Title: Just Wondering (7/?)
A/N: Heh. Imperious!Chamique. Snicker.
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own no one. Everyone is property of themselves, their families, whoever owns the Washington Mystics, their friends, and any significant others they might have. If you’re connected to the WNBA, please don’t sue me; this has been done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: The Washington Mystics deal with advertising.


"What is this shit?" Chamique Holdsclaw asked imperiously, pointing at the latest WNBA ad on the tube.

"This shit is what happens when people start getting ahead of themselves in the financial department," Coco Miller replied.

"Oh, both of you stop complaining. We had reason to get on everyone's case about the money. You were both first round picks, you got serious cash, but the veterans were getting seriously screwed," Vicky Bullett said sternly to the younger players.

"Vic, if I hear you on that rant again, I'm gonna end up screaming. What's done is done. It's crazy to whine about it- my GOD, that's the worst ad for this league I've ever seen, and I've seen them all," Murriel Page exclaimed.

"It looks like someone's kid did it," Coco breathed.

"They did." Everyone looked at Annie Burgess. "I heard about it from one of the girls out in Sacramento- they asked Yolanda and Edna's kids to tape it. And then they got little Jordan involved."

"Well, Dave Campbell's got a good head on his shoulders," Tausha Mills remarked. "He was always a good kid, and Yo's girl too. Probably why it don't look near as bad as it could."

"Hey, I need some help here," Tonya Washington said suddenly. "My mama's been bugging me for the roster cards from the beginning of the season, but I can't find them."

"That's because they don't exist," Chamique explained impatiently. "The league said they would be too expensive to make, especially with the way everyone's been moving around. So they just decided to follow the NBA's lead and charge for them. So we don't get extras anymore. Tell that to your mom."

Tonya cursed mildly. "Man, no matter what we do, we get screwed somehow."


Put your right foot up, put your left foot down...
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