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Welcome to MY REALM, my private spot in Cyberspace. Thanks for visiting. Bathrooms to the right, lobby to the left, and everything in between right below. Please enjoy your webpage experience, and have a nice day.

Stuff inside the mighty walls (figuatively speaking, of course) of MY REALM.

About Me
Joke Page
Random Musings
My Mythological Realm
Music Lyrics Index
The Apocalypse (2002 and beyond!)
The truth about Scooby-Doo
I like Monkeys
Cool People I Know
MY DIARY YAY Go here or die!
Paul's really great page... if you know Steffan Losernak, it's pretty funny.

Welcome. Have a seat (although, come to think of it, you probably already are, aren't you? Yes, i thought so.) I suppose you're wondering what this page is all about, right? well, so am i. it's just a little mix of everything, really. nothing in life is truely isolated, and webpages shouldn't be either. so far, i'm planning on having any page that may spring up in accordance to my personal mood and/or time that can be wasted on pointless things. If some of these pages aren't here now, sorry, but i'm working on it, and if they are, well, enjoy! anyway, it's been nice making you listen to me ramble on and on incessantly, but i have to go finish some of the other pages. if your absolutly set on spending more time here, and i dont see why you would but it's your choice, go on and read the jokes. or perhaps the quotes page. what the hell, go ahead and read them all. i dont care. but before you do, sign the guest book. it'll be fun, i promise. until next time, adieu.

oh, and go to my diary. Or die. a thanks again.

Day's Since-

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