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Brian went back to school in September. This was going to be his last year, and both he and Rose were excited about that.
"You're gonna graduate and then you'll start working for daddy and then you'll be as famous as he is," Rose said to him one night as they lay in bed. She giggled as he held her tight and kissed her.
"Let's not jump ahead of things here."
"I'm not."
Brian smiled. "You know what, we should go out on a date."
"A date?"
"Yeah. Like before we were married."
Rose laughed. "When?"
"Friday. Give me the weekend to do my homework."
"Alright." Rose kissed his cheek. "It's a date."

Friday night started as the most carefree night they'd had together in ages. They went to the movies, then to dinner. They were back at the house around eleven, laughing as they walked up to the door.
Rose stopped laughing abruptly and stared at the front door.
"Brian," she whispered. "Look."
The front door was open slightly. Brian reached for the knob, but Rose grabbed his arm.
"Don't. Don't go in there, he might still be in there."
"Alright, honey, I won't. Do you have your cell phone?"
"Yeah." Rose reached in her purse and pulled it out. Brian took it and dialed the police, talking as he walked away from the house. Rose did her best to look through the windows, but couldn't see anything.
"Rose, get away from the house, c'mere," Brian said as he cut the phone off. She walked over to him and handed her phone back to her.
"They're sending a couple officers over to check it out. Don't worry."
A squad car arrived at the house about ten minutes later and the two officers, after talking with Rose and Brian, headed into the house, weapons drawn.
After a few minutes, the officers came back out, announcing that no one was in the house.
"If you two could go in and look around, make sure nothing's missing."
"Yeah, sure."
Fifteen minutes later, after Brian and Rose determined nothing was missing, they thanked the officers and watched as they drove away.
"Well, that was fun," Rose muttered as she and Brian climbed the stairs.
"Yeah, a real party."
Rose sighed. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
"Alright. I'm gonna go in my office, get a start on my homework."
Rose nodded and she and Brian parted ways at the bedroom. Rose undressed in the bathroom, tossing her clothes in the hamper and stepping into the shower. She bathed quickly, wanting to crawl into bed and feel safe.
When she finished, she turned the water off and stepped out onto the bathmat, dripping on that as she reached for a towel. She dried her hair, then patted her skin dry until it was dry enough to dress. She turned the bathroom light off as she left, walking across the dark bedroom to turn a lamp on. She tightened the towel around her body as she walked to her dresser. She pulled open her underwear drawer, but stopped when she what was inside.
Her mouth became instantly and when she called for Brian the first time, no sound came out. She cleared her throat and tried again.
"Brian?" she called, backing away from the dresser. "Brian, get in here."
"What is it?" he asked, finally coming into the room. Rose just pointed at the still open dresser drawer. Brian looked over at it, back at Rose, and then walked over to the dresser.
"It's a picture."
"That's a picture... of me... and Ray," Rose said in a slow, shaky voice.
"Ray..." Brian turned the picture over and his face paled slightly.
"What is it?"
"It, um... it says something. On the back."
"What does it say?"
"That's not... that's not important..."
"Brian, what does it say?"
"It says... it says 'Remember me?'." Brian sighed. "Rosie..."
"D-don't call me that... that's what he used to call me... oh, God, Brian, he was here! In our house, in our bedroom. He's not in prison anymore, oh, God."
"Okay, Rose, calm down." Brian hurriedly placed the picture on top of Rose's dresser and rushed over to sit beside Rose on the bed.
"Just breathe, honey."
"What if he's still in the house?"
"The police said there's no one in the house."
"He could've hid from them!" Rose was starting to draw shallow breaths.
"Rose, honey, please calm down. You're gonna hyperventilate or pass out or something."
"I can't... I can't..."
"Rose, listen to me. He is not in the house, he is not going to hurt you. Okay? I will protect you, you're perfectly safe. Okay? So, please, please, calm down." Brian gently stroked Rose's cheek and softly kissed her lips. Slowly, her breathing slowed and she calmed down.
"Okay, now, why don't you get dressed, I gotta go turn the office off. I'll be less than two minutes, okay?"
Rose nodded and Brian kissed her again before he left the room.
Rose was dressed and in bed when Brian came back in the room. He quickly dressed for bed and turned the lights off, then climbed into bed beside Rose. She snuggled close to him and he put his arms around her, trying his best to make her feel safe.

