Title: Just Wondering (8/?)
A/N: Much of this chapter was inspired by Maureen’s piece “Why The Lynx Can’t Hit Free Throws” on the female_sports_slash Yahoo group. Again with the ‘I know they’ve changed coaches’ spiel. Again with the AUness of this.
Disclaimer/Legalese: I own no one and nothing. The bra belongs to Ms. Williams. Everyone is property of themselves, their families, whoever owns the Minnesota Lynx, their friends, and any significant others they might have. If you’re connected to the WNBA, please don’t sue me; this has been done with tongue firmly planted in cheek and without any malicious, slanderous, or libelous intent whatsoever.
Summary: The Minnesota Lynx do laundry.


"Man, just 'cause I take one season off... this is *so* unfair, no one even asked me if I wanted anything to do with strikin', and now I'm stuck cleanin' up after everyone else's mistakes..." Sonja Tate's spate of complaining showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Oh, Sonja, put a sock in it," Katie Smith said wearily. "You know full well you could just take this to the laundromat, but you were the one who insisted on hand-washing everything."

Sonja gave Katie a very mean look. "Katie, have you ever seen what happens to this stuff when it goes through the washer? It stops being wearable. Trust me. I saw Elaine do it once while we were still in Columbus, and you remember she couldn't wear her own jersey for a week?"

"Stop talking, more working!" Shanele Stires yelled from the hallway. Sonja threw someone's bra at her.

"Laundry war!" Georgia Schweitzer suddenly yelled, lobbing a bunched-up sock at her fellow Duke alumna Michele VanGorp. Michele countered with her old Liberty shorts, and it went downhill from there.

"Get out of the bathroom!" Coach Brian Agler shouted.

As one, the women of the Lynx looked at each other, smiled like demons, and started throwing whatever Sonja hadn't washed at him. "Admit it, Sonja, you're enjoying this!" Shanele shouted.

"All things considered, I'd rather have the old contract!" Sonja shouted back as unwashed underpants landed firmly on her head.


We're off to see the fic...
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