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Welcome to the Slightly Ovoid Table On-Line!

This is where I, The Queen Pixy Of The Slightly Ovoid Table will keep stuff like funny things, links, pretty pictures, and information amout me! I will also keep a list of all the members of the Slightly Ovoid Table, by their title, and if is OK with them their name or nickname.

Obviously this is in the earliest stages of construction, I will update it as I have time, ideas, and the motivation to do so.

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

Last updated 7/19/03


AND new TODAY link the SECOND to the Slightly Ovoid Members List. If I don't have you, email me and tell me your name (I can't remember things I do when sugar high.)

I also added a link to my Junk_List-Cool_Beans.lwp, everything I have ever found funny on the internet I put into a file,and now online. If you need a laugh, click on my link theTHIRD, take a look, some are cool.

And finaly, for now, Link the FOURTHto EVEN MORE LINKS to things not Ovoid I find worthwhile

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 7-20-03

I added more to the funny section, with links, if you have any desire to read the stories quoted in the funny section, let me know. If you catch any blatant errors, let me know, my spelling is not that great, and neither is my skill with html, which I am using because I do not like the formats angelfire gives you. YAY!

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

Last Updated 7-21-03

This has become a bit of a blog, so I am just kind of rambleing (rambeling?) here, I am on a really high kick of pure happy, I do not know why, Its all good, and goot, I like that word, goot, it is cool, it is my new word, Goot. GOOT GOOTITY GOOT GOOT GOOT now on to my happies, (happys?) I have tall shoes, when I wear my tall shoes, I am happy, this is good, and goot, therefor (therefore?) I shall wear my tall shoes, now my sho-iz, shoe-iz, funfunfun, I think I JUST KICKED LITTLE GUY, (HE IS MY CAT) sorry bout the caps lock, I have decided not to edit this, exept for spelling, so uppercase it will stay. I also found my watch, it is dead, that makes me happier, (happyer?) so now I have three new happies (happys?) goot, sho-iz, and a dead watch, YAY! I do not know why these things make me happy, maybe it is because I am so bored, or perchance it is because I have the attention span of a dead goldfish. I just found out that my dad never took the dead goldfish out of the basement freezer, I am afraid to go get a popsicle, to bad, I want a popsicle, one moment . . . I have a popsicle, it is pink, I like pink. I also have scisors or skizors, I like skizors. MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY MONKEYIf you do not find that funny, start following the comic "Get Fuzzy" it is hilarious, the cat wants to have a monkey for his birthday, so he can eat it, the owner got him 'chunky monkey' ice cream the dog took the cat to the zoo in a baby carrier-backpack-thingy, the cat excaped in the carrier thingy and is not in the monkey house looking for 'rhesus peices' it is funny. I like the noise skizors make. shwick-click, shwick-click, I have been opening and closing the skizors all day to listen to the noise. I think someone spicked my popsicles, I really do. Am I always this random or is it just me, this is fun, I will do it more often, if you are reading this email me and let me know, please, I am not just doing it to amuse myself. Well actualy I am, but it would be nice if you actualy read it. I think I am done for now, but I am not really sure. I want a bikit. I want a bikit now.