The next morning, Rose, armed with the picture, sped over to her father's office.
"Sharon, is my father in?"
"Yes, Rose, but he's with-" Sharon stopped short, as Rose was already heading down the hallway.
Rose flung her father's office door open and stormed inside.
"You lied to me."
Victor looked up at her, startled.
"Rose, sweetheart, I'm with a client-"
"Look at this," Rose demanded, shoving the picture under his nose. Victor stared at the picture, paling as Brian had.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll only be a minute."
Victor guided Rose from the office and into one of the boardrooms.
"Honey-" he began.
"You lied to me! You told me he was still in prison!"
"I told you that eight months ago-"
"When was he released?"
"When, daddy?"
"Seven..." Victor sighed. "Years ago."
Rose stared at her father in disbelief. "And you didn't tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you."
"So you just left me vulnerable, not knowing. How could you do that to me?"
"Rose, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say."
"Daddy... I just... he's found me, daddy. He knows where I live, he's been in our house. He left this picture in my damn underwear drawer."
"Rose, I'm sorry. I should've told you, I know, I'm sorry."
"What do I do?"
"You and Brian should go to the police... start there, get some protection. Okay, honey?"
"Alright." Rose sighed.
"I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you, too, daddy."
Victor kissed his daughter's cheek and they left the boardroom.
Rose headed over to the college to pick Brian up, since his car was temporarily out of commission. He was talking to Nick when she pulled up and they both waved at her. Brian said something to Nick, then started towards the car.
Nick waved at the car once more before starting down the sidewalk. Rose waved back at him and pulled into the flow of traffic. She glanced in the rearview mirror at Nick.
"Does he need a ride?"
"No, he just talking to me while I waited for you. He's got his car."
"Oh, okay. You know, I like that kid."
"Yeah, he's pretty decent. He's just a year under me."
"You should invite him over for dinner some night."
"Well, he works a lot... he's struggling his way through school." Brian turned slightly red at this fact. "But I'll ask him."
Rose stared straight ahead, almost feeling sorry for Nick. She hoped he'd be able to finish school. "Did you talk to your father?" Brian asked.
"Yeah." Rose sighed.
"What did he say?"
"Ray was released seven years ago."
"Seven? And he didn't tell you?"
Rose shook her head.
"Well, what else did he say?"
"He said you and I should go the police, get some protection."
"That's a good idea."
"I guess."
"It can't hurt to try it."
"We'll go Saturday."
Rose nodded.

