LIVE GAME: Saturday 19 January 2002 . 8:30pm - Midnight
Home . Player Information . The Northland Inquirer . Costuming . The 1920's

Live Game News

The latest news from the Kapcon XI Live Game. This page is updated regularly.

30 August 2001 - Extra Costuming Needed
The Kapcon Live Game requires extra costuming. If you have clothing, hats or other props that would be helpful for a 1920's Live Game please contact the Kapcon Live Game organisers HERE

29 August 2001 - Live Game Section Launched
The Live Game section of the Kapcon XI website is now mostly operational. Future additions will include the in-character newspaper The Northland Inquirer which should contain almost all the information neeeded to play.

For more details on the Kapcon XI Live Game please use the links at the top of the page. To return to the Kapcon XI main page please click on the banner below.