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Officer Articles from the Rimsholt Bolt - 1986
(note: all mundane names/personal address have been removed
or replaced by the generic Bob Robertson)

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January - March 1989

***The Canton of Rimsholt didn't start publishing a regular newsletter (The Rimsholt Bolt) until April of 1986

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April 1986


As this is the VERY FIRST Risholt Bolt I have put out, it is kind of bare (you noticed?)

I am looking for short or medium length (1 page or less) articles on medieval subjects of some sort.

Practically anything (not too filthy) will be accepted. Send entries to me at the address in thye disclaimer below.

If I got your name or address wrong, send me those too. Also send names of others who might not get too ill if they got this newsletter.

Iarlaith ni Fionnallain

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May 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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June 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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July 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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August 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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September 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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October 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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November 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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December 1986

*** Missing Copy of the Bolt for this Month ***  See my "Wants / Needs / Desires" page

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 Page last updated Tuesday, February 22, 2000