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Upcoming Shows:


No shows scheduled right now.  If you are planning a show or want to plan a show or whatever, let us know, WE WILL GLADLY PLAY!

***dates are tentative
Past Shows:

October 20, 2001: Zerns show.  We practiced once before the show, and it was the first time we played together in like a month or some crazy shit like that.  It went pretty well considering that, although we were still probably the worst band there.  

September 2, '01: Played at a show in a house... it was really lame, some wierd scary kid played and sang really really badly (worse than Kurt, so just imagine how scary that is), then wac took the 'stage' and everybody walked outside..like 4 people watched us play.. how fucked up is that?  No more shows like that for us.  We can at least do a little better than that.

August 10, '01: We played in front of the smallest crowd ever at birdsboro, 52 people RTFO!!! Props to Sparechange00, Pull 130 and apparatus engine. We played pretty good i guess, not our best. Jason screwed up, Kurt got mad at him, Jason quit the band,but changed his mind, what else is new? We played 2 songs so new , hurley hasn't even heard them! He didn't play by the way.

July 14, '01: We played the battle at zerns..it went well. somebody took kurt's amp, some gay goth kids gave jason the finger, matt left with a big smile on his face...we made it to the semifinals. we unofficially came in 3rd place. Kurt smells. yeah, thats all.

June 22, '01: Played Last Kids Picked in final battle at Embassy. They won, we got 2nd place, and we are happy.

June8, '01: We won the battle at Embassy. Sideways Down knocked over one of their amps and then they left, so we automatically won. But a bunch of people said that we probably would have won anyway, if they had actually stayed to do the vote. Make sure you check out the next show.

April 28 '01: WAC played the ARTS EXPO at BASH. It was pretty cool. Stuff was thrown...We had a good time.

March 16 '01: We opened at Friendship Firehouse in Birdsboro, and this time we rocked.

March 2, 01.. We played at Cosmic Corner Coffee House. People commented that it was best they ever heard us play. We have definitely improved our sound, and it will only get better.

November 25. The Big Y Show. We believe this was our worst show yet. We really fucked this one up. Mics weren't working, we couldn't hear ourselves, nobody could hear vocals, and we stopped and had to restart 2 songs. We're taking a month or 2 off to practice more so that this doesn't happen again.

November 11. Cosmic Corner. Played for close to an hour, better than last time, but NOBODY WAS THERE. We counted about 12 people. Even the "regulars" didn't show.

October 20. Cosmic Corner. We played for an hour, had fun. our timing was a little off, definitely not our best performance, but not terrible.

July 29th. Sassmansville Fire House. We opened the show. Everybody was outside, very few people came in to see us. We still played ok anyway.

July 21st. Cosmic Corner Coffee House in Boyertown. A lot more people showed up than we expected. We didn't play too bad this time.

July 15th. Without A Cause opened the show at Friendship Fire Hall in Birdsboro. We think we sucked, other people said "u guys weren't 'that' bad". we had about 5 days notice on the show,so we weren't well prepared at all.