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Without A Cause - as told by jason

formed in early may of 1999

aaron-bass, and pathetic attempts at singing.

june of 99 they played a song at steves church. it went o.k, we werent allowed to sing, steve is dropped from the band after this.

the band now becomes yellow 7. in july they play 2 birthday parties. "may saturday", "carrie", and "world war 3" are written.

better off dead, and may saturday are recorded, jason sings on them.

between july and november they dont really practice alot. josh kinda drops from the band...he was grounded. ralph and kurt practice more with their other band. in november matt joins as aaron is dropped as singer.

december of 99 was a crappy month, on the same night, ralph quits on drums, and kurt loses an amp. in january of '00, john becker (formerly of the laughing stock, currently with the strugglers) offers to help them out.

the band becomes without a cause.

lamer, 4 chords, and ive got a crush on you, are written. a demo is also recorded, josh doesnt play on these. march of 99 a show is schedualed @ cosmic corner, john cant make it, and some josh petrauskas kid totally bails on them 2 days before they play. in comes ralph.. he plays for the night.

between april and june the band practices. josh is dropped from the band. matt has been drumming for about a month, so the band becomes a trio. they play in birdsboro (on 5 days notice), boyertown, and sassmansville, all within 3 weeks. at this time "demo" is recorded. jerk, teenage love, deep burning pain, and i hate cops are written. the band also picks up a PA

adam hurley joins as a second guitarist in august. and they play at a really good friend of the band, chad's party.

The next gig was October 21st. at Cosmic Corner Coffee House. Now the band's set list includes Lamer, the Goth Kids, Devotion, Jerk, Teenage Love, May Saturday, Four Chords, and Oh No. Covers include Green Day~Brainstew, Blink 182~Dammit.

Since that gig went pretty well compared to past gigs, the band decided to play again a couple weeks later. However, the crowd was about 7 people. The band was disappointed and did not play well at all.

Hoping to play again soon for a larger crowd, they played at the YMCA "Big Y Show" in late November. This turned out to be a disaster, and Without A Cause decided to take a few months off.

For the next 3 months, the band practices and works on things like timing, singing, and a few more songs. Punching Bag and Reject are added to the set list.

On March 2nd, Without A Cause is back in the local scene again. They play at the coffeehouse, and they have a great turnout, including the boyertown borough cops.. Their sound is definitely improved. They play again 2 weeks later, March 16th, at Friendship Fire Hall in Birdsboro, Pa. Unlike the show there during the previous July, this one goes very good.

the present...

Jason- Guitar/vocals
Kurt- Bass/vocals
Adam- Guitar/vocals
Matt- Drums

- XjasonX and Kurt