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 7-25-03 8:35 pm

I am proud of my self control, it took me hree minutes to start typeing (typing?) again. Uh-uo, I think this is becoming a habit GOOT GOOT GOOTITY GOOT GOOT GOOTI am still happy, but now I am wet, I went to talk to my dad and he sprayed me with water, so now I am happy and wet, with tall sho-iz, a dead watch, goot, no bikit, skizors, and a hobby. Wait, forgot about the hobby, I now do stringy thingies, but not the kind of string thingys Li does. I miss Li, Li is leaving tomorow, I am sad . . . Happy Again! I do round string thingies, chinese staircase and a square braidy-thingy that is pretty, I have like 13 necklaces, two bracelets, and two anklets, if you want one let me know and I will make you one, please, I just spent tons of money (six dolars) on string (it was my dads money) and if y'all dont want anything I will use it all then try to wear everything at once and die of strangulation and blood loss. (I make chockers [chokers] and use safty [safety] pins as clasps, 'safty [safety]' my ASS)As you can see, I can not spell so I put different spellings in next to the words, pick whichever spelling you like. I am running out of things to say, GOOT MONKEY! I wonder what goot means? I will make a poll! yippie! I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE, SANE BECKI IS BREAKING OUT AND TRYING TO TAKE OVER! and failing miserably I might add. Oooooo, look at all the pretty colors, I see red, and blue, and yellow, I want another popikle . . . mmmmmm greeen, and skizor sounds . . . OH MY GOD HE'S LISTENING TO THE BANANNA SONG! AAAH! I am having trouble staying in controlAnd there were 30,000 pounds,dna dna dna of Banananas!Quick while I'm distracted, CALL THE HAPPY VALLEY NUT HOUSE! Thier (their?) coming to take me away Ha Ha, their (thier?) coming to take me away! OK, now that I'm calm, so I can send myself to bed, Thank God. I will talk to y'all later . . . And the statue of liberty started shakin her fist . . .Good night all! GOOT

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 7-25-03, 8:56 PM

Have added some rants, well, one now, but there will be more, I assure you. Sorry about last nights rant, I was happy. Link the FIFTH

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 7-26-03, 4:00 PM

I have added more funnies, and I also added Link the SIXTH To my Sing Along Section. Yay!

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 8-20-03, 9:35 PM EST

O frabjous joy! I added a new funny, the Jabberwocky, from Alice in Wonderland, if you have never read this poen, you must, it is great. I did this at school, so there is no color, and you have to use the back button, as I had no time to add a back link, sorry, I will fix this. Go look, it is so cool!

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 9-8-03, 9:48 AM EST

Yay! Tis Hallowe'en! hooray! Candy Corn abounds, Childeren are planning their routes to maximize candy gathering, and I got paid! Yippe! I am working at the library as a page. I shelve books, tedious and brainless. But it pays!I am also managing a 'tavern' of sorts on Gaia. The Wander Inn, bar and hotel. It is great. I am ALWAYS there. Seriously! If I am concious, I am there. Unless I am at school or work. Come visit me! Lili is also there, and others poke their heads in all the time! I have forgotten what else I was going to say, so Hi to everyone I have not seen in a while! Can nae wait til sunday!

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 10-17-03, 7:31 PM EST

um, nothing important, but look at this!

one of the patrons of my inn made it. is SO COOL! I love it. Thanks Seph!

(WOOT! 229 pages at the inn at time of this update)

Becki, Queen Pixy of the Slightly Ovoid Table

last updated 10-28-03, 10:27 PM EST (actualy standard time now! not daylight savings!)

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community
WOW. Been a LONG time since I updated THIS. But I added a few more funnies. Some good ones. They are on the bottom. I have more, but it is 12:16 AM so I am going to bed. At this time, the Inn has 3132 pages. And I was excited for 230. *smirks* I sleep now. G'night. PS. I got me a LJ, I is intrepidcat. So HA.

last updated 5-15-04 12:18 AM EST (I only updated ONCE in standard time. Weird. Guess I have more time in the summer/warm time.)

Well, seeing as how I can send this to more people faster, I have decide to (chicken soup with matzo balls!) update this a bit and send links out. (fishyfishyfishy!) My summer has been grand, but i am having an attack f that spaaaazzez! ergo, I type here. So nyah! I may use this to whine about life and picking a college, especialy after this trip I am gonna take. I am going to Hilton Head SC from August 6-15, then meeting my mom somewhere in NC and going to look at colleges. (I wanna wanna kitty) (nekonekoneko!) wow, ran out of things to sya. Foo. that was fast. Creepy weird people make me nervous. Go read my funnys. now. GO!

last updated 7-28-04, 11:38 PM EST