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Anything But... Disclaimer
Site launched on the Twelth of December 2000


This site is about fanfic, not about pics, so you will not find many of them here. However, if people want to submit fanart, then give me a holler and I'll put up a section. Okay? Okay. Oh, and please report any typos and gliches to me (seeing as I usually update at around three in the morning, there should be a few).

Design © Cheyik 2000

Disclaimer: Okay, lets keep this short and simple. All characters in the fic archived on this site belong to CLAMP and all other associated companies unless stated otherwise by the author.

However the site design belongs to me and me alone and if I see it on any other ccs sites I will kick your ass because it's *my* baby. Also, please don't take the under construction image without my permission fisrt becuase I edited it and cropped it and erased all the fucking background so I'm kinda proud. Aint it cute? ^_^

Well, that's it I guess.

Enjoy the site. Oh, and if you don't like the font please tell me, cause I'm not sure yet.