LIVE GAME: Saturday 19 January 2002 . 8:30pm - Midnight
Live Game News . Home . The Northland Inquirer . Costuming . The 1920's

The Kapcon Committee considers the Live Game.

Player Information

We need YOU for the Kapcon XI Live Game! The Kapcon Live Game has become a popular annual fixture of the roleplaying convention and allows all participants a chance to interact in a single large game.

Live Gaming is simply an extension of traditional tabletop roleplaying where, instead of describing your characters actions, you simply act them. Once you enter the hall (and the game) you are assumed to be in character at all times until the conclusion of the game. The only time you should break character is if you need to ask the GM's a question relating to the game mechanics and this should only be done in case of extreme importance!

Like normal roleplaying games there are rules. The most important of these is that you may NOT touch another player. Any actions where your character needs to touch another character should be described to a GM rather then acted out. Please note: the only props allowed into the Live Game are those authorised by the GM's. Carrying replica weapons of any sort into the game is strictly prohibited. To see more information about Live Gaming please click HERE.

The Northland Community Centre, venue for Kapcon XI. The main hall and stage will be used. All other area's in and around the community centre are off limits unless otherwise informed on the night by GM's.

The Live Game will begin at 8:30pm on Saturday night and it should finish around midnight.

During Saturday all of those participating in the Live Game will be given a character sheet and a copy of The Northland Inquirer. You will need to read the character sheet and bring it along to the Live Game. If possible, please try and dress appropriately considering both the character and era. For tips on costuming please click HERE. We also hope to have some spare costuming available.

The Northland Inquirer will provide general information as well as clues appropriate for the game. This can be read before hand or if you find yourself with a spare moment during the game itself. A copy of the The Northland Inquirer will soon be available from this site.

We would like to organise as much as possible before the game so if you would like to assist us please send an e-mail confirming your attendance and telling us if you have any appropriate costuming. We will send out character sheets electronically to those who have done this a month before the game so you are able to better prepare your characters. We would also like to know if you have any spare costuming or props you could bring along. Please contact the Kapcon Live Game organisers HERE

For more details on the Kapcon XI Live Game please use the links at the top of the page. To return to the Kapcon XI main page please click on the banner below.