LIVE GAME: Saturday 19 January 2002 . 8:30pm - Midnight
Live Game News . Player Information . The Northland Inquirer . Costuming . The 1920's

Get ready to experience the Roaring 20's in Wellington 2002. The Organisers of Kapcon XI would like to invite you to travel back to the turbulent summer of 1923...

You are invited to attend a lecture at the newly constructed Northland community centre given by reknown Russian scientist Dr. Gregori Kastaninov.

Dr. Kastaninov is a world leader in the scientific field of Extra Sensory Perception Research and his stay in Wellington has been funded by the Wellington Golden Future Society.

A large turnout of Wellington high society is expected and this should provide a perfect opportunity to mingle with those you might normally only read about in The Northland Inquirer newspaper.

Refreshments will be provided and the Golden Future Society has arranged for several exciting activites after the lecture. The lecture is open to the general public and this prestigious event will be recorded by a British movie-tone news crew for posterity.

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