't."
"I don't know, there's just something weird about him... I can't quite put my finger on it."
Brian finally looked up from his writing.
"Sweetheart, if you don't like him, don't go over there."
"But I still like Charlotte. And Elizabeth."
"Whatever you want to do."


Brian leaned into the closet for his shoes and cursed himself. He couldn't have been bothered to pay more attention. If he had, he could've looked into Pete more... maybe he would've found out how two faced he was before...
Another tremulous sigh and Brian sat down on the bed to put his shoes on.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3

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