Early Saturday afternoon Rose and Brian headed over to the police station. After a short talk with the chief, they were sent to an agency that in connection with the police, with a promise that officers would be stationed at the house all night, every night.
Monday morning, as soon as Brian left, Rose's bodyguard showed up.
"Bodyguard?" Rose asked.
"Well... I dunno. I'll be whatever you wanna call me."
Rose grinned. "Kinky."
The man smiled slightly and followed Rose into the kitchen.
"How 'bout we be on a first name basis? Me, Rose, you..."
"Well, James, let's begin our day, shall we?"
James smiled and Rose gestured for him to him sit down.
"Would you like something to eat?"
"No, thanks, I ate breakfast before I came. But I wouldn't mind some coffee."
"No problem." Rose busied herself for a moment, getting her breakfast ready and brewing fresh coffee. A few minutes later she set a mug of coffee down for James, then sat down with her own breakfast.
"So, can we get personal?" Rose asked. James grinned and set his cup down.
"How personal?"
Rose smiled. "Are you married?"
"Yep. For ten years."
"You seem so awed." James laughed slightly.
"I am. I mean, I can only imagine ten years at this point."
James smiled again.
"Do you have any children?"
"Yeah, two." James reached into his back pocket and produced a black leather wallet. He opened it to a picture of his children.
"That's James, Jr., and Tyra. He's seven, she's five."
"They're cute," Rose murmured, smiling. She glanced at the opposite picture. "Is that your wife?"
James nodded.
"She's really beautiful." Rose smiled. "I think you and I are gonna get along real well."
When Brian came home that night, James and Rose were up in Rose's studio, talking while Rose sketched.
"I figured you'd be up here." Brian walked over and kissed Rose's cheek, then faced James. Rose ran through the introductions, and the two men shook hands.
"Well, I guess it's time for me to go," James said, gathering his coat. "Are the exterior guards stationed?"
"Yeah," Brian answered, eyeing James strangely. James didn't see this, but Rose smiled slightly.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rose."
Rose smiled and nodded. "Yep. Have a nice night."
"Thanks." James smiled and left the room. His footsteps could be heard going down the stairs, then in the foyer, and finally out the door.
"So," Brian said, taking his seat. "How was your day?"
"Pretty good. James is nice. It's a nice change to have someone to talk to during the day."
"I bet."
"What about you? You got homework?"
"Yeah. Casework. You know, read case details, write a report, due in two days."
"Aw, you're gonna be busy then. I'll go start dinner."
Brian smiled and nodded as Rose stood up. She kissed his forehead and then headed out of the room and down the stairs. Brian stood up after a second and went into the bedroom to change.
Dinner was a quiet affair, Brian reading through his case as he ate, and Rose lost in her own world.
A loud crash from outside brought them both out of their stupors and Brian to his feet.
"Sorry!" one of the guards exclaimed as Brian opened the door. "Spooked cat, everything's alright."
Brian gave him an appraising look as Rose came up behind him.
"Would you men like some coffee or something?" she asked. Brian glanced back at her, then turned and walked past her back into the kitchen.
"That would be great, if it's no trouble."
"Not at all."
Rose headed back into the kitchen. Brian was gathering the casefile and his notes in his hands.
"I'm gonna work on this upstairs."
Rose watched soundlessly as he left the kitchen and jogged up the stairs.
After a couple minutes, Rose cleared the table, said goodnight to the guards outside, and gave them their coffee, then locked the door and headed upstairs to bed.
Brian hadn't joined her by the time she fell asleep and she slept on her side, facing his half of the bed, the occasional cold draft washing over her and raising goosebumps on her arms.
She dreamed as well, unable to shut her subconscious mind down. She dreamed of hands, gentle then rough, of harsh words, harsh actions. She dreamed until her eyes snapped open and she found herself burrowed
under the covers.
Sighing, she got out of bed and went downstairs for a glass of water.
She noticed, as she came back upstairs, that Brian was still in his office. She walked down the hall and carefully pushed the door open. Brian's head was rested on his arms and he was fast asleep. Rose smiled and walked over to him, setting her water glass down.
She whispered his name in his ear and shook him until he woke up.
"Brian, honey, come to bed. It's late."
He blinked at her a moment, then rubbed his eyes and stretched.
"Okay. I'll come, just let me close up in here."
Rose nodded and headed back to the bedroom with her water. Brian came in a moment later and went into the bathroom. Rose listened as he got ready for bed and a couple minutes later, he appeared in the bedroom. He flipped the lightswitch and got into bed beside Rose.
"Sorry if I seemed a little grumpy tonight. Kinda stressed lately."
"I understand."
"If I do good on this, I can work the rest of the year with your dad."
"That's great." Rose kissed him in the dark and then snuggled down beside him. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes to sleep.

* * * * * *

Brian headed down the stairs to the kitchen and turned on the light. He needed coffee, he needed something in his stomach.
He opened the refrigerator door and stared inside, not really seeing the contents.
Bodyguards, guards outside the house... if he had just talked her out of the surrogacy to begin with, they wouldn't need all of that. And the events of the next few weeks would never have happened...

Chapter 6
Chapter 4

© 2003, Mind Candy