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Light Blue Sekayth


Baeris Kshau's Healing Den | Ryslen Weyr

Childhood | 14 Turns | Search | Impression | Hatchling | Weyrling | Adult

Sekayth is CHASING!

Name: Keylyn

Rank: Journeywoman Harper/Bluerider to Sekayth

Place of birth: New Moon Hold

Age: 20, was 18 at Impression

Mother: Harper/Singer Alynn

Father: Brownrider K'zan of Valareth

Physical Appearance: Keylyn is fairly tall, at 5'10, with a slender frame and rich olive skin. Her slim fingers are deft at playing both gitar and flute, while her agile movements and intense gaze are almost feline.  Her heart-shaped face is framed by her chestnut hair, which, although usually in braids, cascades past her waist.  Keylyn's brown eyes reveal little or nothing of the strong spirit and clearly defined intention and ideas that lie behind them.

Personality: Keylyn is emotional and empathic, and puts her musical skill to use in making sure that everyone else shares her sentiments.  She finds a joy in music, especially, composing, through which she releases her feelings.  She admires the beauty and grace of the flits and their larger cousins, but an unfortunate experiance has embittered her towards the dragons of Pern, and she is determined to make others share her dislike.

Keylyn's bonding to Sekayth has changed her dramatically. Although she still loves music, it now takes second place to Sekayth, around whom her life revolves. She has become gentler, and more certain of herself, and of her new status as a dragonrider of, in her opinion, the best dragon on Pern.

History: Keylyn was the first child of Alynn, a Harper at New Moon Hold, and her husband, Kezan, originally a glass crafter.  A Turn after Ke's birth, her father was searched, and Impressed brown Valareth.  At first, K'zan returned often to see his family, but the visits grew increasingly infrequent, and a Turn or two later they stopped altogether.  Keylen, a child of three, was too young to remember her father, but Alynn did, and grieved when her husband did not return.  However, she espoused Saran, a smith, later that Turn, and gave birth to twin boys, Savyn and Asalan. Keylyn became very close to her half brothers, and they grew up together.

Talents/Strengths: Keylyn learned to read from close association with Harpers, and was also to read music, play, and sing.  She began composing music at about eight Turns, and as she grew older, Ke discovered that she could write music that would influence the way that others thought.  For several Turns, she simply wrote music for its own sake, but later put her talent to use for the ideas she supported.

Faults: Keylyn is inclined to hold grudges, and to have intense emotions and strong ideas.  She would rather compose than anything else, and often becomes so caught up in her music that she forgets about her other duties.  She also puts her ideas over those of others, and will go to rather extreme measures for the 'good' of those around her.

Keylyn's inpression has also helped to correct some of her faults. She has become less self-centered, and puts Sekayth before everything else.

Name: Sekayth

Age: Adult

Gender: Male

Color: Light Blue

Birthplace: Ryslen Weyr

Parents: Light Gold Zheyth, Bronze Morrolanth

Physical Appearance: Sekayth is, in his rider's somewhat biased opinion, the most beautiful dragon on Pern. His blue hide fades to almost white at his tailtip, while his wings are of many shades of aqua, blue, and white. Although he was not large as a hatchling, he has grown to be almost as big as a brown, and is a superb flyer..

Personality: Sekayth is an unusually intelligent young dragon, as are most Lights. Although he may seem quiet and reserved, with his beloved rider he is playful, amusing, and understanding. He shares a very close bond with his rider, and can always make her smile.

Flights: Sekayth caught the lovely green-white Sevith in Ryslen Weyr's Flurry flight!