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Merry Meet and Blessings from the GypsyWitch!

Greetings, ye who art so brave. I've created this page as an expression of my religion, Wicca, and my related magickal and occult interests. Browse my links, and come back often as I update and change things around.

Also, you may notice this banner on many of my pages:

I feel this is an endlessly important fact to be aware of, so I have made it prominant on this site. However, pages that are entirely made up of content not my own will not display this image, unless said content is at least in part Pagan or Wiccan in nature. I do not believe in "outing" people, or associating their names, deeds, or words with something that they themselves are not a part of (see also The Gypsy Rede).

That being said, please enjoy my site! May the Gods guide and keep you, Blessed Be!

Copyright © 2001 GypsyWitch. "Witch at Work" graphic copyright © 1997 Witch Way, used with permission. All Rights Reserved

Around the Circle...

Pagan Web Art
The Art of the Tarot
Witchy Shopping
Historical Aspects

The Basics
Light a Candle for Tempest
"The Family We Choose"
The GypsyWitch Herself

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