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Anything But... Submit
Site launched on the Twelth of December 2000


This site is about fanfic, not about pics, so you will not find many of them here. However, if people want to submit fanart, then give me a holler and I'll put up a section. Okay? Okay. Oh, and please report any typos and gliches to me (seeing as I usually update at around three in the morning, there should be a few).

Design © Cheyik 2000

So you wanna get your fic on this site? Well, you have to meet a few requirements before I'll put it up, these being:
  • The content can be Anything But.. Sakura/Syaoran mush; fluff; crap (whatever word takes your fancy).
  • Must have a rating, title and episode spoiler warning
  • Please include the pairing for archiving
  • If the Fic is based on the God awful English Dub (if you've never seen the original series, for God's Sake DON'T use the characters Japanese names because it will just *make you look stupid*) please state this so I can make a note next to the fic. (Point: I have nothing against people who like the Dub and also realise that most people are not as fortunate as I have been in seeing the Original, but in my opinion they are two different shows and I treat them as such)
  • Cross overs are fine, I don't care, they can be crossed over with everything from Sailormoon to Charlies Angels; the Movie. It really doesn't matter, as long as you state that *is* a crossover and that you abide by point one.

You've done all that then? Well good. Now all you have to do is send it to: and it'll be up on the site in no time. Please note, I do not open attachments unless they are .txt files and I'd like it even more if you would please cut and paste the fic into the body of the email. (I'd like it even more than that more if it was html tagged but you can't expect everything ^___-)

Point: While I have nothing against Sakura/Syaoran (Well actually I do but) this site has been designed as a place to cater for people who do not wish to read it or who simply wish to read something else. Please understand that you can find Sakura/Syaoran fic *everywhere else* that caters for CCS fic. Okay? Goodie.